The Phoenix is an affordable device that offers at-home treatment for erectile dysfunction, using Low-Intensity Extracorporeal Shockwave Therapy (LI-ESWT). Before we get to the review, we’re going to explain a bit about the science behind the Phoenix.

LI-ESWT – also called shockwave therapy or acoustic wave therapy – is one of the most promising new treatments for erectile dysfunction. The treatment uses a device that administers painless, non-invasive, low intensity sound waves to the penis. It improves blood flow in the penis in two ways:

  • It breaks up and eliminates the buildup of plaque, which causes blockages in arteries in the penis.
  • It causes microtrauma in the tissues of the penis. The body’s natural healing mechanisms then generate new blood vessels through a process called angiogenesis.

Dozens of clinical trials have shown it to be a safe and effective treatment for vascular erectile dysfunction (ED resulting from insufficient bloodflow). Shockwave therapy has also shown promise in treating Peyronie’s Disease.

Until recently, shockwave therapy was only administered in clinics, using an expensive medical device (which can cost $30,000 or more). Patients usually received several treatments, over a period of 6 to 12 weeks, at a total cost of $3,000 to $6,000.

It’s important to note that LI-ESWT is not a permanent cure. Patients lose the beneficial effects after one to two years, and must repeat the process, making clinical shockwave therapy an expensive treatment option.

(For more information on LI-ESWT, and links to clinical research, see our article “Shockwave Therapy (LI-ESWT) for Erectile Dysfunction.“)

Shockwave Therapy at Home

In 2020, a southern California company called Launch Medical developed a new product, the Phoenix, which allows men to administer LI-ESWT therapy at home. The device was created by inventor Jon Hoffman, author of the book Inventing Success: Five Steps From Idea To Shelf.

According to Dustin Wolff, co-founder of Launch Medical, the Phoenix uses the exact same treatment protocol (number of pulses, frequency, and intensity) as the clinical equipment. Each treatment delivers 15,000 pulses at 3.0 bars. A bar is a measurement of pressure corresponding to 100 kilopascals, or roughly to the atmospheric pressure at sea level. (See our Interview with Dustin Wolff.)

Dr. Paul Thompson, co-creator of the Phoenix, is the Chief Medical Officer for Launch Medical, and President of the Thompson Clinic. Dr. Thompson is a board-certified urologist and a Fellow in the American College of Surgeons. He is a member of the American Medical Association, Missouri Medical Society and American Urology Association. 

The Phoenix comes with clear instructions – including online videos – for using the device, and how many sessions are required. The device has LED indicators to tell you when you need to change positions. It also has a “lock out” feature to prevent you from over-treating. This is an important feature. Shockwave therapy damages tissues at a cellular level, triggering your body to “rebuild” the damaged areas. But too much damage can actually be harmful, and set back your treatment. That’s why it’s important to use a device that has been designed based on clinical treatment protocols.

The Phoenix has been tested with thousands of patients who have seen significant improvements in SHIM scores. The device is FDA Registered, and the company in currently working on FDA Approved status (which has stricter requirements). Note that the Storz Li-ESWT clinical device, which costs $40,000 and is used in clinics around the world, is also “FDA Registered.”

Does the Phoenix Work?

Here’s what we can say about the Phoenix:

  • The Phoenix uses Low-Intensity Extracorporeal Shockwave technology, which is clinically proven to be a safe and effective treatment for vasculogenic erectile dysfunction.
  • The reviews on the Get My Phoenix website are collected and audited by an independent firm, Yotpo, which verifies that they come from actual users, and that they are unaltered. Based on these reviews, the Phoenix has an average rating of 4.3.
  • The manufacturer, Launch Medical, has an A+ Rating with the Better Business Bureau.
  • The company offers a 60-day risk-free trial.
  • Our staff members have personally tried the Phoenix and seen good results (see our Tips below).

No product will work for everyone, but based on these factors, we believe that most men will benefit from the Phoenix. More importantly, the company seems to be ethical and stands behind their product.

The Phoenix Price

The current price of the Phoenix is $879, which is much less expensive than the cost of a series of clinical treatments – and right now it is on sale for $200 off! There is also a financing plan available on the company’s website.

Launch Medical is having a Third Anniversary Sale, and offering $200 off the price of the Phoenix!

