Eric Trump has been turning up on Fox News and Newsmax and giving some bizarre interviews while trying to defend his dad’s indictment.

Trump first turned up on Fox News to compare his dad’s indictment to CVS locking up the Advil. Trump said, “This is a city, I spend a lot of time in New York, that is literally falling apart. I went into a CVS the other day, and you can’t buy Tylenol because it is locked behind these glass counters because there’s so much theft. There’s so much looting. There’s so much homelessness and crime, but yet their attention is going after Donald Trump.”

Trump then went on Newsmax and complained that a different drug store had the Advil locked up:

The topper came when Eric Trump went on Fox and Friends and started talking about cocaine, and hookers:

The Trumps are grasping for some example that will help make their dad look unjustly accused, but so far Eric Trump has come up with CVS, Tylenol, Advil, booze, hookers, homeless people, and drug store locks.

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It is not exactly a compelling list, and it is fair to ask if maybe some family member or loved one should do a wellness check on Eric Trump because what he is discussing on television makes no sense.

This seems to be a very isolated and elitist family trying to relate to regular people, but it just sounds weird and like maybe Eric Trump is have some serious issues with ihs his dad’s indictment.

Jason Easley

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