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Exclusive Interview with Anissa Matlock Who Shines in the Amazon Series ‘The Power’



Socials: @neillfrazer

On the big screen, Matlock was noted as a “standout” by Variety & IndieWire in her supporting role in the award-winning feature film “Beast Beast,” directed by Danny Madden and produced by Alec Baldwin, which world premiered at Sundance 2020 and released on steaming platforms in the Spring of 2021. Additionally, she appears alongside Gerard Butler in the 2020 disaster film “Greenland” and will share the screen with Pierce Brosnan in the upcoming action thrill-ride “Fast Charlie.” Anissa’s television credits include AMC’s “The Walking Dead,” “The Resident,” “The Gifted,” and “Reprisal.”

Matlock is also currently working on funding her next project, “The Hunted,” via Seed&Spark. “The Hunted” is not your ordinary female-driven revenge flick. Drawing inspiration from thrilling tales like “I Spit On Your Grave” and “Promising Young Woman,” we dive into the dark world of sex trafficking served with a side of vengeance.

Photo credit: Photographer: Daniel Cutts 
Groomer: Amber Actaboski
Wardrobe stylist: Nicole Omuteku

Hi Anissa welcome to OLC!

— Thanks for having me!

You star in Amazon’s ‘The Power’, can you tell us a little bit about the show and who you play?

— The Power is a bold exploration of what could happen if the scales of ‘power’ were balanced by an evolutionary jump in persons with high estrogen levels. Several of the storylines within the show follow teenage girls learning to navigate the world in their own right, but with the added excitement and complications of electricity coursing through their bodies that they can release at will. I play Cat Cole, one of these teenagers who is a bit of a loner at the school where Jos Cleary-Lopez (Auli’i Cravalho) goes. Cat and Jos couldn’t be more different, but they form a bond over this incredible thing that they both have. 

Can you tell us about your character Cat, how did you prepare for this role, and how much of you did you put into it?

— Cat is a bit of a rebel by nature. She’s not looking for anyone’s approval, but she finds an opportunity to connect with Jos through a sort of mentorship of how to feel and trust her own inner strength. Personally, I was a fairly well-behaved teen with Army parents, so I couldn’t have gotten away with a lot of her behavior, but Cat definitely carries my empathy and drive to push my friends towards what they desire, but might be scared to go after on their own. 

You starred alongside some incredible people, what did you learn from them while being on the show?

— I think you tend to learn from everyone you meet and work with in life and in this industry. Everyone brings a different energy to play off of, adapt to, and/or challenge. It was a wonderful experience getting to work with such an incredible collective of actors, writers, and directors through this show. 

You’re currently working on a new project called “The Hunted”, are you able to tell us anything about it and when we can expect to see it?

— Yes! The Hunted is the brainchild of my creative partner, Lenny Leonie, and I. It’s a genre-bending action thriller that delves into the pervasive global issue of human trafficking and faces it head-on in the form of two vigilante women. True to my own style, there is a bit of a supernatural-horror twist, and true to Lenny’s, we take a hard look at the humanity within morally gray vigilantism and its consequences. 

We are currently on day 3 of 4 for the short film version and are seeking to develop and produce a feature-length film sometime next year. 

Anissa behind the scenes directing on the set of The Hunted alongside Justin Reich. Credit to Nigel Marson Photography.

You’ve been in so many incredible shows and films, including ‘The Walking Dead’, ‘Greenland’, and the award-winning film ‘Beast Beast’, so how did this all start for you? Because you came from a military family, so how did you get drawn into the world of acting?

— I honestly look back and am blown away with gratitude at how far I’ve come. I was always an entertainer at heart, from very little. I would reenact Barney skits and my babysitter’s cheer routines for my parents. They brought home their first camcorder, and this was the 90s so you had to plug it into the back of the TV to see live pictures on the screen, and once I realized if I stood in front of the camera I could be on TV I was absolutely enthralled by it. 

Growing up in a military family, it’s hard to grow roots because of how often you’re relocated. My parents always found ways for me to do what I loved, whether it be community theatre or backyard plays with friends. I got my degree in Theatre, but began working my way into TV & Film as a Production Assistant and did some Background Extra work to observe how bigger sets operated — all while in Acting classes. It’s been a long journey, but a beautiful one. 

Who is someone you’d love to work with and why?

— I have an incredibly long list that I could pull from to answer this, but I think the person who is consistently at the top of that list is Viola Davis. I am endlessly inspired by her as a person and by her career. When I was working my way up with day-player roles of just a few lines or words, no matter how exciting it is to actually book — which IS a huge win in and of itself — there was always that little voice that wondered if I would ever grow beyond. 

I remember seeing Viola while rewatching Kate & Leopold and recognized her instantly as Professor Keating (How To Get Away With Murder). She carried herself so strongly in that one short scene, with the same poise that she carries all of her leading roles. That changed my perspective entirely from this vertical idea of growth and success to one built around consistency and dedication to storytelling, not just how many words I get to say on camera. Meeting and working with her would be an honor.

Lastly what advice can you give to aspiring actors who would love to get their big break one day?

— I mentioned consistency above, and I think that’s one of the best things to keep in mind. You really have to love what you do, because remaining consistent in your training, in your self-care, in the quality of work in your auditions, and in your dedication to learning about yourself and the world around you… it is a massive challenge when you’re constantly told “No.” But if it fills your spirit, keep going!

Anissa Matlock (@anissamatlock) • Instagram


Neill Frazer

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