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Here’s Where People Can Find Food Assistance and More


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Looking for a food pantry or food bank in Greenville, SC? Many families in the upstate are finding themselves jobless or with reduced employment hours. Fortunately, there are many churches, groups, food banks, and community organizations offering assistance. We’re collecting information about those places here to help our readers. If you know of someone offering assistance, please let us know!

Local Food Banks

There are many more local food banks on the Need Help Paying Bills site.

Food Pantry Maps

If you are fortunate enough to be in a position to help your community, these maps can provide you with locations near you where you can donate

Greenville County Services Map

Greenville County maintains this map of community services, which includes a layer for food pantries. where people can receive assistance throughout the year. Use the arrow at the left side of the map to view the layers and select “food pantry.”

Ten At The Top Upstate Food Access Map

Ten At The Top created this interactive map, providing the locations of places where people can receive assistance during the summer. The map includes numerous local food banks.

Kids’ Lunch and Breakfast Assistance

See our article on summer lunch and breakfast assistance in Greenville and Spartanburg.

The annual Summer Food Service Program, part of a national initiative to address childhood food insecurity by making sure children who take part in the free lunch program during the school year continue to have access to nutritious meals during the summer. Not just low-income children are included. Any child (18 and under) living in a district near a title 1 school is eligible for the program. Info for the locations near you can be obtained by texting the word FOOD to 877-877 or by calling 1-866-3-HUNGRY.

Additional Organizations Offering Assistance

United Way of Greenville coordinates a variety of community resources, including utility assistance. Dial 2.1.1 to reach a specialist at the Greenville County Resource Line. The phone line is active 24/7.

About the Author

Maria Bassett is a former school orchestra teacher, turned homeschool mom. She and her husband homeschool their 3 sons and 1 daughter, who range from 4th grade through 9th grade. Believing children learn best when they are engaged and having fun, this family loves to take their homeschool on the road, around Greenville and beyond.


Maria Bassett

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