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GOP (Read Rabid Trump Accolytes) Legislators Hope To Remove Cannabis Testing Ban For Military Recruits From Defense Bill | Cannabis Law Report


How to shrink the military!

Not a bad thing although I fear their motives for removing the testing ban wouldn’t be the same as mine!

With the smallest amount of research it is worth noting that the sponsor and  all co-sponsors of these amendments aren’t just your run of the mill GOP  Trump supporters they all fall in the Trump cult zone

Alderholt – Has Not Served In The US Military

Miller – Has Not Served In The US Military

and..last month….In May 2024, Miller proposed an amendment to the US farm bill that would repeal a legal change passed in 2018 that made it easier for US farmers to grow nonintoxicating varieties of cannabis, also known as “hemp,” but which also had the effect of allowing products containing cannabinoids such as delta-8 THC derived from hemp to be legally sold in the United States.[77][78] In a statement, Miller said she was “proud my amendment was included to close the loophole that has allowed drug-infused THC products like Delta-8 to be sold,” while the Hemp Roundtable, a lobbying group that represents US hemp farmers, referred to Miller’s amendment as “hemp industry-killing.”[77],the%20Committee%20on%20Education%20%26%20Labor.

Josh Brecheen (R-OK) – Has Not Served In The US Military

Andrew Clyde (R-GA) was commissioned as an officer in the United States Navy through the University of Notre Dame’s NROTC program in 1985. He served 28 years in naval aviation units and the Seabees, including three combat deployments to Iraq and Kuwait



Palmer (R-AL)

Mary Miller (R-IL)

Josh Brecheen (R-OK),

Andrew Clyde (R-GA)


Marijuana Moment

Republican members of Congress are seeking to eliminate a provision of a defense bill that would block military branches from testing recruits for marijuana as a condition of enlistment, while other members push for a variety of new drug policy amendments that would prevent security clearance denials based on past cannabis use, expand expungement eligibility and facilitate the rescheduling of certain psychedelics, among other reforms.

The proposals are being pursued as part of the 2025 National Defense Authorization Act (NDAA), which cleared the House Armed Services Committee last month and must now go before the Rules Committee before potentially reaching the floor.

That panel will be taking up a separate defense-focused spending bill on Monday where members will consider several overlapping amendments, including proposals to authorize U.S. Department of Veterans Affairs (VA) doctors to issue medical marijuana recommendations to military veterans, prevent marijuana testing for federal job applicants in legal states and support research on the therapeutic benefits of psychedelics.

As currently drafted, the House NDAA contains a section to prevent military branches for testing recruits for marijuana for enlistment or commission. However, Reps. Pete Sessions (R-TX) and Robert Aderholt (R-AL) each filed separate amendments to strike that section, which reads:


Subject to subsection (a) of section 504 of chapter 31 of title 10, United States Code, the Secretary of the military department concerned may not require an individual to submit to a test for cannabis as a condition of enlistment of such individual as a member, or the commission of such individual as an officer, of an Armed Force.”

Aderholt’s version of the amendment is cosponsored by Reps. Mary Miller (R-IL), Josh Brecheen (R-OK), Andrew Clyde (R-GA) and Gary Palmer (R-AL)

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GOP Lawmakers Seek To Remove Marijuana Testing Ban For Military Recruits From Defense Bill


Sean Hocking

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