Free Printable “My Holiday Traditions” Worksheet
This holiday season, invite your students to share about their own family traditions with our free “My Holiday Traditions” worksheet. Just fill out the form on this page to save and print your copy.
Get the “My Holiday Traditions” Worksheet
The “My Holiday Traditions” worksheet asks students to share what’s important to their families
The worksheet includes five prompts: “what my family celebrates,” “my favorite tradition,” “a favorite holiday memory,” “things we do,” and “foods we like to eat.” No matter what holidays your students celebrate, these prompts offer them a chance to share what makes their celebrations and observances special.
It’s important to honor all family traditions in the classroom
That’s why this activity doesn’t focus on a particular tradition such as those for Christmas or Hanukkah. In fact, you can use it any time of year, not just in the winter season.
An important caveat: You know your students best. Some children may not celebrate any holidays in their home. Others may find a conversation around holiday traditions to be triggering or upsetting. Use this activity at your own discretion. If children are struggling to complete it, talk with them about how even simple activities such as eating a particular food on a birthday or other special day can be considered a holiday tradition.
You might also invite families to fill out the worksheet at home to help students remember their own traditions. Many elementary teachers we know like to invite families in to share about favorite traditions too. We hope this activity is an easy and fun one for your students this year!
We Are Teachers Staff
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