Episode 194: Energy Healing – The Missing Piece of Healthcare? w/ Christi Clemons, MA, CHt Energy Healing: The Missing Piece of Healthcare?
[00:00:00] Detective Ev: Well, hello my friends, and welcome back to another episode of the Health Detective Podcast by Functional Diagnostic Nutrition. My name is Evan Transue, aka Detective Ev. I will be your host for today’s show on energy healing. We are taking a bit of a different route today. We’re talking to Christi Clemons, someone who is very developed spiritually and we’re gonna get into some interesting topics and subtopics.
With that said, I always preface this if someone is coming on and has a lot of talk regarding God or spirituality or whatever. I don’t preface it if someone just mentions it once or twice, but when it becomes a core part of the podcast, this is something I always need to mention.
As a podcast and as a podcast host, one of my jobs is to be open. I have to listen to a variety of people, and I want to listen to a variety of people. I am not so arrogant as to assume that I have all the answers to this earth. However, you have to stand for something, otherwise you will fall for anything, right? I do believe in that as well. So, there’s certain things that I stand for. There are many beliefs that I have, and some of them overlap with our guests today. Some of them do not overlap.
The bottom line is we’re always going to bring in a variety of people because that’s what we want to do. We want to let you decide for yourself what you think is correct and what you find resonates with you. That’s not our decision to make. What we are caring about are people who have overcome health challenges regardless of how they did it.
Promise to Not Be Dogmatic
If this was a religious podcast, sure there would be certain things that I would omit depending on what religion I am, but that’s not what this is. This is people who have gotten healthy, and we honor their stories regardless of how they did that. I hope that you guys enjoy this today. I think it will resonate with a lot of our practitioners. But if it doesn’t, just remember, it was a cool story. You’re glad you got to hear it, probably, and then you can move on to the next thing.

But what I cannot do is ever allow myself, I promised this, and if you’ve been listening for a while, you know, I’ve actually mentioned this promise that I made to myself many, many years back. I was never going to let myself become so dogmatic that I started to create the same problems for others as many Western medicine practitioners unintentionally created for me.
What does that mean? It means that people, especially those in Western medicine, but this is not exclusive to them at all, they find something that works, they learn only one thing, and because of that, anything else is gibberish. It means nothing. It’s not even worth investigating, and that’s why it’s very hard sometimes to convince Western medicine practitioners of what we’re doing, despite having clear evidence and science on it.
Now, we’re lucky in our community. We have a wide variety of people, including many Western medicine people, including medical doctors that choose to go through our program. That’s amazing. It is hard to have that shift in paradigm. But we gotta be careful about that on the functional side too.
A Little About Christi Clemons
How many times have you heard someone that went paleo and got better and so that’s all they promote? How many times have you heard someone that went vegan and got better and now that’s all they promote? I don’t care what you did. I want to know; did you get better?
That’s what happened to our guest today, Christi Clemons. So, that’s why we are going to talk about her whole story in its entirety. It’s something that’s actually a sub passion of mine. I’m very interested in the topic, and I had to hold back a little bit. This is a health podcast after all. I think you guys will see that passion and that itch that I wanted to scratch come out throughout this episode.

So, a little bit about Christi. PRS Radio Guest of the year and co-author of the bestselling book, The Gap, Simple Steps to Reclaim Your Health and Reverse Most Chronic Diseases, Christi Clemons Hoffman, MA, CHt, is a lifelong intuitive, channeler, teacher, coach, and consultant whose passion is assisting others to see who and what they truly are.
Using the tools of Quantum Healing Hypnosis Technique, otherwise known as QHHT, and other forms of hypnosis, Reiki, Angel Readings, medical intuition, channeling, mediumship and Akashic Records, Christi helps clients with questions about their spiritual growth, unlocking answers about life purpose, past lives, health, relationships, and more.
Christi loves all things history, languages, art, and culture, and is located in the Kansas City metropolitan area where she lives with her daughter, their dog, and two cats. Definitely a different type of episode today. One that is, regardless, again, of your beliefs, pretty hard to not listen to. I hope you guys enjoy it.
The Energy Healing Chapter
One more quick thing before we start. I just wanted to thank you guys because I looked on Apple Podcasts today. I realized we had 70 perfect five-star reviews for the time that we’ve been doing this podcast. My goal is to get us to a hundred perfect five-star reviews.
I know there will be some hater eventually. But hopefully we can get to that a hundred mark before that happens, and we are seven tenths of the way there. So, if you like the content that we’re sharing, we’d greatly appreciate if you took a second to leave us a review on that Apple Podcast platform. All right, now to today’s episode.
All right. Hello Christi. Welcome to the Health Detective Podcast. How are you?
[00:05:06] Christi Clemons: Well, thank you. Thank you for having me. I’ve been thrilled for this.
[00:05:09] Detective Ev: First thing that we have to address today is you are an author with Reed actually, and a few other amazing people. You guys actually all collaborated to come up with a book. I normally shout things out at the end, but this is something we had to talk about in my opinion in the beginning.
What is the book called? What was your inspiration to be a part of it? I’d love to hear more about this for the audience.
[00:05:32] Christi Clemons: This book is called The Gap, Simple Steps to Reclaim Your Health and Reverse Most Chronic Diseases available on Amazon. Yeah, myself, Reed, several other wonderful and amazing practitioners were blessed to be able to be part of this.

