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Grow Your Own Plant-Based Protein | Gardener’s Path
High-Protein Plants
So, you want to increase your plant-based protein intake. Which plants should you look to?
Let’s dig in!
Beans and Pulses
Black beans, chickpeas, and lentils (among many other types of beans and pulses) are all great examples of plant-based protein sources.
Pulses are the seeds of legume plants, and this category includes lentils, peas, and beans.
Black Beans
One-half cup of black beans contains seven grams of protein.
They are delicious served on their own, in dips, and smashed into homemade veggie burgers, like these from our sister site, Foodal.
You can grow your own black beans in either bush or pole varieties.
Phaseolus vulgaris ‘Black Valentine’ is a bush cultivar that promises high germination rates.
Seeds are available in a variety of packet sizes at True Leaf Market.
Chickpeas (aka garbanzo beans), Cicer arietinum, offer 10 grams of protein per half cup, and a variety of culinary uses.
These seeds are not typically found in gardening stores and may need to be ordered online.
Sprouting chickpea seeds are available at True Leaf Market.
Add a row or two to your own garden, and then try these smoky and spicy roasted chickpeas, also from Foodal.
Lentils, Lens culinaris, make a great replacement for some or all of the ground meat in tacos or meatloaf. Whole lentils (not split) can be planted in early spring to grow your own.
Common varieties of lentils include green, brown, and red.
One-quarter cup of lentils provides 11 grams of protein.
You can find sprouting red lentils available from True Leaf Market.
Nuts provide protein and healthy unsaturated fats.
Nuts grow on trees, whereas peanuts – often included in this category – grow underground and are actually a type of legume.

If you’re looking to grow your own, the ‘Texas Mission’ almond tree produces beautiful white flowers and delicious nuts!
Trees in #3 containers are available from Nature Hills Nursery.
Pecans are another popular tree nut to grow at home. One half-cup offers six grams of protein and an additionally beneficial six grams of dietary fiber.
Almonds have six grams of protein per quarter cup, as do pistachios. One ounce of peanuts contains seven grams.
Soybeans, or edamame, are one of the most prevalent protein sources used in plant-based alternatives to meat and dairy products.
Soy milk, soybean burgers, soy protein powders, and tempeh (fermented soy) are just a few examples.

Another type of legume, soy sometimes has a bad rap, as consuming this member of the legume family has been linked with certain cancers and lower testosterone levels.
These claims are not founded in solid research, and eating a moderate amount of soy-based products is perfectly healthy for most individuals.

Edamame, or plain steamed soy beans, provide nine grams of protein per 1/3 cup.
One cup of nonfat soy milk provides six grams of protein, close to that of cow’s milk.
Many commercial soy milks also have a higher amount of added sugars, so this is something to be aware of when purchasing.
Growing your own soy is easier than you may expect.
Try this ‘Chiba Green’ organic variety, available from Burpee.
Additional Sources
Other plant-based foods offer protein as well.

Some garden veggies provide smaller amounts of protein, which can add up when consumed throughout the day.
Kale packs 2.9 grams per cup, mushrooms offer 2.2 grams, broccoli provides 2.5 grams, and artichokes contain three grams.
Whole grain products like wheat bread or brown rice are generally higher in protein than their refined counterparts. Brown rice has eight grams of protein in a half cup.
Seeds are also a source of protein that may come as a surprise to those not in the know.
Pumpkin seeds offer eight grams of protein in 1/4 cup, and 1 ounce of sunflower seed kernels contains five grams.
‘Jack-O-Lantern’ pumpkins are a great all-around choice for carving, baking, and for seeds.
To start your own pumpkin patch, you can find seeds available at Eden Brothers and you can read more about growing your own here.
‘Mammoth’ sunflowers grow large heads, meaning plenty of seeds!
Find packets of 150 seeds available at Burpee.
Check out this guide to learn how to harvest homegrown sunflower seeds.
Tori Vallana, RD, LDN
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