When you walk 30 miles with your dog this April, you can help the American Red Cross in their effort to support people impacted by disasters.

To join the challenge, you need to sign up on the American Red Cross Facebook event group and set up your own fundraising page.

By creating a fundraising page, walking 30 miles with your dog, and sharing your progress on Facebook, you can encourage your Facebook friends to donate to the cause.

Furthermore, you can earn an American Red Cross bandana for your dog when you join the challenge! They’ll send it to you after you receive your first donation.

The challenge has inspired even people who are not into walking to join. One participant, Suzanne Gindlesperger who lives in Cambria County, told WTAJ that she’ll help spread the word and walk with her dog Coco.

Gindlesperger said, “I believe in Red Cross. That’s the first thing. I’m not really good at fundraisers, but this was important to me. Secondly, just for my own benefit, I must start exercising. And walking, I’m told, is the best way to do it.”

American Red Cross 30 Day Dog Walking Challenge
Photo By American Red Cross on Facebook

Everyone is welcome to join the challenge, even those without a dog to walk with can participate. And any amount of money you can raise counts!

Nicole Roschella, Regional Communications Director of the American Red Cross Greater Pennsylvania Region, said, “So big or small, you know, even if you end up raising $30 through your fundraiser, that’s 30 more than we had before. So that’s awesome.”

The American Red Cross said that they have hosted Facebook Challenges throughout the year since 2021 to help those affected by disasters. And together with the community, they have been able to raise over $1.4m for disaster relief.

Furthermore, the challenge comes at the right time as the month of April is Canine Fitness Month — a celebration that focuses on keeping our four-legged furry friends healthy and physically active.

DogingtonPost Editor

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