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Evelyn Restaurant Project from Jill Vedaa and Jessica Parkison is Not Happening


Jill Vedaa (left) and Jessica Parkison

Evelyn, announce two years ago, will not happen.

Two years ago, partners Jill Vedaa and Jessica Parkison announced that they were taking over the former Spice Kitchen property at the corner of Detroit and W. 58th Street in Gordon Square. A few months later they had a name and concept for the property: Evelyn, named after Vedaa’s mother, would offer an “elevated tapas” experience.

Today, the Salt owners have announced publicly for the first time that the project is dead.

“As some of you know, we were planning on opening our third restaurant, Evelyn,” the partners stated. “After countless discussions, sleepless nights, and hours of trying to make it work, we have decided to sell the property.”

Reached for additional comment, Vedda added, “Ultimately, it was an incredibly hard decision, but in order for Salt and Poppy to continue to do well we had to make this sacrifice. It’s heartbreaking because we had such amazing plans for the space. We definitely wanted to sell to someone that understood the legacy and beauty of the build and I think we accomplished that.”

Vedaa and Parkison have sold the property to Revifi Properties.

“[They have] amazing plans for the future. We support their endeavor and wish them the absolute best,” Vedaa added.

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Douglas Trattner

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