Dating & Love
Five Flirting Tips for the Over 50s | Mature Dating | The Over 50 & 60 Dating Website
Here at the mature dating site, we find that the ability to flirt is one of the greatest attributes that you can have.
Almost never single and always in demand, the flirt is well placed to find that special somebody.
Now, we all know that flirting doesn’t come naturally to all of us, but like any talent, it’s a skill that can be learned, honed and perfected until it’s second nature!
In this guide, we’re going to share with you a few top tips to help you do it better. So, without further to do, let’s dive into our five top flirting tips.
Flirting is natural, so embrace it!
Flirting is a natural instinct. We can’t help but flirt when we like someone. It’s more than just a bit of fun too – it’s an essential part of human interaction. How else could we know that someone likes us or vice versa?
The art of flirting isn’t something you lose, but some people are better at flirting than others. Flirting in your 50s is no different to flirting in your 20s. Humans are hardwired to read signals including eye contact, body language and smiles.
Flirting is so natural that we pick up on these signals without thinking about them. How many times have you started chatting to someone because they have made eye contact with you from across the room? How many times have you asked someone out because they twirl their hair or spend time talking with you?
If you want to find love and companionship in your 50s, it’s a good idea to learn to flirt without appearing too desperate. There’s a fine line between casual flirting and appearing as though you want to jump into bed with someone.
Embrace flirting for all its natural glory. Just remember to keep things casual and don’t go too far, otherwise, you could get a slap (if you’re a bloke)!
Break the ‘touch’-screen
Touching can be one of the most sensitive and yet the most warming of subjects on a date.
Irrespective of whether you are on your first date or you’re twentieth, keep touching her subtly and in a romantic way.
This is very tricky – Do it more than necessary and you are a pervert; do it less than what she’s comfortable with, and you end up as a bore!
Balance is the key here (as it is probably throughout any over 50 dates)!
Make her/him laugh
No need to be overly serious just because you’re dating over 50! Laugh and have fun as you did during your teenage years on a date.
Remember, no one likes a sadist or a bore. So make yourself comfortable and make her laugh, even with the old jokes told in a novel way.
Stay away from the dirty ones till you haven’t understood your date enough.
Compliments are the key
Keep complimenting your date, even if he/she is not particularly well-dressed for your liking.
Remember, she might not look gorgeous today, but that doesn’t stop her from looking awesome the next day if she is seriously pretty.
So hold your patience and learn to keep her flattered!
Body Language matters
Make sure you follow her moves (DON’T STARE!) and duplicate the same subtly.
This makes her more comfortable (like both of you putting your elbows on the table), and opens her up for love to make its way through!
Don’t be too perfect in the art
Don’t let it seem practised or too perfect. This may have two negative consequences – one, she may mistake you for a Casanova or she may mistake your flirtatiousness for being too eager to be in bed with her.
Both are disastrous for a date. Try and be naïve and genuine in your PDA, and try and not be cocky.
Making mature dating work for you
These tips may effectively make you a great flirt – but remember- anything remotely obscene or dirty in your mannerisms and you will be out of the dating recce as fast as you had entered it!
Caution is the key in every over 50 dating experience, and once you know you two are in love, throw it to the winds!
For a great many of us, the reason why we turn to online dating is that we wake up one morning, and we realise that we’re alone and over 50.
It’s not a devastating thought, by any means, but it’s one that so many of us have.
Perhaps you’ve lost somebody important to you, maybe you’ve just not been able to make a relationship stick or you never met the right person.
Whatever the reason is, it’s compounded by the fact that dating can seem overwhelming and daunting.
It can feel as though everything has changed and that the intellectual and comedic muscles you used to flex in dates gone by might no longer be as keen as they were.
But it need not be. Dating as a 50 something is certainly different from dating as a teenager, and though things have changed a little bit, when it comes down to it there is still an amazing amount of fun to be had.
For most people, flirting comes naturally. Many forms of flirting are simply outgrowths of the way you behave when you meet someone you really like and are interested in having a romantic relationship with.
However, some flirting is more subtle, making it hard to tell whether you’re reading something that’s not there into an interaction simply because you want the other person to flirt with you.
For these reasons, it’s useful to examine some of the key indicators of flirting, which can prove extremely helpful when trying to figure out if the person across the table is interested in you – and help you express your interest in them!
Body Language
- Prolonged eye contact
- Dilated pupils
- Arched eyebrows
- Winking
- Rapid eye movement and blinking
- Stroking or toying with the hair
- Smiling
- Licking of lips
- Touching the lips or teeth with tongue
- Thrusting chest or breasts outward
- Mirroring or copying posture
- Crossing legs
- Leaning inward
- Open-legged posture
Other Behavior
- Any form of touching
- Playing with hands
- Fidgeting nervously
- Shy avoidance of eye contact
- Standing on one leg or shifting weight back and forth
- Laughter
- Whispering
- Personal questions, especially about relationship status
- Singling someone out in a group for conversation and questions
However, you flirt, keep in mind that flirting should indicate your interest in getting to know someone — in a polite, respectful and tactful way.
Using cheesy pick-up lines, being too aggressive, touching inappropriately or being in any way vulgar or rude will get you not only turned down but also probably slapped.
Flirting is designed to make the person you’re flirting with feel attractive and special, not intimidated.
Once you’ve established that someone is flirting with you – or your own flirting has gotten a positive response – it’s time to start thinking about how to propose a first date.
Mutual flirting of the type listed above usually means the other person is interested in getting to know you better. However, be wary of people who are flirtatious, even though they’re in committed relationships.
Some people either can’t help being flirty, have an open relationship or simply don’t care whether their partner is hurt by their behaviour.
While it can be tempting to flirt with this kind of person — particularly if they’re attractive, interesting and initiate the flirting – keep in mind that the point of flirting is to show interest in someone you’d like to get to know better, and people who’re already attached to someone else are off-limits.
Many people will choose online dating because it is quick, easy and safe, and it fits into busy lives. Below are a few additional tips for making the most of online dating.
Stay safe
The first thing to be aware of when dating online is safety. This is in terms of not revealing personal information to other people, and in ensuring that the information you provide to the site, such as credit card details, is secure.
Once you are chatting to people you also have to remember to stay safe by not giving away too much too soon, and, when you do meet, doing so in a public place and letting a friend know where you are. Never allow someone to pick you up from your home on a first date.
Be creative
Your profile is your way of promoting yourself to potential matches, so get creative. Do talk about your hobbies, interests and passions, but try not to give away too much – you need to leave something to chat about!
When you message people be open, fun and friendly and show off your personality and positive traits.
This doesn’t mean lying, but now is not the time to admit to snoring like a pig or eating like one! The right person will find out about those things soon enough and learn to live with them!
Enjoy it
Above all, remember that dating should be fun! Try not to take it all incredibly seriously all the time and just have fun chatting to other people who are in the same situation as you.
Maturity Dating
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