My part of it, my chapter is about energy and how energy affects your health. Energy being emotion, as well as our energetic system.
Studying Energy Healing
[00:05:57] Detective Ev: Awesome. I looked at your background and then I know Reed’s. I realized that you guys had collaborated. If you two alone did it, it’d be an interesting dynamic, let alone add a few other people in. I’m excited to kind of dive into that myself. Of course, for those listening that will be in the show notes in our podcast. You can get that on Amazon.
With that said though, I want to move to the first question we normally start with on this show, and that’s kind of how did you get into this space? You serve a unique role from my understanding, but still, no one gets into this space by accident. It’s not necessarily one’s dream job at five years old. So how did this start for you?
[00:06:32] Christi Clemons: Well, I had always been interested in the metaphysical, the esoteric, the woo-woo, if you call it, from a very young age. But I never knew what to do with it. I never knew that you could do anything with it. I never knew that you could help others or do healing or make a career of it or any of that.

About 2010, the bottom fell out of my life. I had one of these dark nights of the souls. Everything kind of fell apart and I knew that there had to be a bigger reason for it. So, I started investigating karma, past lives, energy, all of these things. I started to learn what it’s all about, that there were much bigger truths behind everything that I was experiencing.
Then couple that with some health issues. I know that much of your audience are people like me who’ve had mysterious health journeys that they’re just trying to figure out.
Energy Healing: Energy is Running the Show
Couple the metaphysical and the energetic and the karmic type of things I was finding out and learning and taking a deep dive into with the physical stuff. At that time, I didn’t understand how the metaphysical played into the physical health. So, I was looking at the traditional health things, the tests and the labs and all of these things.

But as I kept diving deeper into the metaphysical and the esoteric into it, I realized what was really running the show here was energy. Everything in the body responds to energy, and energy is the basis for everything we see around us. The emotional component even drives the energy behind it. So that was fascinating. It was eye opening. But you find these bigger truths and suddenly nothing else makes sense.
[00:08:32] Detective Ev: I’ve had a few experiences so far in my life where I feel like I know what you mean when you said that last part there. I had not admittedly, always had an interest in this stuff. I was not only an atheist most of my life, but extraordinarily and almost toxically dismissive to anyone else’s beliefs.
No one taught me that admittedly. I was a very “see it to believe it” person. And obviously once you get deep enough into the space, oh no, there’s plenty to see. It’s not that you can’t see it to believe it, but it’s not something that you necessarily walk down the street and see as readily as you see someone walking their dog. It’s not that type of thing.
Talking to Things Not Seen
When I first had some experiences that opened my eyes to this whole different world, really a part of our world, but a whole different world in my eyes, I was kind of amazed and also humbled. It was one of the more humbling things I’ve ever dealt with because I was so adamantly opinionated one way about this. Then I’m the one that gets the experience like, oh, there might be a little more here.
So, you said you’ve always been interested in it. Was that even from as a kid or was it a teenager? When was really the first time you truly got into this?
[00:09:31] Christi Clemons: Well, really as long as I can remember. When I was a baby, I’d say 18 months old, I was talking to ghosts. My dad had a job as a night watchman in a huge like WPA, 1930s era high school here in Kansas City. My mom was an x-ray tech, she worked nights. So, my dad would take me and my crib and go roam the halls of this huge school at night. He was a college student, so he would take his books along and study.

He said I would stand up in my crib and babble and talk to people. One night I said, hi, Mr. Man, and was just talking very happily to something he couldn’t see. Then later, I was seeing ghosts. About the age of 10, my cousins bought this very, very haunted house in Kansas City. I was seeing ghosts there and I was always interested in it.
Remember the little Scholastic weekly reader catalogs you could order the books from in elementary school? I was ordering books on ghosts and UFOs and monsters, and cryptids and all those things.
The Healing Energy That Creates Everything
But I was also considered really weird. The other girls in my class just thought I was too bizarre because I was interested in all of these things. So, more or less, I took those interests underground. But yeah, I’ve always been into it.
It’s interesting you said that you were raised kind of this agnostic/atheist type of background. I was raised Unitarian and then unity and not really understanding what it all meant anyway. Then one day I was in my teenage years and the Unitarian minister rode a motorcycle into church to talk about Zen and the Art of Motorcycle Maintenance by Robert Persik, which is an awesome book. It’s not about motorcycles and it’s not really about Zen, but somewhere in between.
But he was talking about the concept of Zen and Buddhism and reincarnation. All of a sudden, it’s like a light bulb went off and everything made sense, whereas Christianity didn’t really make sense to me. So, I identified for a really long time as a Buddhist. Now I’m Unity, which was also founded here in Kansas City. But yeah, the religious aspect is a part of it, but not all of it.

Because you know, the energy that we respond to and the energy that goes through our bodies and well actually creates everything we see around us is what I consider God, although I might not call it that. But I would say that’s probably more accurately descriptive of my spiritual journey is energy.
I hope that makes sense.
Searching for Answers
[00:12:18] Detective Ev: Well, it does. And I want to take this to the health side. But I appreciate, first of all, your transparency cause it is a hard thing to talk about. It’s not well received by everyone.
This is a health show, like this is something I almost never share. But I’m happy to do it cause I appreciate your courage with it.
[00:12:33] Detective Ev: Again, I wasn’t into it when I was younger, but the things that I experienced and then the things that I started studying, everything that you listed off admittedly, still gets several hours of my week dedicated to legitimate study of this, trying to figure this out. I don’t talk about that much. The people close to me know. I know just enough now to know that some of this is real.

