Houston, Texas Local News
HISD Working to Sort Out Who Can Go to Wharton and Helms
Last week, Houston ISD began the process to have Wharton and Helms dual-language schools designated separate and unique campuses and walked back the plans to institute an English-only pre-K at those schools. Amid the general jubilation from parents, there was a wait-a-minute moment.
Because what does that do to families who have been zoned to the schools and want to attend them? Several speakers at the April 11 meeting said they specifically moved into the zoned areas so their children could be sure of a space at those schools. Now, would they have to instead try to find a place through the magnet school application process?
And hadn’t the window for magnet application already closed for the year?.
This week, Houston ISD sent out a notice that should lessen some fears, at least for now. Although the process appears far from settled.
“For families currently attending or zoned families who have already been given a seat at Helms Elementary School or Wharton Dual Language Academy, nothing will change for your student in the 2024-2025 school year, and there will be no English-only pre-k classes at either campus.
“If you have a child enrolled in grades Pre-K – Grade 4 at either Helms ES or Wharton Dual Language Academy, they will automatically re-enroll in the next grade at the same campus.
“If you have a 5th grader at Wharton Dual Language Academy that received a 6th grade seat at Wharton through the school choice application, your student will keep that seat.
“If your family is zoned to attend either Helms Elementary School or Wharton Dual Language Academy but your student does not currently have a seat for the 2024-2025 school year and you would like one, please email the HISD Office of School Choice at [email protected] as soon as possible.”
According to the release from Superintendent Mike Miles’ office:
“The HISD School Choice team and the principals at each campus are working closely together to provide as many seats to zoned families as possible.
“We will reach out again later this week to share information about how you can engage in the process to plan for the long-term future of your campuses. We will be hosting community events in May and creating other opportunities for you to share your thoughts and feedback. Thank you for your continued partnership.”
And here is the letter that was sent out to HISD families interested in pre-K at Wharton and Helms:
“Thank you for your interest in Pre-Kindergarten at Houston Independent School District. This message is about your child’s application to the non-Dual Language (English Only) Pre-K track at Helms Elementary School and/or Wharton Dual Language Academy.
“We have heard from community members about the value that Helms ES and Wharton Dual Language Academy’s rich dual-language education experiences provide to students and families. HISD leaders discussed this feedback with the School Board on April 11th. The Board has approved the proposal to make these campuses separate and unique schools. This change would allow the schools to operate as whole-school dual language campuses without an English only track in Pre-K.
“We want to honor that you applied and were interested in having your student attend Helms ES and/or Wharton Dual Language Academy. Therefore, your non-Dual Language (English only) application will automatically be transitioned into a Dual language English application for the Pre-K lottery unless you notify us that you are not interested in dual-language pre-K by April 22nd. You may log into your School Choice application at any time before 11:59 PM on April 22nd to remove this choice and/or add or change additional choices.
“Please note the following:
“If you previously applied to a Helms or Wharton PreK Dual Language (DL) Spanish or Dual Language (DL) English program, your application will still be considered for a seat in the lottery.
If you are zoned to Helms or Wharton and you apply to the Dual Language Pre-K track, you will receive priority in the lottery.
“You may revisit your Pre-K application at any time before April 22nd at https://choosehisd.my.site.com/Apply to add or change schools or programs. For assistance, please contact School Choice via email at [email protected] or via phone at 713-556-6734Monday-Friday from 8AM-5PM.”
Margaret Downing
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