Orlando, Florida Local News
Here’s all of the ballot questions for Central Florida voters to decide
FLORIDA — The 2024 presidential race is well underway, with several states already holding their primary elections to decide who will top the Republican and Democratic tickets in November. Floridians across the state will have a chance to make their voice heard on Tuesday, March 19. Many municipalities will hold their local elections, with some charter amendments and ballot questions thrown in.
Before that can happen, there are some important dates for voters in Central Florida to be aware of.
Both Orange and Flagler counties will hold municipal elections in addition to the Presidential Preference Primary election for Republicans on March 19.
Voters looking to vote by mail should make sure to get their applications in before Thursday, March 7.
Residents of Central Florida looking to avoid potentially long lines at their polling places can take part in early voting, which will be open from March 9 through March 16. Voters in Orange and Osceola counties will be able to vote early on March 17 as well.
Here are the municipal elections taking place in Orange County on March 19:
Municipal Candidates / Amendments:
- City of Apopka – (City Council Seats 3, 4)
- City of Eatonville – (Council Seats 4, 5 and 5 Charter questions)
- City of Edgewood – (9 Charter questions)
- City of Maitland – (1 question)
- City of Ocoee – (City Comm. Dist. 4 and 13 Charter questions)
- City of Winter Garden – (City Comm. Dist. 2, 3)
- City of Winter Park – (Mayor and City Comm. Seat 2)
- Town of Oakland – (Mayor)
Voters in Flagler County can vote for the City of Flagler Beach Mayor, and 1 City Commissioner.
After the Presidential Preference Primary, there’s the statewide primary election, which will host other local offices across the state on Aug. 20. Voters will need to adjust or confirm their registration by July 22 in order to vote in that election.
The General Election will take place on Nov. 5 this year, with a voter registration deadline of Oct. 7.
Early voting dates for the primary and general elections have yet to be confirmed.
Here is a full list of the proposed charter amendments or ballot questions, according to the Orange County Supervisor of Elections office.
Question #1
Amendment of § C-8, City of Ocoee Charter, to Liberally Construe the City’s Powers
Section C-8 of the City of Ocoee’s Charter shall be amended to provide that the City of Ocoee’s powers be liberally construed in favor of the city to effect their intended purposes.
Shall the above-described amendment be adopted?
Question #2
Amendment of § C-8, City of Ocoee Charter, to Provide for the Exchange of Property
Section C-8 of the City of Ocoee’s Charter shall be amended to provide that the City’s enumerated powers shall include the right to acquire or dispose of property, including real property, by exchange.
Shall the above-described amendment be adopted?
Question #3
Amendment of § C-11, City of Ocoee Charter, to Establish One (1) Year Residency Requirements
Section C-11 of the City of Ocoee’s Charter shall be amended to provide that candidates for Mayor shall reside in the City of Ocoee for at least one (1) year before qualifying as a candidate and to require candidates for City Commissioner to reside in the district they seek to represent for at least one (1) year before qualifying as a candidate; candidates shall provide such proof of residency as may be prescribed by ordinance.
Shall the above-described amendment be adopted?
Question #4
Amendment of § C-11, City of Ocoee Charter, to Provide Consent to a Background Check
Section C-11 of the City of Ocoee’s Charter shall be amended to provide that each candidate for Mayor and City Commissioner shall consent to a background check to verify the candidate’s qualifications to hold office; and no candidate shall be barred from running for office without notice, a hearing, and clear and convincing evidence that the candidate is not qualified to hold office.
Shall the above-described amendment be adopted?
Question #5
Amendment of § C-16, City of Ocoee Charter, to Limit Salaries to Part-Time Compensation
Section C-16 of the City of Ocoee’s Charter shall be amended to provide that the salaries of the Mayor, Mayor Pro Tem, and Commissioners shall be commensurate with the part-time nature of the duties of the office.
Shall the above-described amendment be adopted?
Question #6
Amendment of § C-17, City of Ocoee Charter, to Provide for Election of Successors
Section C-17 of the City of Ocoee’s Charter shall be amended to provide that the successor to the office of Mayor or City Commissioner shall be elected at the next regular or general city election, if held within twelve (12) months of the vacancy.
Shall the above-described amendment be adopted?
Question #7
Amendment of § C-18, City of Ocoee Charter, to Authorize Designation of an Accountant
Section C-18 of the City of Ocoee’s Charter shall be amended to authorize the City Commission to designate an accountant or accounting firm in accordance with the procedures set forth in Florida Statutes §
218.391 annually or for a period not to exceed five (5) years.
Shall the above-described amendment be adopted?
Question #8
Amendment of § C-21, City of Ocoee Charter, to Authorize Commencement of City Manager Residency
Section C-21 of the City of Ocoee’s Charter shall be amended to authorize the City Commission to reasonably extend the requirement for the City Manager to reside in the City of Ocoee within one (1) year of beginning employment upon the Commission’s unanimous approval.
Shall the above-described amendment be adopted?
Question #9
Amendment of § C-28, City of Ocoee Charter, for Budget Approval of City Clerk’s Salary
Section C-28 of the City of Ocoee’s Charter shall be amended to clarify that the City Manager shall determine the City Clerk’s salary, subject to budget approval by the City Commission.
