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Five dating deal breakers that you need to ditch right now — mysinglefriend blog


Having deal breakers when it comes to choosing people to date is a good thing. Negative qualities like inconsistency, bad communication, disrespect and a one-sided approach to a relationship can easily become issues in a relationship and it’s right to be wary of them. However, sometimes we have deal breakers that aren’t genuine problems and lead us to expect too much from a date, who is only human after all. Here are some ‘deal breakers’ that you shouldn’t let ruin your love life.

Physical features

Some women won’t date a man shorter than them. Some men won’t date a woman over a certain dress size. All of these people are massively losing out for no reason. Getting too fixated on the type of physical attributes you want someone to have means you make your pool of potential dates way smaller than it needs to be. Don’t judge someone purely on their photos, meet up with them in real life. Chemistry will overrule everything else in an instant, and you can only tell if you have that when you meet up IRL.

Not into your hobby or interest

If you’re passionate about rugby or playing Dungeons & Dragons and your date thinks it’s boring, it doesn’t matter. You don’t have to love all of the same things or do everything together, in fact it’s healthy to have different interests and times you can spend apart. As long as they’re respectful of your interests, they don’t have to share them.

Different levels of comfort when it comes to PDAs

You might be happy having a full on snog in public, whereas your date might not even feel comfortable holding hands. It’s worth remembering that people take time to feel relaxed in a situation, and also that not wanting to kiss in public doesn’t mean they don’t like you. Give them a chance to loosen up, or decide to stop worrying about it.

Can’t read your mind

Whatever stage you’re at in a relationship, it’s always vital to remember that your partner can’t read your mind. If someone isn’t behaving as you’d like them to, or not doing something you want them to, it’s on you to tell them. Communication is vital in a relationship, so don’t expect your partner to have clairvoyant skills and then being annoyed with them when they don’t.

They’re not the person you imagined them to be

It’s natural to build up an idea in your mind of the person you’d like to date, but you need to remember not to get too attached to it. Your date may have similar qualities to your imaginary perfect person, but they won’t be exactly the same. Compromise is key, so don’t get too hung up on finding someone who ticks every single box.

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Karen Dickinson

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