Episode 206: ANYONE Can Be an Entrepreneur w/ Hailey Rowe ANYONE Can Be an Entrepreneur
[00:00:00] Detective Ev: Hey, what is going on my friends? Welcome back to another episode of the Health Detective Podcast by Functional Diagnostic Nutrition. My name is Evan Transue, aka Detective Ev. I will be your host for today’s show about how anyone can be an entrepreneur. You can always find us, by the way, at That is
Today what we are doing is actually taking an Instagram LIVE audio that we have and putting it on here as the podcast, cause I wanted to make sure our audience here got this as well. I do apologize in advance because my audio is not the worst thing in the world, but it almost sounds like I’m calling in from a phone. Our guest, Hailey, who’s talking most of the time, her audio is pretty perfect, so nothing to worry about there.
Today, we’re focusing solely on business. Hailey does have her own health challenges that she struggled with. It’s what led her into the world of actually coaching other health coaches to do the business side of things. I’ll tell you this, this woman knows her stuff.
In the world of business coaching, and I don’t know if I have a tainted perspective on this because I’m a relatively young person who sees a lot of pseudo business coaches out there, but there’s a lot of BS. There’s a lot of people that got very lucky or really have not accomplished much of anything. Maybe they made a hundred thousand dollars one year and then are coaching other people on how to do that, even though they couldn’t keep it, they only did it one time. I’m not trying to be negative; I’m just being realistic. I see this literally all the time.
Talking About How to Become an Entrepreneur
The difference with Hailey is, there are certain people that when they talk, you can tell that they know what they’re talking about. They couldn’t really fake some of those things and Hailey’s one of those people. I enjoyed this conversation so much.

We’re going to talk about things from marketing, to sales, to do you need the perfect website to get started, to what are some of the biggest challenges that people face when they are starting a health coaching business or starting off as a brand new FDN practitioner. We cover pretty much all of those topics and more.
Without further ado, let us get to today’s episode. See, you are an Instagram pro because you joined right away. Thank you so much. Hey. How are you?
Hailey Rowe: I’m doing well.
Detective Ev: It’s nice to get to virtually meet you here. Again, thank you for hopping on with us.
[00:02:26] Hailey Rowe: Thanks for having me.
[00:02:28] Detective Ev: Guys, if you’re just tuning in, today’s a little different than what we normally do on the Instagram Live side of things for FDN. We’re going to be talking a lot more about business stuff because Hailey is a business coach specifically for our friends in the health coaching industry.
An Entrepreneur Who Incorporates Her Passions
If you are listening on the Health Detective Podcast, you guys already know, we kind of incorporate some business stuff on here sometimes. Mostly it is health stuff, but we know that you guys all need some help with this. It seems that most of the people that listen, they either are practitioners, Hailey, or they’re becoming FDNs, becoming some type of practitioner. We’ve got a lot of people for you to talk to today between the Instagram Live and the podcast itself.
I want to jump right into it. I like when people do that on Instagram Live. I looked at your page and I noticed you did that, which I very much respect. I encourage you guys to go shoot her a follow.
I want to know how did you get into the coaching for health coaches? I don’t mean that in a generic way. I mean, did you have health challenges before? Because I find some people kind of get into this space, even if it’s the business coaching side, for very specific reasons. Let’s talk about that first if we can.

[00:03:28] Hailey Rowe: Yeah. I’ve always had an interest in wellness and holistic health. I got into it because I knew I liked business; I knew I liked wellness. I didn’t know how I wanted my passions to come together. So, I did what probably a lot of people on this life have done, which is I got a bunch of certifications, just to see what I liked and to figure out what I want to do.
Hailey’s Health Journey
I ended up getting my bachelor’s in entrepreneurship and then worked in the business development marketing world for wellness startups. I loved that because it combined both interests. I worked on the business side, but also, my whole mission is, by helping them with their business, they’re making the world a healthier place.
So, in 2017, I went off on my own. Because in the startup world, as you know, it’s very stressful. There’s a lot going on. One of the startups that I worked for, because it was a wellness company, they were facing delays and getting certain things approved and blah, blah, blah. The entire company got let go in one day.
And my biggest regret at that time, which is why everybody on this Live was very smart, was kind of putting my coaching completely on the back burner during that time. So, I got back into it starting from scratch in 2017 and wanted to work with wellness professionals, wanted to continue working with that niche.
[00:04:39] Detective Ev: Just to be clear then, it’s not like you haven’t gone through some crazy health challenge or anything like that. You just have this side passion for the health stuff.