Then the question for me becomes, and I think this is this allusive question that lingers for most of us no matter how long we’re in this. I almost believe that we can’t ever fully figure it out while we’re here, that’s kind of the point. You might get closer.
Everyone, especially actually the people that are in your position that have studied it for longer and been involved in it longer, I find that you guys are the ones that, yes, you might have a label or two, but you are usually typically the first people to say, well, this is what I think. I’m not a hundred percent sure, but I feel pretty good about this. Because it’s a continuously humbling experience studying this stuff. You think one thing one week and then the next week, well, that disproved that. It’s wacky and it’s fun. It’s exciting actually to study and try to realize what it is.
Energy Healing: Emotions Are Our First Line of Knowledge
[00:13:34] Christi Clemons: Exactly. It’s kind of a mental exercise. And I don’t think any of us really has a beat on what the truth is. We have our ideas. But I also know that my thoughts create a reality. Everyone’s thoughts create their reality. So, just keeping on the purest form of thought is most essential.
And bringing it back to the health because this is a health show, of course. I feel like that has to do with our bodies as well. And my chapter in The Gap is all about that. How the beliefs that we’re brought up with, the reactions that we witness as we’re growing up from our family of origin, the thoughts that we have, especially the repeated thoughts, are what affects the body.
So, our body becomes, in a way, a message system that our higher self, the higher consciousness part of us, some of us might call it our soul, our higher mind, what have you, but that higher part of us knows what we incarnated for, knows what we came here to learn and experience and grow from.
When we are going off on a tangent that is not going to be in our highest good, that higher part of us will let us know and just like say, hey Dummy, you need to look at this. Maybe think of it a different way. Maybe your beliefs about this thing are not where you intend them to be. Are you really wanting to create this? Probably not.

So, our first line of knowledge that something is off is our emotion. We might feel a negative emotion, sadness, grief, shame, guilt, something like that, just to let us know that maybe we’re not looking at this in the right way.
Energy Healing: Our Energy System is Affected by Our Patterns
Of course, we have free will because God loves us very much and wants us to have free will. So, we can change our course of action. We can change the way we think about something. We can change the way we’re looking at something or not. And if we don’t, that’s fine, but then the knock gets louder. When we’re continuing in these thought patterns, the patterns of belief, the patterns of reaction that we may have been practicing for decades or just years, the knock gets a little bit louder and then our energy system is affected.
What I mean by the energy system, if anyone is curious, is our chakra system. We have a system of seven main principle energy centers within the body. Then there’s also minor chakras that are associated with all of our organs and they report to the seven principle chakras.
In the book, I do break out which chakra is which, and what physical organs that each chakra corresponds to, what thoughts and beliefs that each corresponds to as well, as well as a few instances of disease or physical illness that might correspond to these thoughts and beliefs and this energy.

Anyway, our energy system begins to be affected by this pattern that we’re expressing. Then we might feel off, we might begin to have some maybe digestive upset, maybe some coughing, maybe some headaches. We may begin to have some of these, but definitely we’re feeling off and we know something’s going on.
But again, we have free will and we can either change course, we can stay the course. If we choose to stay the course, no harm, no foul, but that knock gets louder.
Energy Healing: Physical Vs. Energy & Emotions
Over time we can experience true disease, illness, even injury if we’re not paying attention to what’s going on energetically within the body. So, when we have something we’re trying to figure out, for me, it was infertility and digestive issues. I’m now a Reiki master and I’ve been a Reiki master for a few years. But that’s something I picked up along the way was harnessing the power of Reiki.
I see in women primarily the sacral chakra, which governs fertility, reproduction. All of these things are our sexual drive, our sexual organs. Then the solar plexus chakra which controls digestion. I see these two things primarily in women that are out of whack just because of how we tend to function in society. For that reason, I do see that the physical structures correspond to the emotional structures and the background, the emotional background that we have, the belief structures and the beliefs background that we have.
In the book, I drew a little diagram. The diagram is of a mountain. Now, I used to live in Switzerland. We have lots of tunnels through mountains in Switzerland because you pretty much have to. Anyway, I see an illness or disease as a mountain we’re trying to dig a tunnel through.

What we hope to do is meet in the middle. We’re drilling through on one side with all of the physical things that we would do for health, scans, treatments, medicines, physical therapy, and all of those things. But on the other side, we must address the energy and the emotion that created the illness or disease in the first place.
Both Energy Healing and Physical Healing for Lasting Results
Again, the illness or disease is the mountain. On one side, we need to attack it from the physical perspective. I never tell anybody, don’t see a doctor or don’t believe doctors or don’t believe medicine. I think it’s necessary and it’s useful. But we also have to address what’s creating the issue and hopefully we’ll meet there in the middle.

Because for only doing the physical things, the tests, the medicines, the scans, the physical therapies, the surgery, if necessary, if we’re only addressing it that way, we’re going to achieve some results. However, they may not be lasting because we are creating them as we go with our thoughts and beliefs.
Commercial Break: Health Space Unmasked
[00:19:39] Detective Ev: Hey there, friends. Just wanted to share with you an awesome event that we have coming up. If you’ve been listening regularly, you might know about our Health Space Unmasked events. What that is, is a deep dive for two hours. It’s usually Reed Davis, the founder of FDN, featuring a special guest who is an expert in their particular topic or topics in the functional medicine space.

