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Himalayan Salt Lamps And Salt Inhalers: What Are They Used For?


You might have seen a lump of peachy-pink salt in the corner of your yoga studio or spa, or perhaps in the background of your favourite wellness blogger’s videos. This is likely Himalayan rock salt, and it’s not purely decorative (although it does look rather pretty!). Himalayan rock salt is coveted for its wide-ranging health benefits, and its energy balancing properties. While a lamp is the most common Himalayan rock salt product, you can also access the benefits of this mineral through an inhaler. Read on to find out about the specific benefits of both products!

The Origins Of Himalayan Rock Salt

It may not come as much of a surprise to you that Himalayan rock salt is mined in the foothills of the Himalayas… More specifically, this mineral is sourced from the Punjab region of Pakistan, which is at the western extent of the Himalayan mountain range. Himalayan rock salt is compositionally similar to regular sea salt or table salt, but it is formed from a different geological process and has some additional trace elements that aren’t found in sea salt or table salt. It is these additional trace elements that give Himalayan rock salt its attractive peachy pink colour and contribute to its health and wellness benefits.

A particularly fascinating aspect of Himalayan rock salt is its age. The salt deposits in Punjab are around 500 million years old!! The formation from which the salt is mined was once an ocean, that evaporated and left behind a thick bed of salt. Your salt lamp has been around for a heck of a long time… Talk about connecting with the Earth!!

What Are The Proposed Health Benefits Of Himalayan Rock Salt?

The specific health benefits of Himalayan rock salt depends on the product. Himalayan salt lamps are used to purge negative energy from a room and purify the air. Inhalers are more specifically used for their air-purifying benefits and are also thought to contribute to improved respiratory health.

Himalayan Salt Lamps

Himalayan rock salt lamps are hollowed out salt crystals with a bulb inside. When turned on, the bulb heats up the surrounding crystal, which initiates the release of negative ions from the salt crystal.

Negative ions are naturally abundant near the ocean or large waterfalls and are thought to contribute to the feelings of euphoria or peace often associated with such locations. There is evidence that longer-term exposure to negative ions can reduce symptoms of depression in chronic sufferers (and sufferers of seasonal affective disorder). Negative ions are were also found to aid insomnia and have a positive effect on immune system functioning. There is a large body of more anecdotal evidence that suggests that negative ions can aid symptoms of asthma, and generally promote good respiratory health.

As well as releasing negative ions, the lamps are believed to soak up positive ions, which are associated with negative energy and stale air. A study has even found that elevated levels of positive ions are associated with low mood, joint pain, respiratory irritation.

If you’re thinking of buying a salt lamp for its respiratory benefits alone, you might be better off considering a salt inhaler instead…

Himalayan Salt Inhalers

Salt inhalers are used for a practice called halotherapy – where ‘halo’ is short for halite, the geologic name of the salt mineral. Halotherapy with salt inhalers or salt pipes is used by many to ease respiratory problems brought on by asthma or COPD (chronic obstructive pulmonary disease), and chronic skin conditions such as psoriasis and eczema. Salt inhalers work by heating u and diffusing rock salt so that you can inhale the salty air deep into your lungs. The salty air diffused from a salt inhaler contains lots of healthy negative ions (the benefits of which are discussed above), and is also thought to absorb irritants and toxins from your respiratory tract. Himalayan salt is particularly effective in this process due to its chemical purity.

Are There Any Risks Associated With Salt Infusers Or Halotherapy?

Salt inhalers are not associated with any health risks. There is some anecdotal evidence to suggest that prolonged salt inhalation may cause headaches. If you get a headache or any other negative side effects from your salt inhaler, stop using it and get some fresh air!

Which Product Is Right For Me?

We love Himalayan salt lamps and salt infusers and are strong advocates for their health benefits and energy balancing properties. If you are looking for a product to help boost your mood, regulate your sleeping patterns, and contribute to feelings of health and wellbeing, then a salt lamp is the product for you. If you’re looking for more specific health respiratory benefits, then a salt inhaler is perhaps more suitable.

We hope you enjoyed reading our blog and subscribe to future posts. Both the products are available on our website, please click the link to view Himalayan Salt products and for more detailed benefits of using them.

Have a beautiful day and keep shining.


Always Believe in Miracles

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