[00:04:44] Hailey Rowe: I have actually. I really struggled with acne. Sorry, I should have clarified that. I struggled with acne, and I struggled with some gut health issues because I was on antibiotics a lot when I was a kid.
I got strep throat, like every month. I kept taking antibiotics. Then I didn’t know better in my teens to not take antibiotics for your skin but that’s what happened. I had to go on my own journey really and that has been a process. But doing so much better now.
An Entrepreneur: Drawn into the Holistic World by Health Issues
[00:05:10] Detective Ev: Well, you and I, cause I know that we don’t know each other in that sense. I had many things that were going on, but one of the biggest motivating factors to get into the more holistic side of things was literally one of the worst cases of cystic acne that you’ve probably ever seen. I mean, it was pretty bad.
Yeah, that was the thing. I remember specifically asking my dermatologist when I was a kid, I was probably 15 or 16, for antibiotics. I had went on it for a sinus infection from my family doctor. I said, oh, my acne seemed to get a little bit better. So, they would just give those things out like candy 10, 15 years ago to anyone that “needed them”, quote/unquote. It’s kind of crazy.

But that makes a little more sense. I feel like even if someone’s on the business side, there is usually something that brought them specifically into this kind of world of more natural things. That’s very interesting. That’ll definitely resonate and relate with our practitioners cause they’ve all been through their own thing.
So, when you are getting into the world of business, what are some things to watch out for? What are some things that you wish you knew?
Types of Clients Hailey Coaches
This is what we seem to have here, Hailey. It’s not honestly the norm, but there are people every now and then that come into the world of FDN, where, yeah, they’re born entrepreneurs, right? They were doing the lemonade stands, they were selling things at school, they were doing everything like that. Then they just so happened to also be interested in health or have a story, and they combine those two things.
More often what happens is this, the person has a health challenge, a severe one usually, and the Western medicine model by itself is not working for them. So, they go seek out alternative means. It changes their life, saves their life in certain cases. They’re like, wow! Well, I’d rather go help people and do this than do the other job I was doing before. So, now they want to go into the world of entrepreneurship.
But they’re like, wait a second, I’ve never opened a lemonade stand. I’ve never had an entrepreneurial bone in my body. And we 100% believe here that anyone can figure this out. So, what can we do to even start with people like that who might not have any experience? Do you work with people like that? Are they typically people who have more experience?

[00:06:58] Hailey Rowe: Yeah. I work with people who either are just wrapping up their certification or got their certification and then realized it’s harder than I thought to start a business, or people who’ve had a little bit of success, but it’s not at the consistency that they’d like. A lot of things happen, I think when you start a business or you just graduate your certification, and a lot of things I wish I knew too.
An Entrepreneur: Having a Funnel in Place
One of them is you think that you’re going to put up this website and people are going to come to you. You’re going to tell some friends and family and all of a sudden, you’re just going to be fully booked? The truth is you have to have a couple components in place to really be growing your business.
You have to decide which specific plan you want to have for each of these things. That is, you need to have new people finding you, connecting with new people regularly, whether that’s online or locally. You have to have a way to nurture them and show them the value you provide and what makes you stand out.
Then you have to have a process to convert them into a client. Obviously, not everybody makes it to that stage, that’s why it’s called a funnel. But you know, you gotta have something like that in place. Then, what you’re delivering, so your program delivery and having that figured out. And then client retention.

Those components, a lot of people don’t know that structure, like they’re just kind of all over the place. They’re like, okay, I guess I should set up a website. I guess I should probably just post on social media. But it’s not strategic, it’s not like, there’s a real plan in place.
It’s very easy to get overwhelmed too. This is a whole nother thing you have to learn is how to manage yourself and your mindset and having a business when you’re new to that.
First Steps to Becoming an Entrepreneur
If anybody here has had a corporate job or something, you’re usually told, here’s your responsibilities, your KPIs, here’s what we expect of you. Now, that’s all on you.
I have to be my own marketer and affiliate for my program. I have to be my program creator. I have to be the coach. I have to be all these things, unless you’re going to hire all that out. Which you probably shouldn’t do if you’re brand new, you gotta learn the basics on those things.

So, number one, you need to first of all become really good at managing your time, time batching, and being open to taking a guess at what your next step is and doing it not knowing yet what the outcome is going to be.
Then the second thing, don’t just get a fancy website. I highly recommend first, getting clear on your message, getting proof of concept, meaning working with a couple clients. Then once you’re clearer on your message and what copy converts, meaning what had those people sign up, then you could go and turn that into a fancier website. To start, you could have a pdf, you could have a simple landing page. I help my clients work around that when they’re first starting.
Then the last thing, a huge mistake I see, is focusing on the features and on very generic messaging instead of the results that you provide. And having confidence that when you work with clients and patients that you can help them achieve those results if they’re putting in the view.
I see a lot of people shying away. They’re just saying, improve your health in their messaging, like, feel better, you know? That doesn’t stand out anymore. It doesn’t grab people’s attention.
An Entrepreneur: Focus on the Results of What You Do
Also, if you’re worried about, well, I’m afraid to say, get better sleep, cause I don’t know if they will. Or like, I’m afraid to say X, Y, Z. Well, in your marketing message, you have to obviously be able to tailor your program when you’re working with a client. But the truth is, with the skills that you learn in this program, FDN, you can help them with stuff like that.