We have a fan favorite. You probably know this guy; you might follow him. His name is Ben Azadi. It’s going down December 3rd, 2022, from 8:30 AM PST to 10:30 AM. For those on the East coast, that is 11:30 AM until 1:30 PM. The topic is tapping into the innate intelligence with ketosis.
Ben Azadi is a keto expert. He’s a personal friend of mine at this point. I’ve seen him lecture many times at conferences that we’re at for FDN that he’s also at. He is an FDN himself if you didn’t know that about him. So that’s kind of cool. When he talks, this guy also has the gift of being a speaker in addition to an educator. And of course, it’s perfectly okay to hear from educators. I hear from them all the time. But it is a very special thing when someone can combine education with speaking ability.
His stuff is just content that you remember. It’s stuff that you want to hear about. And the best part is these events are completely free, so you get to hang out with like a hundred plus other nerds on a Saturday morning and get to really learn about some great topics.
How you can sign up for this is go to I will have that in the show notes for you.
Our Physical Bodies Still Need Nurturing Care
All right, now back to today’s episode. I appreciate your objectivity greatly with that, I mean this. I’ve talked to a lot of people who, I mean, no one’s exactly the same, but you know what I mean, they’re into similar stuff. You could put them in a similar category with someone like you, and they won’t acknowledge some of the physical sometimes. But to me this seems silly.
Because if I ask these people, well, okay, so I’m a spirit having a human experience, right? They say yes. I’m like, so am I gonna live forever on this earth? Oh, no, no, no. You live forever somewhere else.

Okay, so I still have a physical body that needs to be taken care of in this world, right? Like your spirituality cannot prevent me from being shot and dying. Like I’m still going to physically, I’m going to die. I can buy into that, right? I actually do believe that at this point that there is something separate from my physical body.
But I just think it’s common sense that the bottom line is we are still in this physical 3D world that some would say we’ve been subjected to, others would say we had the privilege of being able to enjoy, to actually learn something. I think it’s a mix of both. It’s a pretty intense reality for sure when you think about it.
But my point is it’s like, okay, clearly there’s a physical aspect. Then I think it’s equally as ignorant, at this point in my life, to ignore what you’re talking about, which is this entirely different side of the human being. Yeah, if we don’t get that stuff resolved. And we see this sometimes, Christi.
Energy Healing: Healthy Body and Mind
I see people that have done every single lab test imaginable. They are the most regiment people you can imagine. They’ll spend all the money, they’ll do the supplements, they’ll do the diet, they’ll go to bed on time. Yeah, do they get better? Sure. But do they always have that lingering, that stuck aspect? Yes.
In fact, I was kind of one of those people where, okay, cool, I got myself to that 80, 90%. I’m still probably in this process to be clear. But until I learned to let go of certain things and forgive myself and others for certain things that 10% was pretty hard to get rid of. And once I opened up, it’s like all of a sudden, I can eat foods that I was sensitive to again and I can get away with getting a little less sleep when I had to be so regimen before.
It’s kind of amazing how when we address that, the physical stuff can actually become less strict. Have you found that to be a common theme for people?

[00:23:10] Christi Clemons: Absolutely. First of all, we need to get to a better state of health so that we can continue improving. But we also need to be in a good mind frame.
When we are healing and we’re feeling better, it’s easier to stay in a positive mindset because the mind-body connection is so fricking strong. We just keep snowballing and building on it. So yeah, when you’re doing all the things and you’re seeing some results, but still not quite there, it’s important to keep up with it.
Energy Healing: Putting it All Together
We have to address the energetic and the emotional aspects that contributed to creating this illness or disease. Because if we don’t, we’re just creating it as we’re going along. No amount of supplements, no amount of sleep, no amount of anything is going to completely resolve it because we’re still creating it as we go along.

If somebody has, for example, diabetes, they would be remiss not to be taking insulin, but also addressing where they’re lacking sweetness in their life, and how they may be resisting sweetness in their life. But if we don’t have a physical body that’s healthy, we’re not gonna have the energy to address the emotional and energetic things we need to address.
So yeah, I really feel like that needs to go together. There is definitely a place for the medical.
[00:24:30] Detective Ev: Right. I still have to do all the things that I choose to do with FDN and the labs and all these things. But I also noticed too, when I got into, like the last year, I’ve been very lucky enough to have a wonderful partner in a super healthy relationship.
To be clear, it was very much my fault that the relationship was unhealthy. But I could make an argument that this is probably the first healthy, intimate relationship I’ve ever had in my life. It was amazing the benefit that that had on me physically, psychologically mentally, which could go with the psychological. It became obvious that, oh yeah, I can cheat on the diet a little bit. I can stay up a little later. These are things that normally would’ve just wiped me out, immediately led to a breakout. Acne was part of my story. Immediately would’ve led to that.
A Healthy Relationship Yields Energy Healing
It’s like, how am I getting away with this? Well, I think there’s two things. One, the fact that I was even capable of having a healthy relationship implied that I had done some healing that was really useful before that. But then the healthy relationship is healing in and of itself for both her and I for things that we maybe we don’t even realize need healing. So it’s kind of beautiful. I think it’s a relatable example for most people.
Think about the opposite, a toxic relationship, it destroys us. You get headaches all the time, you feel sick, you feel depressed. So, if a negative relationship can do that, why would the opposite not bring an abundance of good health? Right? That’s purely energy. That has nothing to do with eating food or going to bed on time.
[00:25:50] Christi Clemons: Exactly. You’re feeling good.

Well, and there has to be something said about the hormones that are going through your body as you’re feeling good. Because when we’re happy, we’re releasing certain hormones into the bloodstream that keep us feeling happy.
And when we are in shock or trauma, then we have other hormones that race through the body that keep us feeling shocked or in trauma. So it does, it all goes together, doesn’t it? It’s fascinating.
[00:26:14] Detective Ev: Yeah. Relating this to your health struggles and stuff, I appreciate you actually doing that organically in your story. But you mentioned the things with fertility and then how the certain chakras could be associated with that. You notice that now doing the Reiki.
Energy Healing and Medical Modalities
So just to be clear, when you had these health issues, because it doesn’t sound like you were doing the Reiki at the time, what were the first objective action steps that were leading to the positive results for you? Because from your bio, I now know obviously the fertility thing did end up getting resolved. So, what ended up leading to that resolution for you?
[00:26:46] Christi Clemons: Actually, the fertility thing did not get resolved. I adopted a beautiful daughter.
[00:26:52] Detective Ev: Okay. Well then, go figure.
[00:26:56] Christi Clemons: Who is meant to be mine.
But you know what? You are absolutely right. I was not a Reiki master or a hypnotherapist during that journey at all. So, that was like pretty early on before I really even started having the full awakening. I kind of call my awakening a slow role, but that was a long time ago. I wish I knew then what I know now.

