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Greg Kraut Westport RTM Letter to CT General Assembly – No Rail Increases and No Service Reduction


Press Release

updated: Feb 27, 2018

Greg Kraut Westport RTM Letter to CT General Assembly Transportation Committee – No Rail Increases and No Service Reduction – Calls for Immediate Legislation to prevent this.

The following is a Westport, Connecticut Representative Town Meeting Letter addressing the CT General Assembly Transportation Committee presented by Greg Kraut. 

Dear Connecticut General Assembly Transportation Committee,

I call for all rail increases to be immediately halted by the legislature. The rail fares have gone up 23% and now the Governor wants to raise them another 21%. At the same time, commuters will get reduced service. This only happens when we have a monopoly and the decision making is controlled by one person, the Governor. We live in a democracy, not a dictatorship. This is unacceptable and will just be another factor to cause people and business to leave our state. I have had hundreds of constituents email and call me expressing their concern regarding this matter. The fare is already high and this may be the tipping point for riders. Without a long-term vision or strategy, this seems misguided and an anti-growth policy which is the opposite strategy that we need now. It is now abundantly clear that we need to have all rail increases approved by the legislature.

Please help!

Greg Kraut

Westport RTM

Kraut for Connecticut!

D) 203-557-0995

Source: Kraut for CT


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