Of course, there’s legal things you need to pay attention to, and I have like a lawyer in my guest program who talks about things you can and can’t say. But I think people need to be more focused on what are the results of what you do. Like what’s the ‘so what’ of being healthy and having healthy habits and sleeping through the night and all that stuff in their life or in their career, or in their family. What’s that, and focus on that, that destination instead of, as Alex Ramsi says, the plane ticket. Focus on the destination instead of the plane ticket.
[00:11:05] Detective Ev: I love that you brought up this idea of the funnel and the concept of all these different moving parts. I could be wrong here, but I think what throws a lot of people off is they might know at least one or two people that have done business. Maybe it’s an older person in their family or just an older style of business where they’ve gotten away with not doing those things.
For example, one of my best friends, he’s actually an investor in a business that we have. He owns a dog training business. He’s only 27 years old. It’s not like he’s some old guy.
Can An Entrepreneur Get by with Just Great Customer Service?
But dog training is something that a lot of people need. You can kind of get away with just working your butt off in great customer service. This guy has only been doing this business for three years. He has over 10 employees. They’re doing over $600,000 every single year. He’s making a substantial amount net for himself. He just bought a $900,000 property for this.
By no metric is he doing bad, and yet they don’t even have an email marketing campaign when new leads come in. So, you ask him, well, how the heck did you grow your business? It’s been as simple for them, Hailey, as in our local Facebook groups where we live, they just constantly comment when people ask for dog training.
This is something that I think people really need to understand. There are people out there in that dog training world that already have a problem and they know what the problem is. A lot of people have it and they’re actively seeking the solution.

I think some of the times with the things that we’re dealing with as health coaches, professionals, whatever we want to call ourselves, the more specific that you get, especially with the disease, yes, that’s great. Have that niche. That’s awesome. But you have to understand that people aren’t just going into a Doylestown (I live in Doylestown, Pennsylvania), a Doylestown Facebook group, and talking about, who can help me with my Hashimoto’s? There is someone asking for dog training, Hailey, every day, multiple times a day. That’s not happening with the Hashimoto’s thing.
The Four Basics of Client Attraction for an Entrepreneur
We gotta be a little more specific, I think, to really grab these people’s attention in today’s super busy world. You might need more steps than that. With all of those things that you listed, I’m really curious about what your opinion is on this. Between the marketing, the sales, delivering a good product, the website, obviously, it’s a little overwhelming to do all of those at once, and you even said we don’t have to.
What do you think is like the most important out of those that people are missing? Are they terrible on the phone? Is the marketing trash? Like what’s the one piece that they’re really missing out?
[00:13:14] Hailey Rowe: Yeah. So, I love the dog example and I actually want to reverse engineer that because he is doing a system whether he realizes it or not.

This system is something that whatever marketing platform you choose, a lot of people are missing, like conceptually, seeing that this is the process they’re going through. If you know this, you can now then look at each part and we can see how you could improve it. I call it my four basics of client attraction. It is connect, engage, pre-offer, and sell.
Connecting, what that means is what’s going to be your one or two ways to find your ideal clients and start with the lowest hanging fruit. This is another thing people are missing. They think like, oh my gosh, I’m starting this business. I gotta start posting all the time and being on social media and having all this. No. You can start with just who is the lowest hanging fruit locally who you could maybe collaborate with like that. Or could you sign up for a women’s networking group or something.
An Entrepreneur Needs to Utilize All Four Steps
You gotta decide what’s your way you’re going to connect with new people, then you’re going to engage. That’s how are you going to ask an intentional question or are they going to engage with you? In the dog guy’s case, everybody’s reaching out to him, which is perfect. But engaging with an intentional question is see if they need help with anything to see what they want to see, to see how you can help them.
Then you go into the pre-offer stage, which is like, now that I understand you a little bit better, what you’re looking for, here’s something free of value that’s going to provide a quick win upfront, that’s going to build some trust. That could be like a free guide. That could be a free call. That could be some kind of checklist or webinar.
Then it can be the sales phase where you can say, okay, do you want to go deeper on this? They’ve gotten value out of your pre-offer, and they know you a little better and you give a call to action in your pre-offer usually.

Essentially that’s what a lot of businesses are missing is that they’re not doing those things. Or they’re not connecting with people, they’re just nurturing people. They’re just posting on Instagram, for example, but they have five followers who are their family members and nobody new was discovering them.
I’ll maybe give you one answer of where to start in a second.
An Entrepreneur: A Good Place to Start
But to the point, sometimes when it comes to the sales phase, people are afraid to make that invite to a discovery call, or they don’t know how to word it. They just word it as like, hey, do you want to hop on a free call? But there’s no clarity about why would we be doing that? Like, what’s going on?

