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After getting her start as a content creator on YouTube, Davies was inspired by a friend to join TikTok. She has made a name for herself on the platform with her unique paranormal content, acting skits, and choreography. Some of her most popular videos feature a haunted doll named Lola, and you can watch one here. Davies has built a loyal fanbase on her verified social media platforms including Instagram with 231,000 followers, TikTok with over 154 million likes and over 5 million followers, YouTube with over 1 million Subscribers, as well as Twitter. Her content and following have not gone unnoticed as she was selected to be a featured creator and panelist at this year’s VidCon as well as a panelist at Playlist Live.

Outside of social media, she has made her mark on the world of music. To date, Davies has released three singles HeartbeatsDone, and Darker and you can listen to the tracks here.  Her upcoming single September 10th was inspired by an experience on her birthday that pushed her  to the path to spiritual awakening. The deeply personal song focuses on finding the strength to escape negative cycles and taking one’s power back.

Davies is also a passionate psychic medium who discovered her ability to connect with spirits on the other side at a young age. After her spiritual awakening, she has made it her mission to connect loved ones with their deceased relatives and show her followers that not all spirits are evil or scary. 

Hi Kelsi so tell us, how did you transition from being a content creator on YouTube to becoming a popular figure on TikTok?

I just started posting unique short-form content on TikTok. It’s very different from long-form, but I found a way to do both. My YouTube channel has grown significantly from the short-form content that I have on TikTok, which I also post to YouTube “Shorts”. It’s important to find a way to have viewers that are interested in your short form content navigate over to your long-form as well. It is all about creating a positive community, interacting with the people who support you, and staying consistent. 

What inspired you to create paranormal content, and how did you come up with the idea of featuring a haunted doll named Lola in your videos and how did you discover this doll?

Growing up, I have had many other worldly experiences. I always thought it was “normal” and that everyone would see and feel things like I did. One of my biggest fears was ghosts, believe it or not! They would scare me and I tried to block it out as much as I could. Later on, I started having more unexplainable experiences and decided to embrace it rather than run from it. I remember going into this creepy area and a sewer tunnel that I felt was haunted. So out of curiosity, I looked up “haunted sewer tunnel” and OmargoshTV popped up. He would visit some of the most haunted places and I was fascinated by it. It inspired me to start facing my fears and going to some of the most haunted locations. When I was really trying to understand my gifts, I had this intuitive feeling that I should get a haunted item. That’s when I went on eBay and found someone who was selling haunted dolls from their collection. I believe her username was “firetorchfindings” and right when I saw the photo of Lola’s doll, I just had this intense feeling and bought her doll without hesitation. 

Tell us about your experience as a featured creator and panelist at VidCon. What was the highlight of that event for you?

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It was such a great opportunity. I think the highlight was meeting my supporters. I even got to give some of them psychic readings! It’s just so surreal meeting some of the people who have changed my life so significantly. I don’t know where I would be without them. 

You have a large and dedicated following on social media. How do you engage with your fans, and what do you think sets your content apart from others in your niche?

I make sure to spend an hour every day reading and responding to comments on all platforms. I also have a discord that I try to go onto as much as I can to chat with people! I think what makes my content different is that I’m very in tune spiritually and have senses that others in my niche have not opened up. I believe everyone has gifts, it’s just a matter of practicing, opening them up, and understanding them.

Congratulations on your music career! Could you share the story behind your upcoming single “September 10th” and how your birthday experience led to your spiritual awakening?

It has been very emotional getting this song out. It digs into trauma, betrayal, and escaping toxic cycles. On the night of my birthday (September 10th) something really traumatic, yet eye opening happened when a childhood friend showed their true colors in front of my friends and family. It absolutely broke me for a long time. I went on an intense spiritual journey after all of this and did a lot of releasing. 

The song is about moving on, letting go, and escaping that toxicity. 

What can we expect from the music video, is there anything you can share with us?

