Fonroche Street Lights Selected for Clark County’s Las Vegas Neighborhoods
LAS VEGAS, September 16, 2024 (
Though some have called Las Vegas “The City of Light,” it is not that for many area residents. Government officials, residents, and businesses were tired of being left in the dark because of wire theft. Looking for solutions, the county’s task force connected with Fonroche Lighting America, a Texas-based company with over 270 municipal customers. After learning about the benefits of the SmartLight solar lighting system, the county partnered with Fonroche Lighting America to install new advanced autonomous solar lighting systems near Palm and E. Louis Street.
Why Solar Street Lights?
Solar lighting offers local governments an elegantly simple solution to a host of lighting challenges. Not only is there no copper wiring to steal, but the systems give municipalities a new level of independence and flexibility.
Solar Lights don’t require trenching and underground wiring, saving taxpayer dollars right from the start. Then, the county will save on maintenance and electricity.
Better yet, solar lighting is a sustainable option that doesn’t tax the overburdened grid. In fact, they stay on during planned and emergency power outages.
Solar Lighting Technology
The new streetlights from Fonroche contain a specially formulated battery chemistry that ensures performance and long life in the extreme temperatures of the valley and winter climates too. Fonroche uses calculations that they validate in their unique climate testing labs to determine a configuration that will guarantee all-night lighting all year long. Finally, the onboard anti-blackout controls will accommodate weather events that fall out of the area’s historical norms.
Though theft is unlikely, Fonroche has even created an internal tracker to locate Power 365 assemblies if they are removed from the pole.
Community Impact
Streetlighting impacts many aspects of a community. Lighting can provide residents with the confidence to use public transportation, promote healthy activity, and improve walkability and by extension, property values. Most importantly, it can prevent traffic accidents, trips and falls, and criminal activity.
Too often, disadvantaged neighborhoods have little or no lighting. In the past, adding lighting was complicated and costly. Now, easy-to-install solar streetlights make equitable lighting attainable.
A community where residents feel comfortable on the street is a safer, healthier and more connected community.
Upon installation in Las Vegas, one resident exclaimed, “I am dreaming right now … Whatever government official, whoever did this, thank you.”
Next Steps
Clark County officials will closely monitor the streetlights and develop recommendations for further deployment across the county.
Hundreds of other communities are turning to Fonroche for street lighting projects that will end outages from wire theft, overburdened utilities, and weather events. Many innovations can be complex and expensive to implement – this one is simple and cost-effective.
Source: Fonroche Lighting America