So, I think for everybody here though, who’s watching and wants a place to start, I think a good place to start would be who do you want to serve the most and what solution, if you could provide any solution you want to provide, and what could an offer look like for you. I think that’s important first. Once you start doing the marketing side of things, you want to know what you’re talking about or what you’re going to be selling.
[00:15:58] Detective Ev: I find it really interesting that you chose that. I obviously don’t know what you’re going to say. But I was kind of curious because for myself, I’ve always used FDN for different things. I have taken plenty of clients over the years, but I’ve always been doing something else, whether it’s speaking stuff for FDN, whatever it might be. So, I’m not running a full-time practice is my point.
I have never once ever had a website that was dedicated towards health coaching or anything of the sort. I have never had any official marketing kind of stuff for that. I’ve never taken any sales courses per se, although that’s probably one of my more natural strengths compared to those other things.
That’s the point though. I’ve still had clients and some of those clients have paid thousands and thousands of dollars.
An Entrepreneur: Share Your Story & Know Who You’re Talking To
What I did have was my story, and I knew who I wanted to help. So, when I would share these things or talk to people or go somewhere locally, I’m not saying this is the best plan, I’m just saying this worked to some degree, even without all those other things, exactly what you just said. I shared my stories about acne, mental health, and the other things that I went through. Sure enough, the people would come.
Amazingly too, I think so many people worry about the certifications sometimes or degrees or whatever. It has been five and a half years. I’m a relatively young guy. Most of the time I had a shaved face and shaved head, so I looked even younger. Only two people ever really have asked me about my certification. The reason they were asking is because they were fascinated by it not to challenge me on my credentials.

So, I think also the better that you get at talking to a very specific type of person, all of a sudden, they don’t care about all the other stuff that people are constantly paranoid about. They’re like, wow, that person can help me. I don’t care how they’re going to do it. I’m just interested in that.
So, I find it cool that that’s what you picked first. Figure out who the heck you’re talking to rather than the fancy website, rather than all that other stuff. It is important, it will help you. But you could really miss the mark, have the best website in the world, and not have the right information on there for who you’re helping, then no one cares about your fancy website, right?
An Entrepreneur Shouldn’t Major in the Minors
[00:17:47] Hailey Rowe: Yeah. People care about your story. How can you help me? Always ask what’s in it for them.

And same situation here. I don’t think anybody’s ever asked my certifications. I have them. Actually, when I did work at a gym, I did do some training and fitness teaching at a college. I liked that, but I did have certifications for that, obviously, cause you’re working in a place. But if you’re having your own business, I haven’t seen it. I think so often we put emphasis on the wrong things. That’s another point I would share is don’t major in the minors.
Like I had a client who came to me, and she was at about like $4K in her business because she was focusing on things that just weren’t super important. Through our work together she got refocused on those four basics we talked about in her own style. She grew to like $72K end of the year right around there.
It’s really important not to overthink every step of the way. I’m sure this happened for you too, where you picked a message initially and maybe it has evolved over time or maybe you’ve made edits to it. You don’t need to be perfect to start, but you do need to pick something and like go for it. Don’t just dwell on like, well, is this the right thing, or like, am I leaving other people out, all that kind of stuff.
[00:19:02] Detective Ev: Absolutely. It also depends on the season of life that you’re in, or where you’re at with that particular business.
An Entrepreneur Can Evolve Their Message Over Time
I know so many people that are getting into the health coaching thing and they’re looking to replace the job that they have very quickly. Whereas the business that my friend and I just opened, it’s a light therapy studio. We do red-light therapy and stuff.
First of all, I’ve never heard of a light therapy studio, so we already know that we’re opening a business that does not even technically exist. So, that’s going to be troublesome as it is.
But we started out in the beginning because, thank God, we’re not relying on it for income. We’re like, okay, we help you improve your mood, have better skin, or something. I forget what the heck we even said, right? But we just wanted to see kind of what would stick.
We got a little specific, but we were definitely more broad than anyone would recommend a health coach to be, or most businesses to be. We learned over time and we’re like, okay, go figure. Many people are coming in for this skin side of things, right?

Now we’re doing a whole revamp with funnels and the website and stuff like that to actually niche down into the skin side. We learned from it cause we had time. If you don’t have time, I think the more specific that you can be, the better. Like you said, there’s no reason it can’t evolve or change over time.
I think this is the thing that really gets people and correct me if I’m wrong. Let’s say I want to go full-time FDN tomorrow. The first thing I would do is probably start talking about the acne stuff. I think that’s the easy win for me. I would be very specific into that.
An Entrepreneur Can Take Clients Outside of Their Niche
That doesn’t mean that occasionally I can’t take someone who’s coming to me for mental health or gut issues. We’re just talking about the marketing so that I’m speaking to someone.
I think people get it misconstrued that, just because I work with acne means I can never work with anyone else. Especially in FDN, we don’t treat anything specifically. This is a business tactic. It’s not something that the FDN system only works for acne or mental health. No, it’s supposed to be non-specific.
So, do you coach people like that? Do you tell them to take people outside of their niche if they come to them? Or do they just focus in on the niche?
[00:20:47] Hailey Rowe: I think in the beginning of your business if you’re doing private coaching, it’s great to customize based on the person.
As you just said, in your forward messaging, you can be specific about a certain kind of person and problem you solve. But I always told my clients locally, if you wanted to do a different messaging for a specific project or work with a client who has a different issue, totally cool.
I think for me also, I work with health and wellness professionals, but I’ve also worked with life coaches. I’ve worked with mindset coaches, realtors, with other types of service providers. Just because I say that my niche is blank doesn’t mean that other people don’t come to me, or I don’t take other opportunities. Sometimes I do, it just depends.

