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Home improvements that increase the energy efficiency of your home


Energy efficiency is an important aspect of modern living. Not only does it reduce the carbon footprint of your home, but it also saves you money on energy bills. At a time when electricity and heating bills are more expensive than ever before, how can you improve your home’s energy efficiency?



One of the most effective ways to improve the energy efficiency of your home is to ensure that it is properly insulated. Insulation prevents heat from escaping during the winter and keeps your home cool during the summer. The most common areas to insulate are the roof, walls, and floors. By installing insulation in these areas, you can save up to 25% on your heating bills. Insulation comes in various forms, including loft insulation, cavity wall insulation, and floor insulation. Getting double-glazed windows is also a necessity if you don’t have them installed already.

Boiler efficiency

Your boiler is one of the biggest energy consumers in your home. If it’s an older model, it may not be as efficient as newer models. Upgrading to a modern, high-efficiency electric boiler can save you a significant amount of money on your energy bills. In addition, you should ensure you regularly get your boiler maintained, as a poorly maintained boiler will also have decreased energy efficiency and increase your bills.


Smarten up your home

By switching to a smart meter you can control your heating remotely and have a more accurate idea of exactly how much energy you’re using at all times. You can also time your heating so it switches off automatically at night and turns back on in the morning, or when you return from work.

Draught proofing

Draught proofing is a cost-effective way to reduce energy loss in your home. Draughts are a major source of heat loss, so sealing them up can make a big difference in your energy bills. You can draught-proof your home by sealing gaps around doors and windows, using draught excluders, and installing door sweeps. This is a simple and affordable way to improve the energy efficiency of your home.

Switching appliances and bulbs

Replacing old appliances and light bulbs with energy-efficient models is another way to reduce your energy bills. Look for appliances with a high energy efficiency rating and replace incandescent bulbs with LED bulbs. LED bulbs use up to 90% less energy than incandescent bulbs, and they last much longer too.

By properly insulating your home, upgrading to a high-efficiency boiler, draught-proofing, and switching to energy-efficient appliances and bulbs, you can significantly reduce your energy consumption. These home improvements are relatively simple and affordable, and they can make a big difference in your energy bills and carbon footprint over time.


Ann Sanders

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