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Evil Dead Rise: Everything We Know About The Next Evil Dead Movie
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Everything We Know About Evil Dead Rise
There’s no way Sam Raimi could’ve known what he was starting when he hired his friend Bruce to help him film a horror movie about an evil book left in a cabin in the woods. Evil Dead was cheesy but enjoyable, and did well enough that Raimi was able to take the money and make Evil Dead 2. Only, Evil Dead 2 wasn’t a sequel–it was a retelling of the original story with a bigger budget, better effects (but not good effects), and more humor. Medieval Dead would eventually be renamed Army of Darkness, and continue the story of protagonist Ash Williams, lone surviving character of the first two movies. That movie further doubled down on the humor and over-the-top effects and helped turn Bruce Cambpell into a B-movie icon.
2013’s Evil Dead took us back to the cabin in the woods and back to the Book of the Dead, and now it’s time to open the book again. But this time in Evil Dead Rise, instead of taking place in the isolation of a cabin, the heroes will discover the book in the bowels of a Los Angeles apartment building. The two leads play estranged sisters, which also puts a new emphasis on family for this picture; Evil Dead movies have often been about the stereotypical bunch of kids/young adults at a cabin (with the exception of the medieval-set Army of Darkness, of course).
While Raimi has been working on other things lately, like Doctor Strange and the Multiverse of Madness, he’s handed off these newer entries to other directors and guides the franchise from an executive producer level. Relative unknown Lee Cronin is helming Evil Dead Rise with a similarly fresh cast of relative unknowns.