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Every US retail outlet has run out of the WNBA sheer mesh panties


Sportsapalooza writer Pia Confetti has stated that retail stores Walmart, Target, and Fiddle Faddle have all run out of the new WNBA panties.

Confetti noted that the new undies come in sizes S, M, L, XL, XXL, and XXXL – though, good luck finding those again…

She noted that the majority of the panties are being purchased by husbands and boyfriends for their wives or girlfriends. Or sisters and cousins. Sometimes the same person.

One very popular gentleman, who looks a lot like a very young Brad Pitt said that he bought a pair for his wife and a pair for his (two) girlfriends – possibly to share…one leg each?

SIDENOTE: The commissioner of the WNBA Cathy “Cutey” Engelbert said that The Lady Godiva Panties Company of New York City paid the WNBA $17 million for the rights to use the WNBA logo.


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