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First of Its Kind, Colombia Motorcyclists Guide Book Released: ‘Jeff & Alan’s Guide to Motorcycle Travel in Colombia’


Press Release

updated: Feb 8, 2021

The first of its kind, motorcyclists guide to travel in Colombia: “Jeff & Alan’s Guide To Motorcycle Travel In Colombia” just released. Even though other travel guides exist for Colombia and South America, this is the very first one that focuses specifically on adventure motorcycle travel. The book was written to meet the demand for a quality motorcycle travel guide created by Colombias recent tourist boom. Colombia has become a tourist hotspot with over 4.5 million visitors in 2019 due to the signing of a peace agreement with guerrilla groups.

Everything you need to know about motorcycle travel in Colombia all in one place – Scattered throughout message boards and hidden in small Facebook groups lay bits and pieces of information from previous travelers who were simply passing through. Information can be outdated, incorrect, and unorganized. Sifting through all this information can be challenging and time-consuming. What you want is to create a clear mental picture of riding conditions in the country; what you need is accurate information all in one place. This book is going to give you that and hundreds of beautiful photos. If you’ve been dreaming about going on an exciting motorcycle adventure, but had some doubts, just read this guide and don’t let anything hold you back.

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Written By Expert Authors

Jeff Cremer – After living in Peru for 12 years and working as a wildlife photographer in the Peruvian Amazon, Jeff decided to take the leap and move to Colombia. For the past three years, he has owned and operated a full-service motorcycle rental and tour agency based in Medellín. Starting from nothing, he had to work to buy motorcycles, create compelling itineraries, find quality hotels, and do a million other tasks that make a travel business successful. Based on his personal experiences, as well as the experiences of hundreds of satisfied customers, he’s compiled as much information as possible and put it all into one place. Even better, it’s all up to date and with hundreds of beautiful photos. All this information will have you riding like a local in no time. “I had so much fun touring Colombia that I decided to turn my passion into a business,” says Jeff. “Now my business is exactly that. Sharing my passion for motorcycles and traveling around Colombia with people from all over the world.”

Alan Churchill – Like his friend Jeff, Alan is from the USA, but as a child, He grew up in former French and British colonies of the Caribbean. “I’ve ridden motorcycles in Vietnam, Costa Rica, Cuba, and all over the United States,” says Alan, “but my absolute favorite place to ride is Colombia.”



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