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Fraternity shuts down UM chapter after drugging accusations, disturbing video come to light


CORAL GABLES, Fla. – Sigma Phi Epsilon’s chapter at the University of Miami has been permanently shut down after a disturbing video came to light last week.

According to UM’s student newspaper, The Miami Hurricane, which obtained the video, the footage showed numerous SigEp members chanting about murdering and raping women before they hosted their “Adult Swim” party on Oct. 1 at an off-campus house in Coral Gables.

Multiple women who attended the party claimed they noticed white powder in their drinks and said they knew people who became extremely ill despite only having a couple drinks.

“It’s just crazy that I go to school with people that do things like that and the school allows them to stay here and that, even if it isn’t true, allegations are still allegations and they come from somewhere,” student Victoria Toro said.

The fraternity’s National Board of Directors unanimously agreed to revoke the UM chapter last Friday.

“The National Headquarters received admissible information that SigEp members violated policy and engaged in actions that are not aligned with the values of this Fraternity,” the fraternity said in a statement. “We expect SigEp chapters to provide their members and campus community a safe and supportive environment. That’s the cornerstone of a positive Fraternity and university experience, so we take that expectation seriously and hold our chapters to that standard.”

SigEp opened its UM chapter in 1949.

“The University of Miami continually communicates a clear set of policies and expectations to all of our Greek organizations that are designed to encourage a safe, healthy, and positive experience for UM students,” the university said in a statement. “The University received allegations the Sigma Phi Epsilon chapter violated university policy and participated in behavior that is inconsistent with the values and expectations of the university community and their national fraternity. We have partnered with Sigma Phi Epsilon for 73 years, and we support their decision to close the chapter effective immediately.”

Students who spoke to Local 10 News Monday said they agreed with the decision to remove the fraternity’s charter from campus.

“It’s definitely a big step forward in removing a lot of misogyny in frat culture,” student Kaine Dudley said.

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