Obviously, if you have a program, maybe it’s a course or something like that, it’s less customizable, you’ll have to say, No. This is specifically for blank. But I have no issue with customizing or taking on clients outside of your niche.
An Entrepreneur Has to Attract Their Clients’ Attention
[00:21:53] Detective Ev: Cool. I know it seems so simple, but I’m sure you see this literally every day. I have been shocked by how many people think that because I’m niching down in the marketing, that means all of a sudden, I’m no longer allowed to take clients anywhere else. That’s ridiculous.
As we niche down with the red-light therapy into more of a skin thing, am I going to stop the people who come in for pain management? That’s ridiculous, of course not. That’s just an extra bonus now. Right? Because they came in on their own accord, they did research. They know that red-light therapy does that. I don’t have to spend any money educating them on it or doing any marketing towards them. They found us for that and now it’s a bonus client.

But I think people forget that if you try to talk to everyone, you end up talking to no one. Because the internet’s super busy. We’re scrolling mindlessly. We’re just scrolling for fun, more or less, right? So, if you’re trying to actually get someone’s attention, you better be pretty specific about the problem.
And I will tell you this, when I was suffering with the worst of my acne, terrible, feeling awful every single day, if I saw something on my YouTube feed or Instagram or Facebook that had something about cystic acne, yeah, you’re getting me to stop the lull of scrolling for a second, right? Versus if you just say, I help you get to the root cause of your health issues. Scroll. I’m going to keep going right away.
By the way, people, you guys are more than welcome to ask questions. I did see that we had some comments. I’ll hit those up really quick.
How Quickly Can an Entrepreneur Recover Their ROI?
Someone said, I went from owning my own practice and clinic and helped promoting a restaurant and now moving it all online. That’s the challenge. Yeah, definitely sounds like a bit of a challenge, but I’m sure you’ll figure it out.
I don’t think we have any other specific questions. I haven’t invited people to do that yet anyway. While we’re waiting for that, if they have any, I know we wanted to talk today about maybe recovering the cost of the program. Because FDN to me is a very good and very simple math problem. You know, I’ve been here for five and a half years, so I’m a little biased. But I know it’s something that people can recover quickly.
So, I’m curious from like someone who actually does business coaching, their perspective. How would you break this down? Let’s say I sign up for FDN, I do the 12-month payment plan. So, I’m probably paying like $600, $700 a month. I could do as low as 24 and pay $300, $400 a month. But humor me. Let’s say I did a 12 month one. How does that go? I graduated in six to seven months. How can I recover that cost of the program as quick as possible?

[00:23:57] Hailey Rowe: Well, one thing I think is important to start with when you start a business is to remember that it’s not, I’m waiting to get my ROI back. Like I had a post about this a while ago. It’s, I’m going to go create my return on investment.
An Entrepreneur: An Easier and Faster Way to Create ROI
The good news, and especially if you believe in coaching where we are empowered and we get to create our health and create our life and improve ourselves, I really believe that if you go in with that mindset, you’re going to be resourceful. You are going to figure it out and make your investment back. I think that’s the first thing.
But number two, I think it’s important to decide on what we call like your offers, your offer ladder or whatever, right? Which is, most people when they’re starting out, I highly recommend starting with private coaching. Number one, it gives you experience very quickly. Number two, you can charge more because it’s more personalized. Number three, you’re going to be able to really be hands-on with this client and first testimonials, your client win stories.

So, I think it’s really important to probably start with a higher ticket, one-on-one coaching program or offer. Then you can later on have courses or have a group program or stuff like that. I have clients who want to do that. I have a client who has a membership and that’s all cool. But I think it’s going to be easier and faster to make your investment back if you’re going to just work with a couple of private clients.
So, that said, I think once you get that set up and your price figured out, I think a lot of people are afraid, like, well, if I develop a six-month program and it is thousands of dollars, what if I miss out on all the other opportunities. My suggestion is, make the offer for the main program if that’s what the person really needs.
Can Anyone Be an Entrepreneur?
Worst case, you could have like a one-month jumpstart, or you could have like a three-month down sell or something like that. I think that we get so nervous, just like with the niche thing where we’re like, well, if I marry one niche, I’m stuck to it for the rest of my life. It’s same thing with programs.
You can start with the main one you want to offer that’s the main price you want to offer it at. And if you’re willing to customize a one-month jumpstart or something, if somebody needs that, you can. But I think that that’s probably the best, fastest way to start making your investment back.
[00:26:14] Detective Ev: Do you believe that some people are just not made for entrepreneurship, or do you think that everyone can do this at some level if they really choose to? I want the honest answer for that cause I don’t know what your opinion is on it.
[00:26:30] Hailey Rowe: Yeah. Some people are more naturally inclined. They just naturally have skill sets that can help them. But everybody has to learn skill sets no matter where you’re starting from.
I had to learn even though I like performing. I grew up singing and stuff, so I wasn’t shy going on camera or talking to people. I was used to that. But I had to learn a whole bunch of other skills I never thought I could have, and you can.

