Fresh N’ Lean is one of a handful of meal delivery services that prioritizes organic ingredients. While the company isn’t certified organic, they do use organic ingredients whenever possible. All organic ingredients are marked with an asterisk on the packaging, and I’d say 95% of the ingredients in the meals I tried were organic. If an ingredient is not organic, it’s sourced from local suppliers and is still GMO-free.

The meats are high-quality, too. The company partners with animal protein suppliers who ensure their livestock is humanely treated. All beef, elk, and venison is grass-fed; poultry is antibiotic-free and free-range; and fish is sustainably sourced.

Fresh N’ Lean also limits the types of oils used in each recipe, using only olive, coconut, avocado, and walnut oils. The keto meal plan specifically only uses avocado and walnut oils. Most meals are gluten-free, and many are dairy-free.

In addition to food quality, the company values sustainability. While the meals are packaged in plastic trays with plastic wrap, everything is curbside-recyclable and the plastic is BPA-free. There was minimal packaging in the box when it was delivered. The meals were stacked in a cardboard box with a layer of insulation material and three ice packs. The box is recyclable, and the insulation and gel-pack filling are biodegradable.

As for potential food waste, there likely won’t be much (unless you really don’t like a mea)l. The portions are on the smaller side, and I could easily finish each one. Prepared meal delivery services are a great way to limit food waste, as you won’t be buying groceries that could potentially go bad in your fridge before you have a chance to use them up.

Lindsay Boyers

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