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Finding a love for all seasons
Mother Nature, flowers and candy could be your recipe for finding a love for all seasons or Valentine’s Day.
It is that time of the year, when romance is in the air. But can the weather, or even the season, spark love? Or do less than ideal conditions dampen love’s flame and blow it out?
We talked to celebrity matchmaker and dating expert Alessandra Conti, co-founder of Matchmakers In The City in Beverly Hills.
We chatted with her about how the time of season and weather might influence someone’s dating behavior.
Cuffing season
Autumn may be the best season to ‘fall’ in love. Many people refer to the fall as cuffing season for couples.
Conti says cuffing season is the time between September and November. She told us during those months the weather gets colder and people want to find love for the holidays.
“Everyone wants love for the holidays. Especially leading up to the holidays, that’s when people who are normally single want to be in relationships,” Conti told Spectrum News.
The matchmaking maven says her business is booming during cuffing season for people wanting to find love just in time for Thanksgiving or Christmas.
“[People] will usually fast track something that they maybe did not consider in the summertime.”
The cuffing part comes in as people just wanting to find a partner for the colder months and just come together during that time.
The turkey drop
Though cuffing season runs through November, it might be the best opportunity to breakup with someone.
Conti says the day after Thanksgiving is the time when couples break apart. The celebrity matchmaker calls it the “turkey drop.”
“You can see it in tons of celebrity couples, that right after Thanksgiving so many couples breakup,” Conti said.
She said couples like Harry Styles and Olivia Wilde broke up during that time too, among other couples.
Conti says a lot of couples “turkey drop” right after Thanksgiving.
A new year for love
We are a month into the new year and finding that special someone is top priority for some singles. When a new year begins, Conti says people are deliberate about wanting to find love.
“While cuffing season is over, it’s the new year season, which is people desiring to find that partner,” Conti told us.
As far as other seasons like spring and summer, she says business doesn’t experience that same uptick in clientele during the winter and fall months.
Like cuffing season, there is also the something known as a summer fling. A summer fling is between May and September.
“You see more casual dating during the summertime because that’s more of the weather vibe. It’s sunny out, everyone is relaxed… there’s not that deep longing for connection because it’s freezing cold outside and you want to be cuddling with someone indoors,” Conti said.
Heartbreak weather
Now let’s talk about how the weather could lead you to heartbreak or romance.
Conti laments many dates get cancelled because of bad weather.
“It is really sad, but a lot of people do if it’s raining. We have experienced that people will cancel a date if it’s raining… even if it’s through a matchmaker.”
She notes that people really don’t enjoy driving in the rain to go on a date. However, she has one important piece of advice if there is rain or snow in the forecast for a date.
“My advice to anyone considering in canceling a date if it’s raining or snow… Don’t, you are self sabotaging yourself!,” exclaimed Conti.
The dating expert said this sabotaging equates to flakiness. She says you have to follow through on the plan.
“You need to make a shift and make a change. If that means going on an ice skating date, go for it… if that means leaving your house when it’s drizzling outside, go for it!” exclaims Conti.
Love is in the air
The ideal weather for date ranges from person to person. Some like sunny and while others enjoy overcast skies.
Talking with Conti, she says colder weather might actually be more romantic.
“I actually think a little colder for a date, actually quite romantic, as long as you are indoors… it’s very cozy. So get a really cute winter jacket and enjoy,” she said.
Conti might be right about colder weather, because one of the greatest Christmas songs “Let It Snow!” is a romantic song about a couple getting cozy during a blizzard (even though the songwriters wrote it in the summer).
It all comes down to the people’s preference.
“I don’t think cold weather is bad for a date. I think it’s cozy. If it’s a little rainy outside, it makes your indoor experience more special and romantic. Use it to your advantage,” Conti told Spectrum Networks.
Forecasting romance
The perfect weather for a date may be in April, if you are Miss Rhode Island from the movie “Miss Congeniality.”

But for others, it could be something else. We talked to our Spectrum News meteorologists and digital weather team about their ideal weather for date. Watch their responses.
No matter what season you’re in, you have to be intentional about finding love and being in the moment.
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Meteorologist Keith Bryant
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