Greenville County Schools in Greenville, SC is proposing a change to the 2023-24 school year calendar and is asking for feedback until December 1, 2022.

In a 53-second video, Greenville County Schools outlines their proposed changes to the 2023-24 school year calendar.

They are asking for the change in order to get all the state-required testing done before the beginning of Winter Break instead of doing it in early January when students and teachers return to the classroom.

Screenshot from GCS video

The Proposed Changes

GCS proposes that the first day of the 2023-24 school year would move a week earlier to Tuesday, August 8, 2023 instead of the usual mid-August start date.

The end of the school year would be May 22, 2024, which is before Memorial Day Weekend. Usually, the end of the school year is the first week in June.

Other school districts in South Carolina have already made this change. This current school year, 2022-23, several districts in our area including Oconee, Pickens, a handful in Greenwood, Abbeville, and McCormick, start in early August and even late July.

Feedback is Welcome

Greenville County Schools said that feedback is welcome on these new proposed changes. Parents can email the district at [email protected]. They are taking feedback through December 1, 2022.

For parents who are planners and have already booked next summer’s vacation, this could certainly hamper their plans. Other feedback we’ve seen is that parents feel that the first week of August is still in the middle of summer. Yet others think that this is a fantastic change because it’s so hard to get students back into the swing of the things right after the two-week winter break in order to take exams.

The other thing to consider is that many private schools follow the GCS calendar so those schools would likely be affected by this change as well.

Whatever you have to say, send an email over to district and let them know before December 1, 2022.

What do you think GCS should do?

Kristina Hernandez

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