Gut Check: The Real Impact of Alcohol
Impact of Alcohol: Summary
Samantha Lander discusses the negative impact of alcohol. As a recovering addict, personal trainer, Functional Diagnostic Nutrition Practitioner, and entrepreneur, she dives deep into her personal journey with substance abuse, and how alcohol harms gut health and overall wellbeing.
She reveals how alcohol, while socially normalized, leads to cortisol spikes, negatively affects sleep, creates hormonal imbalances, and increases stress levels, which contributes to various health issues. Additionally, she states that the liver prioritizes detoxing alcohol, thereby affecting the regulation and flushing out of hormones.
Detective Ev speaks about his own realization of alcohol’s effects and how he made a decision to transform his habits for the sake of setting a positive example to his younger cousins.
The conversation also proposes various solutions for recovering from alcohol-related health issues including taking supplements and nutrients, making dietary changes, setting boundaries, working with a practitioner, and focusing on mental and emotional healing.
The takeaway is that regardless of an individual’s struggle with alcohol, there is evident harm on physical health and a strong call for dealing with it consciously, whether or not the individual identifies as an addict.
Impact of Alcohol: Topics
– The Social Side of Alcohol Consumption
– Alcohol Culture in Society
– Emotional Component of Alcohol Consumption
– Stigma of Being a Non-Drinker
– Impact of Alcohol on Sleep
– Impact of Alcohol on Blood Sugar and Insulin
– Detoxification Process of Alcohol
– Impact of Alcohol on Health and Hormones
– Personal Experiences with Alcohol and Anxiety
– Dangers of Alcohol Withdrawal
– Connection Between Alcohol and Anxiety
– The Role of Alcohol in Gut Health
– Solutions for Physical Healing from Alcohol Damage
– Importance of Social Healing and Enjoyment in Life
– The Role of Support Groups in Recovery
– Impact of Alcohol on Men and Women
– Importance of Service and Legacy in Recovery
Where to Find Samantha Lander
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