A family was shocked to find a nest of baby birds had made an unlikely home – in their wing mirror.

The family had been travelling for three hours in a horse box and had arrived in Somerset when they heard chirping.

They contacted Secret World Wildlife Rescue in Highbridge who sent a response driver out to the birds.

The chicks proved almost impossible to remove from the mirror as they were stuck in a very small hole.

A spokesperson from Secret World Wildlife Rescue said: “The owners of the horse box kindly took the wing mirror off and it was travelled complete with the baby bluetits to the rescue centre.

“Dan, our wildlife carer, very carefully cajoled them out by very carefully manipulated one chick at a time.

“Eventually, with a lot of patience, all eight chicks were out and demanding to be fed.”

The chicks proved almost impossible to remove from the mirror (Image: SecretWorldWildlifeRescue/SWNS)

It took over two hours to remove each chick without hurting them. Thankfully, all eight chicks are doing well and are “keeping the centre busy”.

The wing mirror was returned to the owners the following day, who were pleased to hear that all the chicks had been rescued and were doing well.

This article by Athena Stavrou was first published by Somerset Live on 1 June 2023. Lead Image: A number of birds had nested in the wing mirror of the family’s car (Image: SecretWorldWildlifeRescue/SWNS).

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Fighting for Wildlife supports approved wildlife conservation organizations, which spend at least 80 percent of the money they raise on actual fieldwork, rather than administration and fundraising. When making a donation you can designate for which type of initiative it should be used – wildlife, oceans, forests or climate.


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