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Freezing Cucumbers: The Complete How To Guide – Get Busy Gardening


Freezing cucumbers doesn’t always come to mind as an option to preserve your abundance, but it’s actually quite easy and useful.

If you want to learn the best way possible, this article is for you. Frozen cucumbers are softer than fresh, but great for using in recipes such as smoothies, soups, dips, and more

Below I’ll show you exactly how to freeze cucumbers step by step for the best results, including storage tips and ideas for using them after thawing.

How To Freeze Cucumbers The Right Way

Can You Freeze Cucumbers?

Despite their high water volume, you absolutely can freeze cucumbers for future use.

You can use any type, from your common garden varieties to English and even minis, or even the ones from the grocery store or farmers market.

Preparing Cucumbers For Freezing

To prepare cucumbers for freezing, first wash them to remove any dirt or debris and pat them dry.

You can keep the skin on them or remove it with a veggie peeler, either way works well. I personally prefer keeping the skin on.

Then chop them into ¼ – ½ inch pieces, or cut them into about ¼ inch thick slices.

Related Post: How To Grow Cucumbers In Your Garden

Cutting up cucumbers to freeze
Cutting up cucumbers to freeze

Do Cucumbers Need To Be Blanched Before Freezing?

Cucumbers do not need to be blanched before freezing, in fact I do not recommend trying it.

Due to their high water content, and the fact that they will already lose their crispness, they are likely to turn to mush if you blanch them first.

Filling freezer baggies with cucumbers
Filling freezer baggies with cucumbers

Methods For Freezing Cucumbers

There are two simple ways you can freeze cucumbers – in flash freezing or using ice cube trays. Below I describe these different methods in more detail.

Freezing Cucumber Slices Or Pieces

The most common way to freeze cucumbers is to cut them up into ¼ inch slices or chop them into pieces and then put them into zipper baggies.

If you choose this method then you must flash-freeze them, otherwise they could become mushy. It also prevents them from sticking together in one large clump.

First line a baking sheet with parchment paper. Then space the cucumber pieces in a single layer so they aren’t touching each other, and place them in the freezer for 1-2 hours.

Related Post: When To Pick Cucumbers & How To Harvest Them

Cucumber slices ready to be frozen
Cucumber slices ready to be frozen

Freezing Cucumber In Ice Cube Trays

You can also try freezing your cucumbers in ice cube trays, either with or without adding water to them.

To do this, chop them as coarse or fine as you want. I recommend about ¼ inch pieces. Then fill your ice cube trays and place them into the freezer.

In 2-3 hours you will have cucumber cubes that are perfect to add to mocktails and ice water, or to toss into a recipe.

Freezing chopped cucumbers in ice cube tray
Freezing chopped cucumbers in ice cube tray

Tools & Supplies Needed

Below is a list of everything you’ll need, and you probably already have most of this in your kitchen.

Supplies needed for freezing cucumbers
Supplies needed for freezing cucumbers

How To Store Cucumbers In The Freezer

The best way to store frozen cucumbers is by using zip-top freezer bags. Once you have filled them, gently press out any excess air before sealing them so they take up less space.

You can simply store the bags flat and stack them in your freezer. Instead of plastic baggies, you could use any type of airtight container you have.

Be sure to use a permanent marker to write the date on the baggie so you know when they will expire.

How Long Do Frozen Cucumbers Last?

Frozen cucumbers last about 9 months, as long as they are stored properly. Using a food vacuum sealer can help them to last longer.

Related Post: How To Make Bread & Butter Pickles (With Recipe)

Using frozen cucumbers to infuse water
Using frozen cucumbers to infuse water


Let’s answer some of your most common questions about freezing cucumbers below.

Can you freeze cucumbers whole?

No, you cannot freeze cucumbers whole, you must cut them up first. Since they have a very high water content, leaving them whole will destroy their texture. So they would just defrost as mush and be unusable.

Can you freeze cucumber slices?

Yes you can freeze cucumber slices. In fact, this is the most common way to do it, and it works very well. Just be sure to flash-freeze them first for the best results.

Do cucumbers freeze well?

Cucumbers do freeze fairly well. However, it’s important to keep in mind that they do lose their crisp texture once thawed. So it’s best to use them inside of recipes, such as soups, smoothies, or drinks, versus on a salad, for example.

What is the best way to freeze cucumbers?

The best way to freeze cucumbers is either in slices or chopped. Flash-freeze them first or put them in ice cube trays, then store them in frost-safe bags.

Do frozen cucumbers get mushy?

If frozen correctly, cucumbers do not get mushy. However they do lose their crispness and are softer than fresh, so be mindful to use them inside recipes such as soups and dips where the softer texture is ideal.

How long can you freeze cucumbers?

You can freeze cucumbers for a fairly long time. When you store them properly they will stay good for about 9 months.

What can I use frozen cucumbers for?

You can use your frozen cucumbers for lots of things. For example, to make chilled cucumber soup, dips, or juicing. You can blend them into smoothies, chop them up into salsas, or place them in water or iced drinks to infuse their flavor. Or even put them on your face for the cooling benefits.

If you’d like to learn how to make the most of your space and get as much homegrown food as possible, then my Vertical Vegetables book is perfect! It will teach you all you need to know, has tons of gorgeous photos, and includes 23 DIY projects you can build for your own garden. Order your copy today!

Learn more about my Vertical Vegetables book here.

More About Cucumbers

More About Food Preservation

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How To Freeze Cucumbers Step By Step Guide

Step By Step Instructions

How To Freeze Cucumbers

How To Freeze Cucumbers The Right Way

Freezing cucumbers is a quick and easy way to keep them for future use. They’re great for your favorite soup, smoothie, and dip recipes. Or use them for making juice or infusing water and other iced beverages.

Prep Time
10 minutes

Additional Time
2 hours

Total Time
2 hours


  • Flash-freezing is essential to prevent your cucumber pieces from sticking together or creating one large clump.
  • Using quart sized freezer bags, rather than one gallon, makes it easy to cook up smaller portions for recipes. But you can use either size.
  • If you’d like to freeze your cucumbers in ice cube trays, fill the trays with chopped pieces then top them off with water.


Amy Andrychowicz

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