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Healthy Eating and Portion Control | Healthy Nest Nutrition


Here’s How to Deal: 

Perfect Plate Size
I personally like to eat a lot of my meals on a salad-sized plate or in a medium sized bowl. I avoid the oversized dinner plates because I end up filling the plate and overeating. Once we acknowledge that we make delicious food, it is easy to understand why you might want to overeat that food. Eating on a smaller plate tricks you into thinking you’re eating plenty because the plate/bowl is full.

Knowing Your Servings
Knowing the number of servings you have made in a dish is helpful. That way, you can visually divvy up the dish into those servings, enjoying one serving per sitting-allowing you to plan when you’ll eat the remainder of the servings (lunch tomorrow?). Most recipes make 4 servings, so you can feed a family of four once, or a couple twice. Some couples like dinner two nights in a row, others like to take leftovers for lunch the next day. Either way, I LOVE the idea of watching servings and not planning for leftovers-which is great during a busy week.

Keep Track of Your Food
We do know that keeping track of what you eat and how much you eat does help you eat an appropriate amount of food per sitting. Also, we know (through nutrition studies) that people aren’t very good at estimating how much they eat. They regularly underestimate portion amounts and overeat per meal leading to a big disconnect.

Measure Portions with Your Hands
Visual cues can assist in figuring out how much food to eat. BUT, I am not a fan of the food scale. I find it time consuming, and it takes some pleasure out of eating. There is a better way, even if it is a little less accurate. You can use your hand/s and get close enough to help you assess how much is “just enough.”

The Hand Scale:

These guidelines are for per serving.

  • 1 serving of fiber-rich rice or pasta (1/2 a cup): one handful
  • 1 serving of meat (3-4 oz): a deck of cards, or your palm of your hand-only
  • 1 serving of meat (5-6 oz): your whole hand palm and fingers
  • 1 serving of green leafy vegetables (1 cup): 2 handfuls
  • 1 serving of vegetables (1/2 a cup): one handful
  • 1 teaspoon of olive oil: 1 fingertip
  • 2 tablespoons of peanut butter: an oversized serving from a regular tablespoon

Again, keeping track helps you better understand how much food you need to feel good after you eat. If you’ve got portion distortion, are not paying attention to this aspect of eating, it is difficult to correctly assess and change the amounts to feel better or get different results.

What should you be shooting for to feel good and balanced?

It depends.

But general broad guidelines is more veggies, at least half your plate, a good amount of healthy fat until you’re satisfied and have a feeling of being clear headed and balanced without being crave-y for sugar right after you eat, and enough protein to be full enough until your next meal, which should be about 3-4 hours after you ate last. Again, these are not hard and fast rules and depend on your body and circumstance, but this is a start.

To translate the above guidelines into daily servings, one might eat:

  • 2-3 servings of fruit
  • 1-2 servings of starchy veggies
  • 5 ish (or more) non-starchy veggies
  • 3-4 servings of protein
  • 4 servings healthy fat per day (sometimes fat/protein are combined, like in salmon)

And this might look like (for example):

Breakfast: Smoothie-unsweetened almond (little bit protein) , protein powder (good bit of protein), ¼ cup blueberries (fruit), handful of spinach (non-starchy veg), cinnamon (great blood sugar balancer), 2 tbsp hemp hearts (good protein/fat)—this makes a delicious smoothie formula.

Lunch: Big salad- (4-ish servings non-starchy veg) with (plant or animal) and a vinaigrette (healthy fat)

Snack: Hummus (fat and protein) with cucumber slices (non-starchy veg)

Dinner: Chicken with roasted/grilled veg-Protein (plant or animal) with roasted potatoes (starchy veg) and or broccoli.

Restaurant Portions
Restaurant portions are notoriously big. Your best strategy for eating for your body is to understand how hungry you are BEFORE your meal comes to the table. I like to use a scale of 1-5. 1=Just ate; 5=’flipping starving,’ blood sugar low, voraciously hungry, could eat the table. Hopefully, you are somewhere between a 2=mildly hungry and 4=hungry. If so, you’ll be looking for one medium sized plate of food. If the plate is oversized, leave some food. It’s as simple as that. You don’t have to eat everything that is served to you. Another strategy is to bring the leftover food home for afternoon snack (from lunch) or lunch the next day (from dinner). It’s a stupidly simple answer that takes practice, especially if you’ve grown up with the requirement to finish everything on your plate. Try it, using the rating scale really does help you eat to meet your body’s hunger.

We hope that helps you to better understand portions! For more guidance on meeting your personal wellness goals, book a free 20-minute consultation with Healthy Nest Nutrition owner Robin Hutchinson. See if our programs are right for you!



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