Where do we get polyphenols from? Spices, dark chocolate, tea, berries, vegetables and red wine are some of the best-known sources

How much do we need? Due to the lack of research in humans a recommended amount per day can’t be provided. However, it is important to know that only 5-10% is absorbed in our small intestine with the remaining polyphenols making its way to our large intestine where it is fermented. 

What are the benefits? Polyphenols if absorbed into the gut has been shown to improve beneficial gut bacteria. A greater intake has been linked to decreasing depression and increasing mood. 

Practical Tips? Spice up your meals with turmeric, load up your plate with veggies and eat modest amounts of chocolate.

There are many more foods that can positively impact your mood however focusing your attention to improving your gut microbiota will ensure you feel happier and healthier 🙂

Tatiana, Lead Dietitian Lane Cove & Hunters Hill

On the note of food and mood, Tatiana will be presenting an online Food and Mood Presentation and Cook Along on Friday the 15th of October. For more information visit Lane Cove Council


Ashleigh Brunner

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