But after I really started taking a deeper dive into all of this, I resolved my childhood trauma. My digestion is so much better. I can’t even tell you how much better that is. Did I see specialists and get scans and things like that? Absolutely.
Being a Reiki master, I do feel like I have a little bit of a cheat on my side, a little bit of a ringer. Because honestly, when you practice Reiki or any form of energy healing, you’re getting it as well as transmitting it. So, every client I see, I am getting healing along with transferring healing to the client.
Energy Healing: Continue with the Physical and the Mental Work
So, I have a little bit of an edge, but still, I’ve gotta do my work. I mean, it’s a daily thing. I’ve gotta do my work, say my affirmations, talk to my vision of God and what that means. I’ve gotta do my meditation and I’ve gotta get my mindset on right. So, it’s a continual process, I have to say.

It’s not something, like you clean your house once and you know, like six months later you gotta clean it again. Or maybe every week you’ve gotta keep it clean. But it’s one of these things that we really have to keep up on, along with our diet and everything. We can’t just get clean in our eating for one month and then forget it for 10 years. It’s something that we continually have to come back to.
[00:28:34] Detective Ev: Right. And first I want to say on a side note. I should not have assumed that everything worked out. So, thank you for responding to something that I shouldn’t have assumed and actually could be a sensitive thing just lightheartedly and positively. I appreciate that, seriously. That’s my bad.
I also want to talk about Reiki specifically. You’re one of those people where I like it to flow naturally if I can. But you have so many parts that I just gotta know more about the specific things. I’m almost jumping my questions. Reiki is the next question for me, because I’ve had Reiki performed on me, if you will, three times.
One of the times I did not feel anything. Two out of the three times though it was unbelievably obvious that something was happening.
Energy Healing: Feeling the Heat
For those listening, the way I can describe it is, I was with this woman named Sharon. She had me lay on a table and she was like a friend. She’s like, hey, I’m just learning this stuff. I’m still getting better. Like, it’s free. I’m like, okay, cool. I’ll give it a try.
I probably laid in there for about 60 minutes. Maybe 45, 50 minutes in, it was pretty late into the session, I haven’t felt anything, but I’m super relaxed. I’ve been laying down, eyes closed. They got the good music playing in the background, so I’m not thinking about anything. I have no worries in the world.

Then I feel an overwhelming, not in a bad way, just so strong and obvious feeling of warmth in my feet to the point where at first it tricked me. Then it got to the point where it woke me up almost out of my relaxed state. I look up and sure enough, she is right at my feet, not touching them physically, but right outside of them with her hands. Exactly where she had her hands is exactly where I was feeling the heat.
I was just left in awe by this. I was amazed by the fact that we’re so far into the session, there’s no way this could be a placebo. I’ve lost track of where she is in the room. I’m barely even conscious. And then I snap out of it and see her, feel her right there. I know there’s something to this.
In your definition, what is Reiki doing and why does this lead to people having these sometimes incredible stories of healing? I’ve heard people report that their cancer got cured because of going to a Reiki master.
Allowing the Energy Healing to Come Through
[00:30:28] Christi Clemons: Well, I’ve seen remarkable things happen in my sessions as well, remarkable healings, and not just physical healings, but even emotional healings. People feel like their grief lift. People feel their stress and their anxiety just lift. So, what’s going on with Reiki?
Reiki is a Japanese word, and it means universal life force energy. Ki, we’ve all heard of as chi, because chi is the Chinese word, ki is the Japanese word. Reiki is universal life force energy, and it originates in Japan, at least this form of flowing energy originates in Japan with a fellow named Macau Sui. He went and meditated for 21 days on health and healing, and he received this Reiki energy and then started teaching people how to harness it.
So, this is the energy that’s going through life all the time. All the time we were not even aware of it. You first start with Reiki one, then Reiki two, then Reiki three, and then Reiki master. When you get attuned to each step, then you can harness more of this energy. And I know it sounds really woo-woo, but it works as you can attest.

What happens is, in a Reiki session, the practitioner opens up their channels for this Reiki energy and then flows it through the practitioner. So, we’re not actually doing anything. We’re not doing healing. We’re allowing that energy to come through.
It’s Not Imperative to Feel the Energy Healing
This is something that parents know very, very naturally. When one of our children is not feeling well, what do we do? We pat them on the back. We rub their tummy. We pat them on the arm. Even on ourselves, if I have a headache, what do I do? I put my hands to my temples. Oh my gosh, I’ve got a headache. Stomachache, we put our hands on ourselves. We do this naturally because we know that that energy transfer is helpful and healing.
But when we’re talking about Reiki, then that’s even more universal. All I’m doing as a Reiki professional is to allow that energy to flow through me into the client. And that’s what Sharon was doing on you, Evan, is just allowing that energy to flow through.
Now Reiki energy is very intelligent, and it knows where it needs to go. It finds the things that are blocked, works through them to resolve those blocks. It finds the places that the energy is low or insufficient and evens that out. Anywhere that it’s overactive because we can have overactive energy as well, then it will go through and just reset things.