Shall the above-described amendment be adopted?
Question #10
Amendment of § C-45, City of Ocoee Charter, to Define “Regular,” “Special,” and “General City Elections”
Section C-45 of the City of Ocoee’s Charter shall be amended to define “regular elections” as those held at regular intervals for the election of Mayor and City Commissioner, “special elections” as those held to fill a vacancy in the office of Mayor or City Commissioner, for a citizen initiative to approve of an ordinance, or a referendum to repeal an ordinance, and “general elections” as any other municipal election.
Shall the above-described amendment be adopted?
Question #11
Amendment of § C-45, City of Ocoee Charter, to Provide for Swearing-In to Office
Section C-45 of the City of Ocoee’s Charter shall be amended to provide that any person elected to the office of Mayor or City Commissioner shall be sworn into office immediately prior to commencement of the next regularly scheduled City Commission meeting held after the Canvassing Board declares the election results.
Shall the above-described amendment be adopted?
Question #12
Amendment of § C-49, City of Ocoee Charter, to Set Elections by Resolution or Ordinance
Section C-49 of the City of Ocoee’s Charter shall be amended to authorize the City Commission to set the dates of elections and dates of qualifying periods for candidates by either resolution or ordinance.
Shall the above-described amendment be adopted?
Question #13
Amendment of § C-50, City of Ocoee Charter, to Appoint City Clerk to Canvassing Board
Section C-50 of the City of Ocoee’s Charter shall be amended to appoint the City Clerk to the City of Ocoee’s election Canvassing Board in addition to two (2) citizens and two
(2) citizen alternates appointed by the City Commission.
Shall the above-described amendment be adopted?
Question 1
City of Maitland General Obligation Bonds for a New Public Library and Park Project
Shall the City issue bonds to finance the construction and equipping of a new public library and improving its location at Quinn Strong Park in the principal amount not to exceed $14,000,000, bearing interest not exceeding the legal rate, maturing not later than thirty (30) years from the date of issuance, payable from ad valorem taxes to be levied in the City on all taxable property?
Question 1
Removal of Unnecessary Transition Schedule Amendment
Shall the Edgewood Charter be amended to delete the now unnecessary transition schedule used to phase in the adjustment to the current staggered three year terms for Council members?
Question 2
Mayoral Stipend Amendment
Shall the Edgewood Charter be amended to increase the maximum monthly stipend amount the City Council is authorized to approve for payment to a mayor from the current $1,000 to $3,000?
Question 3
Adoption of Emergency Ordinances Amendment
Shall the Edgewood Charter be amended to delete local provisions regarding emergency ordinances and to provide that emergency ordinances may be adopted in the manner set forth in Florida state law?
Question 4
Electronic Distribution of City Code Amendment
Shall the Edgewood Charter be amended to provide an option for electronic distribution of the City Code?
Question 5
Grammatical Correction Amendment
Shall the Edgewood Charter be amended to make non-substantive corrections in Article 4?
Question 6
Timing of Budget Message Amendment
Shall the Edgewood Charter be amended to change the timing of the Mayor’s annual budget message?
Question 7
Reserves Savings Cap Amendment
Shall the Edgewood Charter be amended to change terminology related to reserves allowed to be saved by the City to provide for a cap on “uncommitted reserves” rather than the current terminology used of “unrestricted reserves”?
Question 8
Procurement Threshold Amendment
Shall the Edgewood Charter be amended to provide that for any procurement between $10,000 and $25,000, the City shall obtain at least three quotes and that for any procurement over $25,000, the City shall utilize a competitive bidding method?
Question 9
Resolution of Tie Votes in City Elections Amendment
Shall the Edgewood City Charter be amended to provide that in the event of a tie in a city council election result, the winner shall be determined between the two tied candidates by a coin flip?
Question 1
Providing a Defined Qualifying Period and Methods of Qualifying for Office
Amending the Charter to provide a defined qualifying period for candidates for Mayor or Council and providing alternative methods of qualifying to run for office.
Question 2
Amending the Method for Confirming Mayoral Appointments to Avoid Deadlock
Amending confirmation of Mayoral appointments providing interim appointees not confirmed by Council within 120 days, may continue to serve no more than 180 days, during which time the Mayor shall propose 3 candidates, one of which may be the interim appointee, for confirmation by Council. If no candidate is confirmed within the 180-day period, the Mayor may appoint a candidate from among the 3 who will fill the position on a permanent basis.
Question 3
Amending the Method for Selecting the Vice Mayor
Amending the method for the selection of the Vice Mayor to provide for election by the Town Council.
Question 4
Allowing Council to Establish the Effective Date of Any Mayoral or Council Salary Increase
Amending the Charter by allowing the Town Council to establish the effective date of any Mayoral or Council salary increases in the ordinance adopting such increases.
Question 5
Relocating Section Providing Right to Hearing Before Forfeiture of Office
Relocating from Section 2.08 to Section 2.07 of the Charter the right to a hearing for elected officials charged with an offense that could result in forfeiture of office.
Question 6
Clarifying and Supplementing the Powers and Duties of the Town Clerk
Amending the Charter by clarifying the duties of the Town Clerk and adding certain responsibilities to the position.
Gary Darling
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