Kanye is sad …
Nobody likes him. Companies don’t want anything to do with him anymore. Kim’s gone and dated someone more liked by the public than ole Ye. Does he even have a bank account anymore? In America? Maybe China, sure, or Switzerland. He even changed his name and wore a black nylon over his head like he was robbing a bank … but still … no one likes Kanye.
So now he’s dating or married (or who the fuck really cares about this guy anymore) to some other girl.
Is it to make Kim take him back – that old nugget we’ve all tried at least once, and which usually fails? Or does he know she won’t come back so he got another one? Does he have a type? How long will she last? Is this a career move for her? A movie deal in the works? And what the hell is her name again?
Anyway, poor Kanye … he’s a martyr, possibly a reincarnation of Jesus himself … maybe that’s his next move. Start up a cult and call yourself the new and improved Jesus?
Nah, it’s been done, and no one wants to wear the Nikes or drink the Kool-Aid anymore.
As the Bee Gees once asked, “How do you mend a broken heart?”