Just use the coupon code 3YEARS at checkout.

We don’t know how long this sale will last, so take advantage of it!



We asked Dustin Wolffe, co-founder of the company, how they are able to sell the device for such a low price, when clinical shockwave devices cost tens of thousands of dollars.

The big difference is the amount of use the device will get. A clinical unit is used all day, every day, for weeks or months at a time between servicing. The home unit will only be used once every few days, until the treatment is completed, so it doesn’t need to be “industrial grade.”

The company has also made several engineering advances to improve and lower the cost of the device, and has filed three patents.

The Phoenix versus the Phoenix Pro

You may have seen clinics advertising the Phoenix Pro. According to Jame Lang, Director of Customer Experience at Launch Medical, “The Phoenix Pro and The Phoenix are the same device internally. The difference is the Pro is offered by clinics, with their more comprehensive advice. The Phoenix is less expensive and can be shipped directly to your home without an office visit.”

So unless you feel you need extra hand-holding, order the Phoenix directly and save some money.

Hands-On Experience and Tips for using the Phoenix

Having tried the Phoenix, we have some helpful information and tips that go beyond what you’ll find on their website.

  • The Phoenix is not a rechargeable device. It needs to be plugged in when in use. so find a comfortable place near an electrical outlet.
  • The Phoenix is pretty loud. Not jack-hammer or leaf-blower loud, but certainly louder than a typical vibrator. It’s pretty close to a barber’s hair clipper.
  • The Phoenix comes with several packets of Lidocaine numbing cream. We’ve heard from lots of men in online discussion forums, and haven’t found anyone who uses this.
  • It also comes with a few packets labelled “Heat Shield.” This is simply a lubricant. You can use any water-based sex lube, or you can buy a lube specifically intended for shockwave treatments. Aquasonic offers a 1-liter bottle of sonic gel for under $15. You can put a little lubricant in a shallow bowl so you can dip the tip of the Phoenix if it starts to dry out.
  • Treatment is applied to a flaccid penis, holding it by the head to stretch it. This can be very awkward, especially if you get lube on your hands. As a tip, place a cock-ring or constriction band just behind the head of your penis; this will give you something to grip. The Erec-Tech constriction system has tabs that make it easy to put on, grip, and remove.
  • You will get lube on your hands, and everything you touch, including the Phoenix. Have some wet-wipes or a damp towel nearby!
  • After each use, be sure to remove and clean the tip using alcohol or an anti-bacterial cleaner.
  • The O-ring on the base of the tip is subject to a lot of stress and can wear out; you can buy replacement O-rings at Amazon if you need them.
  • As part of the overall treatment plan, the company also recommends that you use a penis pump for ten minutes, twice a day.
  • For more information, see our video on Unboxing the Phoenix.

Phoenix Shockwave Therapy in the News

“This is an absolute game changer. Every guy has some degree of plaque in their blood vessels, along with vessels that are becoming weaker. It’s only a matter of time until it becomes an issue. “

MAXIM, January 5, 2021

“Extracorporeal shock wave therapy (ESWT), is exciting and innovative. It is a new therapeutic modality that has been available for a number of years and is now being used on a worldwide basis.”

Tech Times, February 11, 2022

“The bottom line? This at-home shockwave therapy device for ED could be a game-changer for men seeking a more satisfying sex life – especially as they grow older. With 40% of men experiencing difficulty by age 40, it’s never too early to start thinking about maintaining and enhancing blood flow below the belt.”

LA Weekly, November 30, 2021

The secret is The Phoenix’s acoustic sound wave technology. Unlike other options like pills or injections, The Phoenix gets at the root cause of the problem, resulting in healthier erections that are easier to achieve.

Men’s Journal

The Bottom Line

Shockwave therapy has been shown to be a safe and effective treatment for vascular erectile dysfunction (the most common cause), as well as Peyronie’s Disease. (It is not an effective treatment for other causes of ED, such as nerve damage, low testosterone, or side effects of medications.)

The Phoenix brings the price of shockwave therapy down to an affordable point, and allows men to administer the treatment themselves in the privacy of their home.

Phoenix is a revolutionary new option for men with ED.

En Español: Phoenix: Terapia de Ondas de Choque en el Hogar Para la Disfunción Eréctil


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