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Ever wonder what men think about looking for love after 50? | Find a Quality Man


Ever wonder what men think about looking for love after 50?

Recently, a man named Lee reached out to me and shared his thoughts about how difficult dating was for a man over 50. (I bet you thought it was only difficult for us, right?)

His insights were right on target about women from a male perspective.

I asked if we could record our call and he gave me permission to share it with you hoping it will help women understand men and dating from a male perspective.

He shares from his heart why so many of the men you pass up might actually make a good boyfriend or future husband for you.

Lee also talks about how it feels to be a man in the dating world…priceless information worth hearing.

I feel like you’ll come away with insights and compassion for yourself and for the men you meet as you travel the journey of finding love the second time around.

Here’s the link: An Interview With Lee On Looking For Love After 50

(If you’re like me, some of my best learning is done listening in the car or while walking my dog, Levi.)

I’d love to hear your thoughts about what Lee shared.

Believing in you!

Big hugs ~


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