George Santos’s (Now Ex) Comms Director Also Thinks He Should Be Kicked Out of Congress
Indicted congressman George Santos managed to survive a vote to expel him from office on Wednesday, but that does not mean there aren’t a whole lot of people who very much want him booted from the halls of power. Among those who would like to see him run out of town? Democrats, a number of Republicans, and…a woman who was, until extremely recently, his director of communications.
In a resignation letter sent to the freshman representative, who was indicted last week on 13 federal charges, Naysa Woomer wrote, “With respect for my colleagues, the people of New York, and most importantly, myself, I am honored to tender my resignation,” according to Scripps News. She added: “Unfortunately, you never took one point of professional advice given.” It’s not clear what kind of advice Woomer offered Santos, but it’s possible that at least one bit of counsel was to go back in time and not commit a ton of (alleged) crimes—or, at the very least, not be a serial liar. Woomer’s resignation came on the heels of her being heard on tape calling Santos “not a good person” and saying, “I actually hope he does [get kicked out of Congress],” which, to be fair, don’t really seem like controversial statements. (Santos has pleaded not guilty, claiming that he’s the victim of a “witch hunt.”)
Santos has repeatedly said he will not resign; in fact, he is running for a second term.
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Meanwhile, while speaking on the Macrodosing podcast last month, the congressman—who has been accused of wire fraud and money laundering (among other things)—compared himself to…Cady Heron from Mean Girls, a.k.a. Lindsay Lohan’s character. “Have you ever watched Mean Girls?” he asked the interviewer. “That’s Congress in a nutshell. There is a mean girl there…. I’m like the Cady, the Lindsay Lohan, just coming in kind of like, Oh, wow, this is strange.”
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Congress is, to be sure, a strange place with strong high school vibes. Still, it probably helps if it doesn’t come out, before you’ve even been sworn in, that you basically lied about everything all the time, including on the campaign trail.
Bess Levin
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