The music video, directed by Kyra Gardner, showcases escaping that toxic loop so beautifully. It shows how much that negative energy pulls you in and takes over. But once you find the strength to get out of it and find peace, it’s the most beautiful feeling.

As a psychic medium, how did you discover your ability to connect with spirits at a young age?

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I didn’t consider myself a psychic medium until just a couple years ago. This is something I didn’t really think about, like how does someone get the title of being a psychic medium? It’s all a part of the spiritual journey, and what I needed to acknowledge first is that my experiences were not things that most people could understand. That’s a hard step because you almost feel “crazy” for having unexplainable things happen to you constantly. I would have dreams of people that I knew were passed on, and they would give me messages, tell me their stories, and even show me how they died. My dreams would also predict future events. Things like this would go on in my daily life too. I was always super sensitive to energy, would just know things about people, and see things that I couldn’t explain. I remember having spirits visit and it would scare me. No one told me that my family ancestry had psychics and mediums on the Native American side until I was vocal about my odd experiences.  That’s when it all started making sense to me. 

What motivated you to create the podcast “InTALKxicated” and what topics do you usually explore with your guests?

I am a big marijuana advocate. Some of the most intense, deep conversations that I had are while my friends and I were well… InTALKxicated! So I thought, why don’t I do a podcast where we talk about these super interesting conspiracies, aliens, ghost stories, and more while in this mind-altering state! It’s hilarious yet interesting where your mind goes while being high…

How did you co-create the mobile app “Kelsi Davies: Haunt Escape,” and what made you want to an app in addition to your other ventures?

My friend Aaron Hibbard is a game and app developer. He reached out to me and asked if I wanted to collaborate on something fun and we came up with a concept of a ghost hunting game! It’s super unique and interactive. I love working on new creative things.

Read the full description on the Apple App store here

Being a proud member of the LGBTQ+ community, how do you use your platform to advocate for inclusivity and diversity?

The world needs love right now. It is the most powerful energy, and the most important. I make sure the community that we have built is respectful and doesn’t spread hate. If I see anyone being attacked for their sexuality, gender identity, race, or anything like that, I stop it immediately whenever I can. I want to create a safe space for everyone, whether they are part of the LGBTQ+ community or not. Be proud of who you are. 

What are some of your favorite memories or interactions with your followers throughout your career?

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There are so many! I loved meeting some of my followers at VidCon this year! A couple of them made art for me and one even gave me a blue morpho butterfly sticker. I appreciate and love how thoughtful these moments were. 

Balancing multiple roles as a content creator, psychic medium, and singer/dancer must be challenging. How do you manage your time and keep yourself creatively inspired?

It is definitely a challenge; I edit a majority of my long-form YouTube videos. Some are over an hour long! But I do it because I genuinely enjoy and love the process, sometimes I do get overwhelmed because it is a lot. I always keep an eye on my calendar to see what days I have certain things scheduled and that I’m taking care of myself mentally and physically doing all of this. I’ve slowed down lately just to focus on my mental health and avoid a burn out. I just let the creativity come to me and the psychic stuff definitely guides me and helps. It’s like I always know what to do next.

What advice would you give to aspiring content creators who are trying to make a name for themselves on social media platforms?

Stay true to yourself, never rely on anyone but yourself. There is room for everyone so don’t bring others down to try to get to the top. The most successful people are those who help others, stay focused on their goals, are humble, and never give up. 

As someone who works with paranormal content, have you ever had a personal encounter or experience that left a lasting impression on you?

There have been so many beautiful experiences and terrifying ones. When I reached enlightenment in Costa Rica, I channeled a spirit and it was the most beautiful experience I have ever had. There is a lot that I saw, universal knowledge I retained, past lives that I remembered, and so much that I cannot put into words. The universe is magical, God is pure love, and I’m just so grateful to be here. 

Kelsi Davies: Instagram

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Neill Frazer

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