Beatlemania is back. .

The Grammy Museum Experience Prudential Center in Newark will present an exhibition on how the Fab Four invaded the U.S. and changed pop culture forever, the venue announced Monday.

“Ladies and Gentlemen … The Beatles!” will run from Nov. 18 to June 25 and focus on the period from early 1964 to mid-1966, when the Liverpool-formed band caused pop music pandemonium in America. The curated exhibition will feature interactive displays and pop culture artifacts that were previously shown throughout other U.S. cities and Japan.

Wardrobe items worn by band members — such as Paul McCartney’s jacket from the 1965 Shea Stadium concert — and a drumming lesson by Ringo Starr will be shown, alongside hand-written set lists, gold records and concert contracts.


Adding an educational component, Beatles historian Ken Womack has been tapped to conduct interviews with May Pang, who will preview a documentary about her relationship with John Lennon titled “The Lost Weekend: A Love Story” on Nov. 18.

Other interview subjects will include Allan Kozinn and Adrian Sinclair, co-authors of “The McCartney Legacy (Volume 1: 1969-73)” on Dec. 14.

English historian biographer Mark Lewisohn, whose comprehensive Beatles books include ” The Complete Beatles Recording Sessions” will be featured March 30.


“Our programs will provide audiences with active opportunities to engage with key figures associated with the band’s timeless story,” Womack said in Monday’s announcement.

Conceived by The Grammy Museum at L.A. LIVE and Fab Four Exhibits, “Ladies and Gentlemen … ” takes its name from when Ed Sullivan introduced the British trailblazers to American TV audiences on Feb. 9, 1964.


Karu F. Daniels

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