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Free Kindergarten Math Games – Khan Academy Blog


By Aimee Sawyer, Product Marketing Manager at Khan Academy Kids and former teacher

Download the free Khan Academy Kids app to access hundreds of free, fun Kindergarten math games.

Count and tap the ice cream cones

kids learn 1:1 correspondence by tapping the ice cream scoops one by one. each time they tap a scoop, a number appears above it. find this activity and more in the free khan academy kids app.

How many marbles?

how many circles are there? kids tap each one and watch the quantity grow. find this activity and more in the free khan academy kids app.

Find the toy chest with five socks

As kids become more familiar with numbers, they’ll be able to quickly choose the drawer that has 5 socks—without counting. find this activity and more in the free khan academy kids app.

Trace the number six

tracing numerals helps kids memorize their shape. find this activity and more in the free khan academy kids app.

Tap the jar with more fruit

which jar has more oranges? kids can practice comparing numbers by counting the number of oranges in each jar. numerals are present to help with numeral recognition so kids can scaffold up to comparisons with numerals. find this activity and more in the free khan academy kids app.

Make smoothies by adding

Adding is fun when you’re making a smoothie! the bear in the corner tells kids to drag 2 oranges and one strawberry into the blender. find this activity and more in the free khan academy kids app.

Tap the triangles

Kids practice finding the triangles in the toy chest. find this activity and more in the free khan academy kids app.

Fill in the pattern

kids practice completing patterns by filling in the blank with the correct object. find this activity and more in the free khan academy kids app.

We recommend the free Khan Academy Kids app to anyone looking for free math activities for Kindergarteners. The Kindergarten math activities are fun and interactive, and they give kids a hands-on math experience without having to use manipulatives or other physical materials. The Khan Academy Kids app is completely free, with no ads or subscriptions. Download today!


Aimee Sawyer

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