Healthy, High Protein Dog Food Recipe
We’re always on the lookout for homemade dog food recipes we can share with our readers, and this one is a winner. Our friend Sarah from the Wholesome Hound has rustled up a great high protein chicken dish for her cockapoo Willow and kindly shared it with us – and we thought it was so good we wanted to share it with you!
When it comes to feeding dogs, the Wholesome Hound’s principles are simple – if you aren’t prepared to eat it yourself, don’t feed it your dog.
The team loves coming up with hearty and wholesome treats for dogs using healthy oils, fruit and quality ingredients, and they have spent a lot of time learning how to balance the protein and vegetable content to deliver the type of food that makes four-legged friends thrive. They have also taken nutritional advice from a veterinarian so they know their dishes contain all the ingredients pooches need to stay fit and strong.
Most importantly, Sarah and the team are committed to making sure that their furry friends will enjoy the homemade dog food they make. When Sarah created this recipe, she said “Willow was round my feet the entire time I was cooking, so I knew she was going to love it even before it hit her bowl!”
Chicken, Kale and Pear Bowl
Makes 7 portions for a 20 pound (9kg) fur baby.
1 tablespoon coconut oil
8oz (225g) chicken, diced small
7oz (200g) brown rice, rinsed and drained
1 large carrot
1 large zucchini (courgette)
2 pears, peeled and cored
4 stems of kale
4 tablespoons flaxseed oil
1. Boil the rice according to the packet instructions.
2. Meanwhile chop the carrot, zucchini and pear into small doggy bite-sized pieces. Toss in the coconut oil and roast at 355F/180C for 10-15 mins.
3. 10 mins before the rice are finished, add in the chicken and kale.
4. When the rice is cooked, drain the chicken, rice, and kale and add in the roasted veggies.
5. Once cooled, add in 4 tbsp flaxseed oil.
6. Portion up. This made 7 portions for Willow who is nearly 20 pounds (9kg). Put a few in the fridge and the rest in the freezer in food bags.
7. Feed to your four-legged friend and enjoy the look of happiness of their face!
Why make homemade dog food?
Homemade food can be a wonderful addition to your dog’s diet, whether it’s as an occasional doggy treat or a high protein meal you can serve them every day. By preparing your own pet food you know exactly what goes into it, so you can ensure your pup gets top quality ingredients and none of the filler or preservatives that can go into commercial dog foods. It’s also a great option for pets that suffer from food allergies or have special nutritional needs.
Before you get the pots and pans out, it is important to know what dogs need to survive and thrive. The best dog food, whether it’s homemade or commercial, will have sufficient protein, fiber, and fats and include the right vitamins and minerals. And of course, it’s vital to know the foods dogs can’t eat, such as citrus, grapes or raisins, onions, and garlic.
Talk to your vet or a pet nutritionist about the best balance of calories, protein and dog vitamins for your particular breed, and get cooking!
Find more of Sarah’s recipes at