BERTHOUD, Colo., February 21, 2020 (
Harley’s Dream is proud to support a new “Humane Pet Store Bill” that was introduced to Minnesota legislature this week. Companion bills SF-3307/HF-3369 would prohibit the sale of dogs and cats in pet stores statewide. This bill would require pet stores to shift to a more humane model by encouraging them to sponsor adoption events with local rescues and shelters.
“We commend the bill sponsors for taking this crucial step in protecting the health and well-being of dogs and cats living in puppy mills by working to shut down Minnesota’s puppy-mill-to-pet-store pipeline,” said Harley’s Dream co-founder Rudi Taylor. “The ordinance doesn’t impact responsible breeders. It’s a win for communities, for consumers, for businesses and, most especially, for our canine and feline companions who deserve better than life in a cage.”
Over the past three years, Harley’s Dream has raised awareness about the pet store/puppy mill connection through the use of billboards – impacting millions of motorists statewide. Minnesota Harley’s Heroes Team Captain, Vickie Dailey of St. Paul, spends one day a week, along with several other animal welfare advocates, protesting a large pet store that sells puppies and kittens. Vickie also volunteers her time by educating the public about the cruel commercial dog breeding industry from her awareness table at a major pet supply store. “This isn’t about forcing pet stores to close their doors, we’re only asking that they switch to a humane model and stop selling puppies and kittens. Responsible breeders NEVER sell to pet stores. Dogs and cats are euthanized daily in shelters across our state and this bill would reduce those numbers drastically.” – Vickie Dailey
If SF-3307/HF-3369 passes, Minnesota would join Maryland, California and Maine — as well as more than 350 local jurisdictions nationwide which have passed similar Retail Pet Sales Laws, including the cities of Roseville, Eden Prairie and St. Paul.
Despite pet stores’ claims that their puppies come from local, licensed and/or humane breeders, the reality is different. Puppies are mass-produced in commercial breeding facilities across the country, including right here in Minnesota. The parent dogs typically spend their entire lives in small, dirty, wire cages; they are treated as breeding machines and are typically destroyed when they no longer produce a profit. The puppies, often with genetic health issues or harboring illnesses, are shipped off to pet stores only to be sold to unsuspecting consumers.
About Harley’s Dream
Harley’s Dream was established in honor of Harley, a senior one-eyed puppy mill survivor who became the face and voice of the puppy mill dogs worldwide. With a mission to create awareness and educate the public about the cruel commercial dog breeding industry, Harley’s Dream is making huge strides. Through a grassroots approach by large groups of concerned citizens, the organization has been involved with bringing change in communities across the country. Harley’s Dream is a nationally recognized 501(c)(3) nonprofit organization. Learn more at:
Source: Harley’s Dream