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Expert available to Discuss Handgun Study Ahead of National Gun Violence Awareness Day
Dr. Hasan Buker recently published an article, co-authored with two students, titled “Carrying a handgun in public vs. taking a handgun to school among youth: an exploration of the predicting power of risk factors related to delinquency, aggression, and victimization.”
Dr. Buker, and his co-authors examined data collected from 5,648 high school students to understand the risk factors for gun carrying among those youth. The results of the study indicated that the youth with increased anger, higher delinquent/anti-social behavior, and bullying behavior were significantly more likely to carry a handgun. On the other hand, youth who took a handgun to school mostly reported carrying a handgun in public as well. Increased delinquent/anti-soci
Dr. Buker is very responsive and would be enthusiastic about coverage.
Biography :
Dr. Buker joined UWF in 2019 as an Associate Professor and the Chair of the Department of Criminology and Criminal Justice. Before accepting his current position, he held faculty positions at Minot State University, Washington State University, and several other institutions in Turkey. Buker also served as a law enforcement officer at different roles and ranks prior to his academic career. Dr. Buker has been an innovative and engaged instructor, a vigorous researcher with a vibrant agenda responsive to contemporary and practical issues in his field, and a dedicated servant of his institutions, profession, and the community in different capacities. Degrees & Institutions: Dr. Buker received his Ph.D. from the Washington State University’s Program in Criminal Justice in 2007. He earned a masters degree from the Ankara University and a bachelor’s degree from the Turkish National Police Academy. He also attended criminal justice masters programs at the University of North Texas and the University of Arkansas at Little Rock. Research: Juvenile delinquency/justice, criminological theory, crimes against children, law enforcement, and the administration of criminal justice organizations are the primary research interests of Dr. Buker. He was the principal investigator, co-principal investigator, research fellow, and a consultant in numerous funded research endeavors. During these research activities, he corroborated with his students, fellow researchers, and practitioners from various countries, international organizations, such as UNICEF, governmental and non-governmental agencies, and academic disciplines. Classes Taught: Crimes against Children Criminological Theory Criminal Investigation Criminal Psychology and Profiling Policing Juvenile Delinquency / Justice Introduction to Criminal Justice Criminal Justice Administration Cybercrimes Terrorism and Homeland Security Research Methods Statistics Special Interests: Children and Society Criminal Justice Technology Publications: Peer Reviewed Journal Articles: Erbay, A., & Buker, H. (2019). Youth Who Kill in Turkey: A Study on Juvenile Homicide Offenders, Their Offenses, and Their Differences From Violent and Nonviolent Juvenile Delinquents. Journal of Interpersonal Violence. Buker, H., Gultekin, S. & Akgul, A*. (2018). Expected Functions of an Effective Child Justice System Administration? A Framework Developed through a Qualitative Study in Turkey. Journal of Human Sciences, 16, 87-101. DOI: Buker, H. & A. Erbay*. (2018). Is this kid a likely experimenter or a likely persister?: An Analysis of Individual-Level and Family-Level Risk Factors Predicting Multiple Offending Among a Group of Adjudicated Youth. International Journal of Offender Therapy and Comparative Criminology, 63, 4024–4045. Dolu, O., Buker, H. & Uludağ, S. (2012). A Critical Assessment of the Deterrent Capacity of the Turkish Criminal Justice System, Journal of Ankara University Law School, 61, 69-106. Buker, H. (2011). Formation of Self-Control: Gottfredson & Hirschi’s General Theory of Crime and beyond. Aggressive and Violent Behavior: A Journal of Review, 16, 265-276. Dolu, O., Buker, H. & Uludağ, S. (2010). Effects of Violent Video Games on Children: An Assessment on Aggression, Violence and Delinquency. Turkish Journal of Forensic Sciences, 9, 54-75. Buker, H. & Dolu, O. (2010). Police Job Satisfaction in Turkey: Effects of Demographic, Organizational and Jurisdictional Factors. International Journal of Comparative and Applied Criminal Justice, 34, 25-51. Buker, H. (2010). How important is it to Know “How a Police Officer Feels” for Police Supervisors? Assessing a Rare Police Supervisor Promotion System. Police Practice and Research: An International Journal, 11, 61-77. Dolu, O. & Buker, H. (2009). Limits of Deterrence: A Critical Approach to Deterrence-based Crime Prevention Policies. Turkish Journal of Police Studies, 11, 1-22. Ellis, L., Das, S., Buker, H. (2008). Androgen-promoted Bodily Traits and Criminality: A test of the Evolutionary Neuroandrogenic Theory. Personality and Indivıdual Differences, 44, 699-709. Buker, H. & F. Wiecko (2007). Are causes of Stress Global? Testing the Effects of Common Police Stressors on the Turkish National Police. Policing: An International Journal of Police Strategies and Management, 30, 291-309. Books, Book Chapters, Entries, and Edited Volumes: Buker, H. (Eds.) (2014). Children and Violence: Children Under the Pressure of Social Violence, Volume 1: Children as the Victims of Violence. SAMER Scientific Publication Series: İstanbul – Turkey. Dolu, O.; Uludag, S. and Buker, H. (2012). Crime, Justice, and Children in Turkey: A Critical Assessment of the Turkish Juvenile Justice System. Netherlands Police Academy Publication (OBT): Den Haag, Netherlands. Buker, H. (2012). Fraudulent Forensic Evidence: Malpractice in Crime Laboratories. LFB Scholarly Publishing: El Paso, TX. Buker, H. & Herberholz, M. (2019). Sex offenders in Prisons. In Robert Worley & Vidisha Worley (Ed.). American Prisons and Jails: An Encyclopedia of Controversies and Trends. ABC-CLIO, Santa Barbara, CA. Buker, H. & Balcioglu, E. (2016). Domestic Violence. In A. Sozer and E. Balcioglu.. (Eds.) Criminology, pp. 373-400. Nobel Publications, Istanbul – Turkey. Buker, H. (2013). Accountability and Transparency in Organizations. In S. Gultekin (Eds.) Organization Theories: Classical and Modern Perspectives, pp. 131-170. Seckin Publications, Ankara – Turkey. Buker, H. (2012). Malpractice as an Administrative Problem: Individual or Organizational Level Failure? In H. Kavruk, Public Administration in Turkey from a Theoretical and Practical Perspective, pp. 699-724. Todaie-Türkiye Ve Orta Doğu Amme İdaresi Enstitüsü: Ankara – Turkey. Buker, H. & Dolu, O. (2010). Colvin, Mark, Francis T. Cullen, and Thomas Vander Ven: Coercion, Social Support, and Crime. In T. Cullen & Pamela Wilcox (Eds.), Encyclopedia of Criminological Theory, pp. 203-206. Sage Publications: Thousand Oaks, CA, USA. DOI: Dolu, O. & Buker, H. (2010). Colvin, Mark: Coercion Theory. In T. Cullen & Pamela Wilcox (Ed.), Encyclopedia of Criminological Theory, pp. 194-197. Sage Publications: Thousand Oaks, CA, USA. DOI: Buker, H. (2010). Changing the Organization and Organizing the Change in the Context of Community Policing. In A. Sozer (Eds.), Community Oriented Policing: Society, Crime, and Security, pp. 115-135, Adalet Yayınevi: Ankara, Turkey.
University of West Florida
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