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Here’s Where Your Family Can Volunteer in Greenville, SC


Hurricane Helene relief volunteer opportunities have been added to this list of volunteer opportunities in Greenville, SC.

Are you wondering about places to volunteer near Greenville, SC? If you and your family are looking for ways to give back to the community, do something to help the environment, or assist in the classroom, there’s no better time than the present! There’s a way for nearly every member of your family to pitch in and help make a difference. We have ways to volunteer, even if you don’t live in Greenville, South Carolina.

Volunteering: Special Needs Post-Hurricane Helene

VOLUNTEER OPPORTUNITIES: We are pulling together a list of places to volunteer. Assume these are all teen/adult work unless otherwise indicated. Let us know of others in the comments!

Conestee Nature Preserve is asking for volunteers (kids can do some of the work)

Samaritan’s Purse in NC

Tryon International Equestrian Center & Resort needs volunteers daily to serve food.

Bike Walk Greenville needs help clearing the Swamp Rabbit Trail

Homes of Hope needs volunteers to help clear brush and debris.

Sadlers Creek Cleanup Day – Saturday from 9 am-Noon

Idlehurst Foundation in Woodruff needs any and all volunteers to help clean up their farm. They serve children and adults with equine therapy. Kids are welcome.

Clemson Experimental Forest
Contact Rob Allen directly about volunteering, equipment needs, and other forms of support for trail restoration: Contact the Greater Clemson Mountain Bikers Club through their FB page. It has a running conversation including Rob Allen about where trail restoration activity is ongoing. So far, they are working on Oct 12 & 13 from 9 am-2 pm but no further details as of now. Follow their page:

Volunteering With Young Kids: Hurricane Helene Relief

Want to show your kids how to lend a hand? Here’s where the area needs them.

Many of the larger relief efforts are asking that volunteers be over 12 or adults, but that does not mean your kids can’t get involved. Here are some ideas from our readers (and photos of their kids helping out!)

Clean up debris and branches in neighbors’ yards. If you don’t have neighbors who need help, tap into the online community or call a local church or relief organization and see if they have a person on their list that you can help.

Organize a food drive. Have your kids collect pantry, first aid, and other items from neighbors and friends to send to our local food pantries or the WNC relief efforts. Some people want to help but just can’t take the items themselves!

Provide food or snacks for linemen and emergency workers.

Check in on elderly neighbors and shut-ins to make sure that they have everything they need and aren’t lonely.

Write thank you notes for emergency workers.

There are so many opportunities and needs right now. There is something for every age to do.

Greenville kids helping after Helene

Below find year-round ways to help.

Volunteering in Greenville

Volunteer Opportunities For Children

Our youngest family members often want to lend a hand and help others, but oftentimes safety and logistics become a barrier. There are plenty of ways in Greenville and Spartanburg for your child to donate their efforts, and we’ve got a list of them for your family to choose from.

Hub City Empty Bowls In Spartanburg, SC
Children and their families can attend spring workshops to design clay bowls that will be finished and then sold at a soup luncheon later in the year.

Hub City Bowls

Service Hour Ideas for Teens
High school students are often required to accumulate service hours to receive their diploma. Here’s a list of opportunities for older children to donate their time and effort in the community.

More Than 10 Ways to Volunteer with Your Kids in Greenville
Here are more ways your family can give back in the community, regardless of age.

Inspiring Charity in Young Children During the Holidays
The holidays are the most popular time for charitable giving. While most non-profits need help year-round, there are always additional needs during the holiday winter months. These are some holiday opportunities to volunteer with your family.

GVL Animal Care Day Out

Making A Difference In The Life Of A Shelter Animal

Local shelters present plenty of unique opportunities for families to make a difference. Things like gathering newspapers from neighbors to donate, creating enrichment toys from provided instructions, and other activities can make a huge impact. Here are just two of the unique ways your family can make a difference in the life of a shelter animal.

Greenville Animal Care Has A Great Way For Your Kids To Volunteer!
The buckets brigade program at Greenville Animal care is a great way for school-aged children to make a difference in a shelter dog’s life, build their reading skills, and earn hours toward a veterinary career if that’s their dream.

5 Reasons You Should Sign Up For The Doggy’s Day Out Program In Greenville, SC
Volunteering in the community can be fun, and The Doggy’s Day out program is a perfect example. You get to spend the morning out with a new furry friend!

Volunteering From Home

Volunteering from home, on your own schedule might be the only way to facilitate it happening. The good news is that there are opportunities in our community.

How to Volunteer at Your Child’s School When You Can’t Be in the Building
We would all love to help our children’s schools more, but younger siblings and work hours sometimes prohibit the amount of help we can lend. This is a list of ways you can help from home, without being at school during office hours.

Donating Your Time And Efforts To The Environment

Volunteer Opportunities in the Great Outdoors
If you are looking for more environmental clean-up volunteer opportunities this list has options across the Upstate, and into North Carolina.

Helping In The Community

Ronald McDonald House: A Great Place for Families to Volunteer Together
There are so many ways to support RMH as a family! This charity becomes an invaluable asset when children are in the hospital or have to travel for medical attention.

RMH charleston

Helping Deliver Meals On Wheels
Delivering meals to homebound residents is a great project that can involve the whole family. Young children can create colored pictures to include with a delivery, and it will add a special personal touch to the food being delivered.

Packing Food Boxes at Feed & Seed
Feed & Seed FoodShare needs help packing FoodShare boxes every other week. Volunteers need to be at least 14 years old and need an adult with them for supervision if they are age 16 or younger.

Food Share Feed and Seed
Packing FoodShare boxes


Kidding Around Team

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