So, I think it really comes down to if you have an internal locus of control. If you think, if you work on something or you’re open to learning or you have that open mind, I think you can be an entrepreneur.
An Entrepreneur: Entrepreneurship is the Ultimate Personal Development Program
If you think the world, everything happens to you, you have no control over any results you create, you think you are forever shy and you will never ever be able to open that up, then I think maybe you have to shift first to a open mind. That you get to expand yourself based on what you do and what you think and how you feel and all of that, and then you can become an entrepreneur. That’s the first step that’s really important.
[00:27:35] Detective Ev: The reason I ask that is cause when you were describing all those things, I’m thinking like, yes, obviously some people might be more inclined towards having the natural abilities and certain skills. We all know someone that could sell ice to an Eskimo. We all know certain people that are so easily able to empathize with others that thay make some phenomenal marketers even without maybe formal training. So, fair enough.
But that’s the thing. When someone says, “natural entrepreneur”, quote/unquote, no one is born naturally with all of those skills. I think if anything, based on what you were saying before, the natural ability is really this openness and willingness to engage with constant change, a little bit of uncertainty, a little bit of insecurity. You’re going to have to take some risks.

I’ve heard it said before that entrepreneurship is actually the ultimate personal development program. You know, the media loves this stuff. They love any scam artist that made it to the top cause it makes for great news. It makes for an easy headline. And yes, unfortunately, guys, that does exist. That is not even close to the norm of business owners.
An Entrepreneur and an Employee Both Take Risks
I was very lucky at 18 to get involved with some pretty amazing people that were adults that were willing to mentor us cause we were young. These people all read; they’re all dedicated to personal development in all areas of their life. They’re some of the most physically healthy that I know, they have some of the best relationships that I know, like intimate ones or long-term marriages. What is the correlation there?
Well, I think the correlation is that these people are willing to engage in personal development because, yeah, none of us are going to be naturally good at all those skills. Most of us don’t want to go out there and put ourselves on camera or do whatever.
I hated public speaking. I dropped out of my college class two weeks in because I was so scared. That didn’t just change overnight, where all of a sudden, I said, actually all of a sudden, I like this now. There was a genuine effort into that.
I think what tricks a lot of people is they get confused that their job is safe. But they don’t remember stories like the one that you mentioned in the beginning, right? People can get fired; people can get laid off.

It’s interesting because they’re so scared of entrepreneurship thinking it’s risky. I’m like, at some point though, if you’re working a job, you work for an entrepreneur at some level. How is it not just as risky to them? Do you know what I mean though? It’s like everyone’s taking a risk here, so you might as well take a shot at doing something you actually like.
Hailey Describes Her Confident FDN Clients
Sorry, I know I said a lot. I don’t know if you have comments on that, but if you do, great. If not, I’d love to talk about some of your client testimonials. I’m not sure if you’ve had any FDNs work with you specifically. But if not just the health coaches that you work with, that’s fine too. It’s similar enough.
Pretty confidently, not arrogantly, I think FDN is a lot better than many health coach programs out there. Anything that you give a testimonial to potentially we can just do that even better, which is great. So, do you have any client success stories or want to add anything?

[00:30:02] Hailey Rowe: Yeah. I have worked with some FDN professionals. I will say they come in really confident about their delivery and their coaching, which is half the battle. Cause sometimes people come in not confident about their coaching skills, and then they gotta work on that too and starting a business a ton. That’s just a lot.
But I will say I’ve had clients, just to give you an example of somebody who is really starting from scratch. I think a lot of people worry like if I’m starting from scratch, am I really going to get very far? She didn’t know what kind of niche she wanted to work with. She actually thought, I think I want to be like a YouTuber with my coaching.
Then she realized, well, I want to offer coaching too. So, she thought she wanted to monetize a YouTube channel, then she ended up wanting to have a one on one-on-one program.
Hailey’s Client Wins
We developed that; we developed her standout method. She was able to book her first high ticket clients and have her first $5K month. Then it went up to an $8K month. Then when she graduated, she had an $11K month. That was somebody who was very new, who was a mom of a toddler. She wanted to start this and be able to gain the confidence to be an online business owner.
Then I’ve had another client who was more burnt out, meaning she felt like she tried a ton of different things. She felt like she was spinning her wheels when it comes to marketing and sales. She was a little more established, meaning she already had products and a program and stuff. We picked up where she was, and she was able to have her first six figure.

So, it depends on the client. But I have a lot of client wins on my profile in the highlight section. There’s a client win section and you can also go to There’s a free training there with some testimonials as well that talks about how to get clients and how my framework that I use to do that with.
[00:31:45] Detective Ev: Someone commented, can you post this to watch later? Yes. All of our Instagram Lives we will have it saved for you on this page. And the audio recording, if you want to walk around with it, will be on the Health Detective Podcast sometime probably next week. I think I’m going to be able to get this out that quickly. So, you can listen to the audio there or you could rewatch it in literally 10 minutes after we get off because it will be posted.
Hailey’s Typical Client
Is your typical client, Hailey, someone who is trying to just break through to that six-figure mark, or are some of them higher than that? What’s the average one?
[00:32:13] Hailey Rowe: With my coaching, I do usually people who are trying to get to that first six figures. I’ve had clients who are at six figures, and they want to scale, or they want to outsource. They’re usually private clients and I love that too.
But from the other service that I do is called LinkedIn Lead Generation. It’s a done for you service. The clients I work with there, they’re usually a little more established. They’re at, at least $5K a month or more. At that point they want to start outsourcing and getting some of their time back. That service is something that helps them do that.

