Whether your confidence level tending to houseplants has advanced from novice to (somewhat) experienced or your lifestyle requires your plants to be a bit more adaptable (i.e., able to withstand some flexibility in care level) then the following plants are worth exploring:


Foliage Plants


Jade plant (Crassula ovata) – Jade plants are a popular house succulent, due to their ability to adapt to the warm, dry conditions found in most homes’ interiors. The plant thrives in bright, indirect light and when kept properly watered during the primary growing seasons of spring and summer, and a bit drier during the dormant seasons of fall and winter. Because they are susceptible to root rot, it’s helpful to let the soil dry out between waterings even during the warmer growing season months. Fertilize once a month. The Jade Plant can be incredibly long-lived – from 50-100 years. Toxicity is mild, so the plant is generally safe around children and pets.


Swiss Cheese Plant (Monstera Delicioso) – The plant gets its common name from its leaf openings or holes called fenestrations. Young leaves may have no holes, developing them as the leaf matures. As the leaf continues to grow, the holes move towards the edge of the leaf, eventually splitting the leaf, lending the plant a wonderful architectural quality of interesting holes and shapes. The plant thrives in bright to medium indirect light. Allow the soil to dry out between waterings which should be every 1-2 weeks. (Tip: Monsteras do best with filtered water or water left out overnight before using.) The plant appreciates a bit of humidity, so misting is recommended and temperatures no lower than 60oF. Keep out of reach of children and pets.


Flowering Plants


Lipstick Vine (Aeschynanthus radicans) – Lush greenery, abundant, brilliant blooms and easy care make this a must-have houseplant. As a vine, this plant looks stunning in a hanging basket allowing the flowers to cascade. Ideal conditions include ample bright, indirect light, moist but not over-saturated soil (avoid potting soils that include water-retaining crystals since they can keep roots too wet) and warmer house temperatures (65-75 degrees). Lipstick Vine is very sensitive to drafts and fluctuating temperatures, so avoid placing the plant by drafty windows, heating/cooling vents, and exterior doors. Non-toxic to children and pets.


Begonia (Rex begonia) – Begonias offer a wide variety of options when it comes to leaf form, flowers, color and overall shape. Rex begonia is a type that grows well as a houseplant with minimal care needed. Although begonias grown outside are considered shade plants, those grown indoors still need ample bright, indirect light to thrive. While begonias are moisture-loving, pooled water will quickly cause root-rot, so make sure your container has good drainage. Begonias like to be fed, so every other week during the growing season, feed them half-strength fertilizer. Begonias can be susceptible to pests, so check leaves (especially undersides and where they join stems) to ensure spider mites and aphids aren’t hiding out. Keep out of reach of children and pets.


Petite Orchid (Phalaenopsis) – Before you panic at the mere thought of caring for an orchid, this variety is known as the “beginner’s orchid” for its easy care. With its leafy stems and long-lasting flowers, this plant does best in a bright, warm, humid spot and will typically bloom about once a year, for up to three months. After a blooming cycle, the flowers will wilt and fall off, as the plant stores up energy to re-bloom again next season. These orchids come in a variety of colors and are safe around children and pets.


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