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Expect delays on the W Line this weekend (vandalism, again)


Aaron Gallegos sits on the last RTD W Line train of the night, unsure where, exactly, he’s headed. Feb. 22, 2023.

Kevin J. Beaty/Denverite

Light rail service on the W Line will be partially suspended this weekend for repairs.

The Regional Transportation District said overhead wires on the line were damaged by vandals, a recently common occurrence that has required thousands of dollars in repairs and service interruptions. In previous incidents, thieves have stolen copper wire from the high-voltage circuits above tracks.

The W Line runs from Union Station to Golden. The shutdowns will start with a full closure Friday night. The last three trips of the day will be canceled in each direction, starting at about 11:30 p.m., and bus shuttle service won’t be available that night.

On Saturday, the line will not operate between the Sheridan and Garrison stations. RTD will provide bus shuttles between the following stations:

  • Sheridan Station. Shuttles will board at eastbound and westbound Route 9 bus stops at 10th Avenue and Ames Street. That’s about a quarter-mile walk from the station.
  • Lamar Station. Shuttles will board at eastbound and westbound Route 9 bus stops at 13th Avenue and Lamar Street, near the rail platform.
  • Lakewood-Wadsworth Station. Shuttles will board next to the rail platform
  • Garrison Station. Shuttles will board next to the rail platform

Service will be available on the rest of the line, but expect some minor delays and disruptions west of Garrison this weekend.  Trains will operate on a single track on Saturday between the western end of the line and the Garrison station. Trains may arrive in both directions on the track, which may lead to minor delays. 

Full service will return to the W Line on Sunday, but the first three trips of the day will be canceled.


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