So, it depends. But most of my clients, I would say, are kind of like not seeing consistent results, really struggling with getting to that point.
[00:32:50] Detective Ev: Okay. The reason I was asking that is cause one, the six-figure thing I think is such a mindset thing. A lot of people talk about like the first $100K is the hardest part.
I think with inflation and the economy changing, it might be a little different. What’s kind of humbling for people is you get to six figures and you’re like, holy crap, this is not that much anymore. You’re barely middle class, right? You’re not living luxuriously by any means. Like, I need to figure out something even more than that. So, that should be the baseline that we’re setting for ourselves.
How Long Does It Take an Entrepreneur to Hit Six Figures?
This is where you can tell it’s a personal development journey. In my eyes now looking at something even like FDN, let alone people with multiple certifications, six figures should be easy. I do not mean that in an insulting way. I’m just saying from the lens now, it really should be easy. To me, it shows that something is wrong up here with the way they’re thinking about this or approaching it that they can’t go out and do this.
So, the reason I asked what the goal was, I know you can’t make claims, that’s not what we’re doing here. That’s my disclaimer. How long does it typically take? Let’s say maybe I’ve taken one or two clients on my own, I’m really not having a lot of success, I’ve made a few thousand dollars. How long does it take for me to get to the six-figure mark?
Is that something that’s normally going to take me six months? Is it going to take me a year? I don’t care what the answer is too. We’re not looking for perfection, I just want people to have realistic expectations.

[00:34:01] Hailey Rowe: I think it takes, as long as it takes you to line up with that. I’ve had clients who are working a full-time job, have 30 minutes a day to work on their business, have six kids.
It depends on your priorities too. That client who only has 30 minutes a day, it might take them a little bit longer. I’ve had clients though, who have two hours a day and are a busy mom and do other things, and they still have been able to have their first $5k five to $10k month. That’s totally possible. It’s just about how you prioritize the time.
An Entrepreneur: Priorities, Approach, Time & Prioritization Matter
I would also say that it depends too on what your approach is. If you’re like I just really want to do Pinterest or something, that’s what we call a longer-term platform. It takes longer to see success on it. If you’re like, no, I’m cool with doing the lowest hanging fruit first and doing some local marketing, then we can get your first clients more quickly. So, it depends on the approach.
It depends on how much time we’re working with and the prioritizing of that time. It’s not just about the time, cause you can be working smarter than maybe how you’re currently doing it with researching everything and downloading free trainings and scrolling social media instead of actually using it for your business and all this stuff.

But I would say my goal, my six-month program, is to really help my clients have the tools, have the sales skills, have the marketing skills to be able to know and book $5k to $10k months and keep building on that. Because once you have those skills, as you said, that’s the hardest part cause you’re making that jump to that new identity. Then you keep scaling it. It becomes more natural then, like a new ceiling is the goal and you can get there.
[00:35:38] Detective Ev: I don’t always think it’s this simple, but for me at the time, it was appropriate. You know, people talk about having Goal Cards and visualization. I think all that’s great, that’s not what I’m saying. But I just don’t think it’s as simple as what I’m about to say.
An Entrepreneur: Benefits from Visualizing & Reframing
I had a barrier in my head about a certain amount of money being made a month, right? It was over six figures. But it just wasn’t something that I thought should be totally impossible, and I just could not get it. All I did, Hailey, was I had a little Goal Card. I’m just like, you know, I haven’t done this in a while. I’m going to do this.
I wrote down that amount of money. I said, I am making this amount per month. I’m not saying that the Goal Card necessarily did some woo-woo black magic and all of a sudden brought that in. What I am suggesting though, is that you talked about it, it’s like almost like this belief, it’s this reframing. It’s this idea that I am worth this or I can do this.
I believe what occurred for me is that just having to look at that more often, cause it was in my wallet, and I’d keep it in my pocket sometimes too. So, every time my hand went in, I had my hands on it. I’m thinking about that. There was a visualization that I associated and tied to that Goal Card.

