Healing crystals have amazing benefits – here’s what you need to know
Feeling low? Grab an amethyst rock. Looking for love? Hoard some rose quartz. Need a single solution to any problem life throws at you? Crystals.
Whether Victoria Beckham is adorning her runway with them, Miranda Kerr is meditating clutching hers or the hippest beauty brands are infusing their serums with rose quartz, crystals have become the trendiest route to enhanced wellness.
Hey, if you haven’t jumped aboard the crystal bandwagon yet, have you been living under a rock? Pun intended.
What are crystals thought to have healing properties?
The use of crystals can be dated back to ancient Egyptian times, when hematite was used as a mirrors. Throughout the centuries, they have been used as decoration, but it’s only in more recent years that they have become a popular tool for healing.
“Crystals are so powerful because they work towards connecting and aligning us to a power and energy that at times is perhaps unseen, whilst at the same time encouraging us to connect and heighten our own personal power,” crystal whisperer and healer, Emma Lucy Knowles, says.
“Crystal are formed under pressure (much like ourselves), and they can do more than one thing at any one time, they can give and they can take (again just like us), and they vibrate energy. There is a natural affinity to the reflections of ourselves in these beauties that also connect us and help us quite literally take to hand the magic of the universe, the power of life force – whats not to love about that?”
How do crystals heal?
Knowles explains that crystals act as lenses and filters to our energy, and can be used to draw out energy that no longer serves us.
“They also can work to draw forth that which we desire, that we wish to be more abundant in, be emotional (confidence, love), or physical (energetical abundance),” she adds.
“When we feel ‘off’ our energy swings ‘out of balance’. For me in a crystal healing session or in meditation – these beautiful formations ‘vibrate’ at a frequency heard by our own calling. Energetically we reach out for what we need, be it the colour of the stone, the feel of the stone or what we’ve learnt about the stone.”
How to choose your stones and best crystals to buy
Just as crystal healing sessions are unique, so are the healing crystals you choose to own. Knowles says her best advice it to choose from your gut, and use your senses to drive you to what you need, rather than buying what you think you should.
“Allow yourself to play with what works for you too. If you’re not getting anything from touching the crystals – take a step back and see where your eye is drawn,” she adds.
Knowles says that Rose Quartz and Amethyst Selenite are her two staples as they promote love, spiritual and creative lifting, and universal guidance.
“You really cannot go wrong with these crystals when you are ‘starting out’,” she adds. “Beyond that – ALWAYS go with your gut.”
Bianca London
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