The body can heal itself if we just let it, and that’s what Reiki energy does. It allows the energy to flow through the body and intelligently reset it to where it can heal itself. I hope that makes sense. Then we do feel it as a receiver as well, but even if you don’t feel it, that’s fine. It’s not necessary to feel anything during a Reiki session to receive benefits.
Feeling Energy Healing Where Healing Was Needed
[00:33:30] Detective Ev: Yeah. Well, what’s interesting looking back is I remember one of the reasons I had even humored this, cause I was admittedly a little skeptical. I also had a lot of free time at that specific time of my life because I had just broken my foot recently. I actually went into her office on crutches.

It is interesting to me, looking back, that the place I felt it was the feet when I had a broken foot on the right side that desperately needed some healing. It wasn’t doing so well. I mean, again, I’m going on crutches just to get into the place, so that’s fascinating.
Looking back, the first time she had done it on me, I can’t be sure if I needed any healing here, per se. But they had like 10 of us, it was like a group thing. It was very interesting. There was like 10 of us all seated in chairs. Everyone has their eyes closed and there’s multiple practitioners walking around.
I remember two at once, one was on like either side of my head. They had their hands outside my forehead. Now to be clear, I was aware. When you’re sitting up and you’re in a room, it’s more obvious, of course, where people are standing. You have like an idea even if your eyes are closed.
Sharon, at that time when I was laying down, I had no idea where she was at in that room. I was pretty far in a trance of sorts.
Energy Healing Felt Good and Loving
But the forehead, when I knew that they were coming to me, I can’t say that it wasn’t placebo then. But given this other experience that I had; I don’t think it was. I just remember, Christi, seeing these brilliant mostly white but brilliant lights flash across my forehead. It was beautiful. It was cool. There wasn’t any images. It wasn’t a picture of anything, but normally I’m not someone who really sees pictures. I kind of can, but I actually see like numbers and letters more.
When we are talking here, I could actually almost just like a black screen that a programmer would use and then they type in the information, I can kind of see the letters go across for the words that you and I are saying. But I can’t even see like my own office at my apartment if I was not there for a week. It’s like pretty hard for me to see that.

So, when I start seeing colors and white lights and all these things, it’s almost impossible for me to believe it was a placebo because I can’t see that normally. That’s just not how it is. I don’t have any comments for that. It’s just I thought it was another fascinating experience. It was just wonderful to feel, it felt good. It felt loving.
[00:35:33] Christi Clemons: Yeah. All kinds of things can happen on the table. The way that I work is a little bit different and every person who practices Reiki practices it differently.
QHHT Energy Healing: Deep Diving into the Client’s Life
I bring in guides, they’re spiritual guides, but there’s always loved ones who want to show up as well. So, I’ll tell the client, oh, you’ve got your mom here, you’ve got your grandma here, you’ve got an ancestor here. I don’t know who they are, but they’re showing up and they’re helping.
Sometimes some of these guides will help with the healing as well. Someone will say, wait a minute. I know you’re at my head cause I feel your hands on my head. But there’s somebody at my feet. It’s like, oh yeah, that’s Archangel Shamu. Don’t worry about it. Many, many things can happen. Symbols can come up, memories can come up, emotions can come up, all kinds of things.
[00:36:20] Detective Ev: Okay. Well, transitioning again, kind of rough transitions, but just because this one was fascinating to me. I saw the Quantum Healing Hypnosis Technique and the fact that this needs to be done in person for those listening. So, just something to keep in mind. But what the heck is that, and how does that work? This is of interest to me for sure.
[00:36:38] Christi Clemons: It is the most amazing thing. Quantum Healing Hypnosis Technique, of course, it works on the quantum level, which means the energy and the thoughts. But it also works with our higher self.

In a QHHT session, well, the whole session is about six hours. We spend a lot of time deep diving into the client’s life. Who are the most important people? What are the most important events in their life? What are their health concerns? Because we receive healing with QHHT, all of the things that go into making you, you. Then the session itself is about two hours.
QHHT Energy Healing: Talking to the Subconscious
The first portion of that, we’re going to other lifetimes that have a direct relevance on the current lifetime. Since we’re talking about health, we can carry over health concerns from another lifetime that we didn’t resolve, either through a traumatic death or lessons that we wanted to see through, but that we didn’t for whatever reason. That will show up in the current life. So, we want to go to other lifetimes, and that could be past, many times it is.
Could be future life, could be between lives, could be a concurrent life, which is really crazy to even think about. But because all time is happening now, it can be literally any lifetime that has bearing on the current lifetime. So, first of all, we go to whatever lifetime we’re still dealing with in the current life.

Then we switch over to talk to the client’s higher self, their higher consciousness, right, their soul. There’s many names we can call this. We’re going right to the source of all of the information. When we pull in, we call it the SC or the subconscious, which is not the most accurate term, but that’s just what QHHT practitioners call it. It’s the higher self.
We call in the SC and ask, first of all, well you could have shown this person, you could have shown Evan any lifetime out of hundreds. Why did you pick that? We find out more what that has to do with the current life. Then the client gets to bring about 10 or 12 questions, what they would ask your higher yourself. Like, what would you ask your higher yourself if you could ask anything? We’ll ask those questions.
QHHT Energy Healing: Looking for Resolution Opportunities
People usually ask about their life path, their relationships, next steps, their career, that type of thing. But health is a major component as well, and many people will come in because they want physical healing.

