Despite the fact that they are criticized, many homeless people own animals. This isn’t a discussion about that. Only when a homeless person exposes their pet to danger should the debate exist; most of the time, they aren’t doing so. They go without in order for their pet to have a steady diet, keep warm, and have adequate shelter.

Image/Story Credit Source: YouTube Video – Inside Edition


Wilma Frice, from Houston, Texas, observed a person outside of Walmart with a sign that said, “Dog in pound, need help.”


Image/Story Credit Source: YouTube Video – Inside Edition


The sign shattered her heart. Patrick, a homeless man, was there on his own, pleading for assistance. He wasn’t asking for food or money for himself. He was seeking assistance for his best friend, Franklin, who had been in the pound since he could not raise $120 to release him.

Frice told “He seemed like a nice, gentle soul who just happened to have a hard life. The look in his eye was desperation; he looked like a big kid who just lost his puppy.”

After receiving the money from Wilma, Patrick posted the following to Facebook. Her post said:


Image/Story Credit Source: YouTube Video – Inside Edition


“I’m just so shocked he is a wonderful man and Franklin is a wonderful dog I did this because I would want somebody to do it for me I’ve done homeless animals all my life and dedicated my life to them we all could be in his situation in the blink of an eye and you never know somebody situation or what’s going on in their life so I am not a very judgmental person and I never judge somebody by the cover of their book is until you’ve walked in their shoes you have no idea what somebody’s went through you should always pay it forward if you’re able because like I said in the blink of an eye you could be in the same situation I know how hard I struggle every day just to make sure that the animals have everything and will never end back up on the street again while they’re waiting for their forever home and I have been blessed in my life with unconditional love with all the homeless animals.”


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Dee Michaels

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