LAWRENCE — A fundraising workout and park cleanup are being held to get ready for the 8th annual Salt Addiction Fishing Derby this spring.
The catch and release fishing derby, held adjacent to the Falls Bridge in Pemberton Park, is set for Saturday, May 18.
A fundraising workout will be held on Saturday and a park cleanup is scheduled for Saturday, April 27, said Jamiel Ortiz, a Lawrence fire lieutenant and Salt Addiction fishing tourney organizer.
This Saturday Salt Addiction Fishing and Fitness Appeal will be hosting its “sweating for a cause” workout. All fitness levels are invited to work out, he said.
The workout begins at 8 a.m. at 250 Canal St. with a $20 donation.
“Feel free to show up and invite friends and family. This will be a great opportunity to get a good workout in and support our fundraiser,” Ortiz said.
Volunteers will gather again at 8 a.m., on April 27 at the boat ramp in Pemberton Park for the cleanup.
Gloves and bags will be provided. Volunteers are encouraged to bring trash pickers if possible.
Salt Addiction is partnering with the River Stewards of New England for the cleanup
“Our goal is to clean up the park in anticipation of the upcoming fishing season. We want to make the park safe for the families and anglers that use it during the fishing season,” Ortiz said.
Registration for the charity catch and release tournament on May 18 starts at 4:30 am.
Proceeds from this year’s tournament are being dedicated to Sophia Martinez and Isaiah De La Rosa, both who are affected by cerebral palsy, a group of conditions that affect movement and posture, Ortiz said.
In addition fishing prizes, a charity raffle will also be held.
For more information, check out the Salt Addiction Fishing page on Facebook and a GoFundMe dedicated to the event.
Follow staff reporter Jill Harmacinski on Twitter @EagleTribJill.