So, part of the session when we’re talking with the subconscious, I ask that higher self to look through the physical body and tell me about anything that needs to be resolved. What needs to be healed? What is blocking this person? What can we understand about this accident they had and why they got injured the way they did? So then here, direct from the source, what is being held in the body.
Then I simply ask, well, would it be in his highest and best good to have this healed? 99.9 times the higher self says, sure it can be healed. And then they go about doing it. Sometimes they will say, we can try. And whenever they say, we can try, I know it’s going to be done.
Then I always want to ask, well, that’s wonderful. How’s it being done? What’s happening here? Sometimes they will show a client a scenario from their life, what may have caused it. For example, in the book I talk about this case. I had a woman come in with allergies, severe allergies, to just about everything year-round. It didn’t matter what season.
Well, her higher self took her back to when she was a kid. She was the only girl in a family of five older brothers. So, six children total. Her higher self said, well, she feels nobody listened to her, that nobody paid attention to her. Nobody wanted to hear what she had to say.
QHHT Energy Healing: Witnessing Resolutions
We’re here to tell her that they love her, they adore her, and showed her several scenarios from her life where her family really did listen to her and treasured what she had to say. I’d say about 80% of her allergies got resolved from that. She’s still working on the other 20%, but most of her allergies got resolved just from that. It’s amazing. Which I will say that allergies are a throat chakra issue, which has to do with communication and being heard. That’s me geeking out. So, we can receive healing through this.
Then I always want to ask the higher self too, well, what else do we not ask? What else does this client need to know that we haven’t even addressed yet? And we receive so much from these sessions. It’s amazing. I’ve seen remarkable physical healings. Most dramatically cancer.
A woman came in, she had seen two different specialists and just to get a confirmation, she wanted to have a second opinion, right? So, both said, yes, there is cancer. I can’t remember if it was ovarian or uterine or cervical. It was something like that. Then after the session, she went back to her doctors and they said, well, I don’t know what happened, but it’s no longer there.

Then I’ve also seen ulcerative colitis get healed. I can’t really say healed. I’ve seen it resolved. Shoulder pain, hip pain, gut pain, many, many things just resolved.
A Question About Energy Healing Not Turning Out So Well
[00:41:51] Detective Ev: Well, and you kind of led into my next point cause I wanted to ask about these testimonials. Cause I know there’s probably incredible stories.
I’ve had some hesitancy about asking the next question I want to ask, but I want to ask it. Cause I think if someone listening this far into the podcast, they are probably open to what we’re talking about, and you’ll understand what I’m getting at. It’s not a question I can start off with if they think it’s just a normal health podcast.
So, I told you I’ve studied this quite in depth. I have plenty to freaking learn, don’t get me wrong. But I dive into it and the interesting part about coming at all of this from an atheist perspective is I don’t have any known or particularly strong biases towards any particular religion or religious beliefs of any kind. Like, I just know, okay, something’s real. What could this possibly be? One of the things, cause this has happened to my friends, I’ve seen this. I’m curious for those out there before they start messing with it. It sounds like it’s going very well for you. So, I’d want them to approach this in a proper way.

I think, you know what I mean when I say sometimes people get into this stuff, they are working with something, and the outcomes are not always as beautiful as the ones that you’re talking about. To the degree that we can keep this appropriate for a health podcast, I feel like you probably know what I mean.
Why Energy Healing Sometimes Doesn’t Turn Out Well
If you do, why is it that sometimes people have these really not so great experiences with working with whatever, we’ll refer to them as the higher beings? Versus others, I have heard these too, where there’s miraculous healings and everything about it was wonderful. Do you know what I mean? Why do you think that’s happening?
[00:43:20] Christi Clemons: I do. Honestly, I don’t see that very often with QHHT, but I know it does happen. I’ve heard from many people that this has happened.
Okay, a couple of things. First of all, I believe that all healing is faith healing. All healing is faith healing. If you have faith that the surgery is going to help you, it’s probably gonna help you. If you have faith that this medicine is going to help you, it’s probably gonna help you. If you have faith that QHHT is gonna help you resolve these things, it’s probably gonna help you resolve these things, right? I believe that healing is faith healing. We must believe in the process.

Another thing is that sometimes we hold on so strongly to our illness or disease as a way of identifying with it. This may be very difficult for some to really even process, but sometimes we don’t want to let go of the story of being sick. Sometimes we’re not really ready to let go. We think we are, but it’s like, who would I be if I did not devote all of this time to my illness? So, there is that.
Occasionally and very rarely will, even in QHHT, the subconscious might say, it’s not time for their healing. They need to experience more of this for whatever reason.
Energy Healing: Sometimes Our Sickness Is Not About Us
Be it karmic, be it a lesson that they just were not getting or who knows what else. But for whatever reason, it might not be appropriate at that time.
I always do ask the SC, the subconscious, would it be in the client’s highest and best good to have this resolved? And like I said, most of the time they say yes, or at the very least, we’ll try. But there’s an occasion where they will say, no, the client needs to experience this more.

There’s also the fact that occasionally our illness is not for us. It could be for someone else. Let me explain that. This could be a contractual, a karmically contractual condition between a person and perhaps their mother, a spouse, or a sibling to where they needed to have this experience together. I do hope that makes sense. So, it’s not necessarily just for the client, it could be for someone else’s growth, learning, or healing as well.
[00:45:56] Detective Ev: First of all, there’s some fantastic answers that you’ve given. I appreciate this. I hope that there are people listening that have this area of study, at least somewhat under their belt, in addition to the health, because this is refreshing. I’ll put it that way. It’s not dogmatic, it’s open minded. I just really respect it and love it.
That does make sense what you said at the end. I do believe that there are many things that happen. It’s not just one person. You’re not here on an island. You’re here with a bunch of other human beings at this time. And everything that we do, that butterfly effect thing, has some impact on the world. I definitely believe in that.
Thoughts on the Not So Great Entities
The one other question I want to ask about, all the reasons listed, which I think are very valid. The one thing I didn’t hear, and it could be because it’s not true, so I want to know. These entities that are being communicated with that are helping out or saying, hey, this person needs it longer, do you believe that it is ever possible, just like there are great human beings and human beings that do some not so great things, do you believe that some of the entities do not actually have the best intentions? Or is that not your understanding of the subject?
[00:46:58] Christi Clemons: That’s not been my experience, not with what we’re contacting through QHHT and not what I’m reaching through, through even opening myself up through the Reiki. I’m also a medium and I do angel communication and spirit guide communication. There are ways to protect ourselves so that those can’t come in during a session. So, no, I don’t believe that happens.

