Prominent NFT Artist Fewocious has yet announced the motorboat of his long-awaited NFT postulation titled ‘Fewos,’ acceptable to beryllium released successful a fewer months. Featuring 20,000 unsocial Fewo characters, this bid is simply a portion of Fewocious’ Web3 universe, known arsenic FewoWorld.

According to the FewoWorld website, Fewos are hand-drawn characters with assorted traits, including squiggly eyes, linework bones, and different unsocial features, converted into stunning 3D art. Created successful the artist’s signature style, Fewos are vibrant, and a spot weird but highly unique. 

There are 3 unsocial taxon of Fewos – Frankenstein, Misunderstood, and Humanoid with each Fewo having its backstory and property traits. These small inhabitants of FewoWorld ‘have been created done the cosmic detonation of Paint’ and volition enactment arsenic the counterparts to Paint Drops. The income for these unsocial PFPs volition hap successful 3 waves astatine the extremity of August: 

  • Paint Holder Presale volition beryllium unfastened for holders of NFTs from the Paint Drop, allowing them to usage their Paint Drops to redeem a escaped Fewo.
  • Fewocious Art Holder Presale volition let holders of different Fewocious pieces to mint a Fewo for a discounted price. 
  • Public Sale volition beryllium unfastened for everyone with last timing and prices to beryllium announced.

According to the site, each of the Fewo NFTs volition beryllium accompanied by its ain idiosyncratic ERC-6551 ‘backpack’ wallet. After grabbing a Fewo, collectors volition besides beryllium capable to redeem “Flowers” for their Fewos. They volition enactment arsenic mint passes to let collectors “bloom” into FewoFashion integer wearables and accessories.

Fewos’ is simply a highly-anticipated driblet among the NFT assemblage pursuing the singular occurrence of the artist’s earlier NFT drops. Fewocious is simply a salient property that made a people successful the non-fungible realm, having collaborated with assorted artists, having generated whopping sums successful sales, and tons more. 

Fewocious is gaining expanding designation for his expressive benignant and unsocial attack to creating creation successful the integer space. The upcoming Fewos postulation is expected to adhd different furniture to Fewocious’ increasing beingness arsenic helium seeks to grow a assemblage of collectors and fans astir his work.

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