It took three months and that number got hit even though I was trying for over a year to hit it prior to that. Maybe the Goal Card was symbolic for me being more intentional about it, and maybe I was being more intentional in other areas that I don’t know. I haven’t figured that out yet. But there is an identity thing.
An Entrepreneur: Don’t Overthink the Whole Process
Guys, people like Jeff Bezos, Elon Musk are not a thousand, 10,000 times smarter than you. They’re not 10,000 times harder working than you. They don’t have 10,000 more minutes in the day, that’s for sure. There’s gotta be something else. There has to be something else that’s the missing variable. I think a lot of it is that identity and of course skills. But I mean, a lot of it is identity.
[00:37:09] Hailey Rowe: I’m so glad you brought that up cause my first six figure year, I did the same thing. I wrote every day present tense in my journal, I am at, you know, $100K. That was the year that it happened.
The other thing is, going back to Jeff Bezos and stuff, you can’t be waiting around. And you don’t have the luxury, if you’re low on time, like to be overthinking and dwelling in self-doubt and doing all these things. Jeff Bezos, he was interviewed, and he said, when I’m 40% sure about a decision, I do it. I’m just like, what?

Success in your business loves speed. That doesn’t mean you’re going to do everything right. Obviously, evaluate. Is this a calculated risk or is this me just being completely unrealistic? That was an important point to make because so often I see people just overthink the whole process. They could have been a lot further if they would’ve just taken the step and then built the confidence that comes as a result of taking that step.
An Entrepreneur: Impulsivity Versus Quick Decisiveness
[00:38:05] Detective Ev: Yes. I just posted. It wasn’t my video, but I posted a video about this yesterday. This guy, it’s called PBD, but it’s Patrick Bet David. He’s from Valuetainment. He talked about the speed variable that you just talked about. Actually, the video’s called like the number one personality trait of high achievers. It was that ability to make a quick decision.

This is not to be confused with impulsivity. It’s not the person that sees the discount shopping rack and all of a sudden, their credit card gets racked up. That’s impulsiveness. A quickness of decision is, hey, we need to do this for the company boss person. What should we do? We’ll get to it next month. That doesn’t work in entrepreneurship. You know, like you gotta be able to make quick decisions.
What will happen is you’re going to screw up some of the time. I’m guessing Jeff Bezos has screwed up many times, especially if he’s operating at 40% of assuredness. But you learn from that and then you keep going. Again, I think that’s why, I’ll keep coming back to it, it is a personal development journey.
So many people, the reason that jobs work great for them is it’s very black and white. You either did your job or you didn’t do it. Then you get your paycheck, and it keeps you very safe and very comfortable. But unfortunately, you won’t be able to grow out of that. Now, I do things. I’ve worked this as a job, right? I’m not condemning a job. But I think if we want to become the best versions of ourselves, it is very wise to have something in our lives.
An Entrepreneur: Signature Podcast Question
Even if you happen to scroll upon this and you’re not even in the health space, find something that you can do that requires some level of entrepreneurship. I think it’ll help you grow more than most things.
Now, Hailey one thing I want to finish up with today, I feel like this is kind of organically getting to where we wanted it to go. One thing that we would usually ask on the show is what would people that we’re interviewing get everyone else in the world to do for their health?
But today we’re talking about business. So, if you could wave a magic wand and Hailey could get every single business owner out there, whether it’s a health practitioner or any other business owner to do one thing for their dang business, what is the one thing that you’d get them to do?
[00:39:51] Hailey Rowe: Okay. I want to answer both for business and health, though.
So, for business, I would hope everybody here gets comfortable with emotional intelligence and building relationships. You have to be able to read the room, you have to be able to understand your clients, what they want and need. You need to be able to build rapport and relationships. Relationships are key in business. People buy from people.

The other thing though for health is going on walks. Walking outside is the best thing I think I’ve ever done. I do fancy things too, like, you know, use a sauna and all that stuff. But walks.
Where to Find Hailey Rowe
[00:40:26] Detective Ev: Awesome. Then, I mean, this is kind of obvious because clearly people can follow you on Instagram because they’re using Instagram right now. Is there anything else that they need to know though in terms of where they can find you or what you’re up to?
I feel like we talked about pretty well who you help and who you like to support in their business, we have all that covered. But I want to ask you directly to make sure we did touch on all of it.

[00:40:44] Hailey Rowe: Thank you. Yeah. I’m at Hailey_Rowe. It’s h a i l e y, underscore r o w e on Instagram.
Then I have a free training at that talks about how to book clients consistently without needing to post all the time or needing a big audience. That also goes over some of the client wins and stuff that we talked about.
Then I’m at I have the Health Coach Nation podcast and Facebook group. That would be where you could all find me.
[00:41:11] Detective Ev: Cool! Guys, please go shoot Hailey a follow. I went through her Instagram over the last couple of days. You’re one of those people that’s actually providing legitimate value and really putting an effort in. I think people sometimes underestimate that. You can learn a lot from someone’s Instagram.
Maybe you’re not ready to make an investment in something like that. That’s fine. Go learn something from her. Use that to make some money and then make the investment once you’re ready. That seems pretty sensible to me.
If you guys like the interviews like this where we bring on someone who’s talking more about business, please let us know and we might just have Hailey on in the future or someone similar that can maybe talk about a different specific thing. Shoot us a DM. We have real humans that answer you guys. No chat bots in our world.
Thank you so much for tuning in. And Hailey, thanks for sharing your expertise. It is beyond obvious that you know what you’re talking about. We appreciate your time.
[00:41:52] Hailey Rowe: Thank you so much for having me. This was super fun.
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