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George Santos credentials under question | Long Island Business News


Republican Rep..-elect George Santos is facing allegations that he misrepresented his credentials while running to win the seat in the 3rd Congressional District.

In that race, Santos defeated Robert Zimmerman, a Democrat, in a newly drawn district that covers parts of Long Island’s North Shore and Queens. Rep. Tom Suozzi, who holds the seat, decided not to run for re-election.

According to a New York Times report, Citigroup and Goldman Sachs, firms where Santos said he once worked, stated that they had no record of his employment there. And Baruch College, from which Santos said he graduated, also had no record of him aligns with his claims of graduating in 2010.

The New York Times also said that the Internal Revenue Service had no records of Friends of Pets United, an animal-rescue charity that Santos claimed he founded. And the Times  called into question other elements of Santos’ biography, including details about his company, Devolder Organization.

Late Monday afternoon, Santos posted a response on Twitter from his attorney, without addressing the specific allegations in the Times report.

“After four years in the public eye, and on the verge of being sworn in as a member of the Republican led 118th Congress, the New York Times launches this shotgun blast of attacks,” Murray said. “It is no surprise that Congressman-elect Santos has enemies at the New York Times who are attempting to smear his good name with these defamatory allegations.”

Zimmerman, who said Santos “should resign,” released a statement on Twitter:

“This story is not a shock, and The New York Times’ in-depth and critical investigative reporting adds many important dimensions to the story.”

He went on to say that Santos “violated the public trust in order to win office and does not deserve to represent [the district]…Santos’ failure to answer any of the questions about these allegations demonstrates why he is unfit for public office and should resign. It demonstrates why there must be a House Ethics Committee, Federal Elections Commission, and U.S. Attorney investigation immediately.”

Former Rep. Peter King told Newsday that Santos would “have to fully explain these allegations as to whether they are false or misleading.

“These are serious allegations, and he has to answer them” said King, who endorsed Santos.  “I’m going to think that the House Ethics Committee will investigate these allegations.”


Adina Genn

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