[00:47:18] Detective Ev: Got it. You do believe it exists, but you believe there’s ways to protect from it.
Christi Clemons: Oh yes. Yes.
Detective Ev: That makes a little more sense. Awesome. What a cool chat. Definitely different. We’ve done almost 200 episodes, and this is fun.
Christy, it’s taking everything in my power to not go completely off the rails with this, because I gotta keep it in my job. Right? I gotta keep this on health. But man, you and I could probably talk for hours and hours and hours.
I want to bring it in here and wrap it up to some degree.
Where to Find Christi Clemons
Where can people find you and what is it? We’ve talked about a lot of different things. Some are in person, some things I believe are probably not necessarily needed to be done in person. Let’s be concise. What do you offer and where can people find you for those things if they’re interested?

[00:48:03] Christi Clemons: Thank you so much for that opportunity. Yeah, my website is, but it’s not just mine. There are two other practitioners with Radiate Wellness. There is Kathy Lesmeister. I can put a shout out. She’s an energy worker extraordinaire. I do Reiki only and she does like all of the other stuff. She’s amazing.
Then there’s also Mary Jane Staudenmann, who’s based in Geneva, Switzerland. She does astrology and tarot. She’s been my astrologer ever since I was a kid. The three of us are Radiate Wellness, and so
Personally, I offer readings, Reiki, and regression, but Radiate Wellness as a whole offers so much more. I also want to put a shout out for our podcast, the Radiate Wellness Podcast, which Reed Davis has been a guest on, actually he was a couple weeks ago. So that’s available wherever fine podcasts are downloaded as well as on YouTube.
And then yes, most of our sessions can be done online, virtually, even over the phone, except for QHHT. That’s the only thing that must be done in person, in my office, in Prairie Village, Kansas.
[00:49:10] Detective Ev: By the way, guys, I always have to say this in case it’s first-time listeners, obviously we’ll have this all in the show notes, so you guys don’t have to memorize all of it or click rewind. You can check out the links below.
Health Detective Podcast Signature Question
With all this said, I want to finish up today by asking you the signature question that we have on the Health Detective Podcast. This one’s going to be interesting for someone like you. I can’t predict the answer at all.
The question is, if I could give you, Christi, a magic wand and you could wave it and get every single person in this world to do one thing for their health, whether that’s you actually get them to start doing one thing, or maybe you get them to stop doing one thing, what is the one thing that you would get them to do for their health?
[00:49:48] Christi Clemons: I’m having a hard time choosing between resolve your trauma and forgiveness. I’d probably say forgiveness cause that would resolve a lot of trauma.
Detective Ev: I was about to say.

Christi Clemons: So, practice forgiveness. It doesn’t matter what they did, who they are, whether they’re living or deceased, forgiveness is not for them, it’s for you. Resolve it and just let go.
[00:50:12] Detective Ev: Awesome. Thank you so much for coming on today and just bringing me such an interesting topic. I love hosting anyone, but I admit this is a wonderful, fresh thing that I didn’t even fully expect. I read your bio, but I didn’t know how deep this went. You’re definitely my type of person, so thank you so much for coming on today.
[00:50:28] Christi Clemons: Thank you so much. I really appreciate the opportunity. It’s been fun. We’ll have to do this again sometime.
[00:50:34] Detective Ev: All right guys. That’ll do it for today’s episode with Christi Clemons. I know this was a little different, but I hope you guys enjoyed it.
We’d Love Your Feedback
And you know, we always appreciate your feedback one way or another. I’m constantly trying to provide content that I believe or know that you guys will enjoy. I even said recently, we will be doing a lot more episodes.
I have some cool things that are being recorded very soon after this, where people are coming on and analyzing live lab results. Because you guys seemed to love those episodes that we did with Ryan Monahan regarding the thyroid markers. So, we will have more of those coming in soon with completely different labs.
But if you liked this or did not like this, just let me know. Two ways you can do that. You can leave me a comment on Podbean, which would be a public thing. You just search for the Health Detective Podcast on Podbean.

Another way to do this is simply going to our Instagram at FDNtraining. Just shoot us a message. Say, hey Ev, you know what? I really liked this episode. Or, hey Ev you know, I don’t really think I’d want content like that in the future. I’d more like XYZ type of content. Totally fine. Now with that said, I hope that you guys have a great week.
I hope that you’re planning for the rest of your year here. We’re almost done. 2022, it flew by. I feel like the last few years have. This is the time to kind of restore, get prepared, and get planning for the next year. The January and February season in the world of functional medicine and healthcare is a great time to be in those industries. I will tell you that.
There is something to the New Year’s resolution thing. There is something to just a new year. People want to start over, engage in new habits. The holidays are done. There’s no more distractions. There’s very few excuses that can be made. People are ready, man. And they’re usually feeling pretty crappy by this time, depending on where they live, because their light window might only be like 10 hours each day, right? So, they’re not feeling good because of that.

They’ve been eating like crap all winter and now they want to feel better. You can be that solution for them. So, I hope that you’re prepared, and I hope that you’re planning for it. Because every single year, all of us see an influx in clients around the January time.
With that said, again, have a great week and I will look forward to talking to you guys again soon.
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