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Episode 128: Our Loved Ones’ Favorite Plants – FineGardening


For many gardeners, sharing a love of plants with family and friends adds another layer of enjoyment to a very fulfilling pastime. In this episode, Danielle, Carol, and expert guest Catharine Cooke explore plants that have special meaning or associations with their loved ones. Whether it is a dogwood that provides seedlings to share with others, a native orchid that is worth a long hike to see growing in the wild, a buttery colored rose, or “that gangly plant by the stone wall” that Danielle’s husband especially likes, these plants will surely get you thinking about the memories, stories, and connections that make some of the plants in your garden meaningful to you.

Expert guest: Catharine Cooke is a landscape designer and co-owner of Spring Lake Garden Design in Sherman, Connecticut. You can read some of Catharine’s past articles here: 

Danielle’s Plants

Kousa dogwood bark
Kousa dogwood blossoms
Kousa dogwood blossoms

Kousa dogwood bark

Kousa dogwood (Cornus kousa, Zones 5-8)

A variety of Siberian iris
A variety of Siberian iris

Siberian iris (Iris sibirica, Zones 4–9)

Koreanspice viburnum
Koreanspice viburnum

Koreanspice viburnum (Viburnum carlesii, Zones 4–8)

‘Horstmann’s Recurved’ larch (Larix decidua ‘Horstmann’s Recurved’, Zones 2–7)


Carol’s Plants

Lady’s slipper orchid
Lady’s slipper orchid

Lady’s slipper orchid (Cypripedium reginae, Zones 2a–7)

Eastern red cedar
Eastern red cedar (here’s a link to Bill Cullina’s article: Native Plants for the Birds)

Eastern red cedar (Juniperus virginiana, Zones 2–9)

Trailing arbutus, Courtesy of B. Domangue via Wikimedia Commons
Trailing arbutus, Photo: courtesy of B. Domangue via Wikimedia Commons

Trailing arbutus (Epigaea repens, Zones 3–7)

Strawberry rhubarb
Strawberry rhubarb

Strawberry rhubarb (Rheum rhabarbarum, Zones 3–8)


Expert’s Plants

Julia Child™ rose, Photo courtesy of Deb Habr
Julia Child™ rose, Photo: courtesy of Deb Habr

Julia Child™ rose (Rosa ‘Wekvossutono’, Zones 4–9)

‘Constance Spry’ rose, Photo courtesy of T. Kiya via Wikimedia Commons

‘Constance Spry’ rose (Rosa ‘Constance Spry’, Zones 5–10)

‘Constance Spry’ rose, Photo courtesy of T. Kiya via Wikimedia Commons
‘Constance Spry’ rose, Photo courtesy of T. Kiya via Wikimedia Commons

‘New Dawn’ rose (Rosa ‘New Dawn’, Zones 5–10)


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