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Hilarious way Labrador sits like a “grown man” viewed by more than 14m


Many dog owners can’t help but laugh whenever their pup does something quirky, but this Labrador hasn’t just got his human in stitches, but millions of people online too after he went viral on TikTok.

Whenever 2-year-old Labrador Alfonso needs to take a moment for himself, he loves nothing more than to lean back and relax on the couch, much to his owner’s surprise. Alfonso doesn’t just lie down like any other pup would, instead he likes to sit upright and rest his leg on the back of the couch—exactly how a human would sit.

Gilly, from Chicago, can’t get enough of seeing her Labrador sit in such a comical way, telling Newsweek that he “is such a goof” at times. She couldn’t resist sharing his hilarious antics with her followers on social media, so on December 18 she posted a clip of her “dog or grown man” on TikTok (@gillym28) and, as it turns out, people loved seeing his sophisticated posture. The video has already amassed over 14.1 million views and 3.4 million likes.

“Honestly, he sits like he did in that video every day, and it always catches me off guard and makes me laugh,” Gilly told Newsweek. “I had never posted on TikTok before sharing that, so was so shocked by the reach it got. I thought just a few of my friends would see it, but I’m really happy that people enjoyed it.”

Alfonso the Labrador sitting like a human on the couch. Alfonso has gone viral on TikTok for his hilarious way of sitting down.
@gillym28 / TikTok

Alfonso, nicknamed Alfie, has been sitting like that ever since he was a year old, and he certainly isn’t going to stop now. Not only does he love to take in his surroundings and watch everything going on around him, but he loves the attention he gets from it all as well.

Dogs like Alfonso undoubtedly play a vital role in the lives of their owners, as a YouGov poll recently revealed that nine in 10 people consider their pet to be part of the family. Not only are they part of the family, but 51 percent of dog owners consider themselves to be their parent, and 33 percent say they’re best friends.

Whenever Gilly sees her pup acting like a human, she can’t help but go and give him some fuss once more. She continued: “He will stay like that for about 20 minutes, but we usually come up and pet him so he will move after that. I’ve no idea how long he does it for when we aren’t home though.”

Since Gilly shared the video of Alfonso’s adorable mannerisms, TikTok users can’t get enough of his cheeky behavior. With over 15,500 comments on the viral video so far, many people have joked about what kind of man they think Alfonso would be if he had two legs rather than four.

One comment reads: “He looks like he had financial investments.”

Another person responded: “His bills are paid.”

While another TikToker wrote: “He knows the weather before he steps out the door each and every day.”

Do you have funny and adorable videos or pictures of your pet you want to share? Send them to with some details about your best friend and they could appear in our Pet of the Week lineup.